James Hallowell Holcombe Jr.1,2,3,4
b. 24 August 1947
- Charts
- Four Generations of Descendants of Amherst Holcombe
DNA Descendants of Thomas Holcombe
President Washington and James Holcombe
President John Quincy Adams and James Holcombe
President Filmore and James Holcombe
President Grant and James Holcombe
President Hayes and Jim Holcombe
President Cleveland and James Holcombe
President Taft and James Holcombe
President Hoover and James Holcombe
President Franklin Roosevelt and James Holcombe
President Ford and James Holcombe
President Carter and James Holcombe
President Bush and James Holcombe
Sarah Palin and James Holcombe
Gov. Romney and James Holcombe
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and James Holcombe
Sigourney Weaver and James Holcombe
Molly Moore and James Holcombe
Taylor Swift and James Holcombe
Emily Dickinson and James Holcombe
Brad and Tally to Taylor Swift
James Hallowell Holcombe Jr. was born on 24 August 1947 at St. Vincent Hospital, Sherman, Grayson Co., TX.1,5,6 He was the son of Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe and Ann Josephine Skinner.7,1 James Hallowell Holcombe Jr. was baptized on 3 September 1947 at St. Mary's Carholic Church, Sherman, Grayson, TX. He received First Holy Communion on 23 May 1954 at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church, Cheektowaga, Erie Co., NY. He was confirmed on 4 June 1956 at Holy Angels, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Molly Chappelle Moore, daughter of Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Nan Alsup Norton, on 1 November 1975 at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Raleigh, Wake Co., NC.8,9
I was born in Sherman while Dad was assigned to Perrin Field as part of a post-war project to dismantle Army Air Fields. Harry Truman was President and the post-war economy allowed even military personnel a measure of prosperity. Whenever possible, we were enrolled in Catholic schools. We moved through a succession of military assignments. My earliest memories are of the times I spent on the Cottonade farm with my grandparents. Riding on the tractor, eating watermelon, and playing in the hay loft are the things I remember most.
Only a month afterI was born Dad was reassigned to Ft. Belvoir where Lanny was born. It was there that I was introduced to poison ivy, snapping turtles, and our first TV which was round and green. We next moved to Fayetteville while Dad was assigned to Antartica and to French Indochina. While he was in French Indochina Randy was born. Our next assignment was Buffalo where Rick was born. While there I distinctly remember the first color TVs. Disney produced the Sunday night Disney show in color. I attended St. Alyousious grade school. We then lived three years in Alaska which was certainly much better than the years in Buffalo. We hunted, fished, and camped all summer and skiied and ice skated all winter. I attended High School at Fr. Emil Kapaun Memorial in Wichita, KS. I distinctly remember the day Kennedy was shot while we lived in Wichita. We moved to Korea over the 1963 Christmas holiday and I then graduated from Seoul American HS in 1965.
I attended Santa Clara for one year before the family returned to the US and then I transferred to Dad's Alma Mater, NC State. However, in 1968 the pressures of grades and patriotism caused me to enlist in the Army on 15 April where I attended OCS before being sent to Vietnam on October 28, 1969, as a platoon leader in the 1st Air Cav Division. I earned purple hearts, bronze stars, air medals and a CIB but don't remember the incidents very well. I do remember comrades who died very well. Sgt. Richard Knapp was my platoon sergeant. He was promoted and moved to a different group in the company; shortly thereafter, 29 January 1970, was killed as we moved through a wood line. During the same contact, Private Roy Lee Stringer, a new guy in my platoon, was killed by an RPG even though we had positioned him well back from the line.
One incident I do remember well was an accident in a helicopter. I was riding from a firebase back to the battalion headquarters when the helicopter crashed into the Song Be River. Two of the crew members and one other passenger drowned. I was able to swim to the bank and walk back to the firebase.
On another occasion, February 16th, 1970, we were joined by a new company commander and were attacked that same night and the new company commander was seriously wounded and was sent back to the states (that was an occasion when I was wounded). During the same contact, one of my platoon, Specialist Don Ray McIntire, was killed when a grenade landed near him.
Another time my platoon was ordered to move quite a distance through thick jungle to aid another platoon that had come under heavy fire from a bunker complex and had taken a number of casualties. Just as we arrived at the site, so did a medivac helicopter that was promptly shot down on top of the two combined platoons. This caused additional casualties and prompted a major medivac operation that was conducted entirely at night. The following morning, the combined platoons withdrew to watch Phantom Jets bomb and napalm the bunker complex. When we finally went back into the bunkers, there were only the remains of the enemy that had been there, badly charred by the napalm. There were a number of casualties in the other platoon, but none in mine this time.
I sent all of my original slides to the Vietnam Center and Archive at: Vietnam Center and Archive
In 2016 the Atlanta History Center interviewed me for a National Archives oral history program.
The video can be found at their web page: Atlanta History Center
After about 8 months in the field as a platoon leader, I was assigned to the Battalion S3-Air position, where I planned the daily helicopter activity.10 It was much safer and kept me out of harm's way until my tour was up. I extended in Vietnam for about 10 weeks so that when I reached the States I had less than 90 days remaining in my commitment so they released me early, 21 December just in time for Christmas, 1970.
Immediately following my discharge, I re-entered NCSU majoring in Economics and also began working for the school yearbook. It was there that I was introduced to Molly, by her supervisor at Southern Bell who was dating a friend of mine.
Molly grew up in the exclusive Dallas Highland Park neighborhood. She attended the Robert S. Hayer Grade School, which in 2001 looked just the same as it had in 1957 when she left for Highland Park Junior High (now torn down and rebuilt) . Molly was disappointed when Claude's job took the family to Albuquerque, NM, during High School. There she attended Sandia High School and fell in love with motorcycles; a love that was not reciprocal as she had numerous serious accidents. Her experiences on motorcycles are legendary in the hospitals in Texas and New Mexico.
She began college at North Texas State, but returned to Albuquerque and the University of New Mexico for her remaining education, graduating with honors and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Molly traveled to Charlotte, NC to visit a cousin and be near a friend, Mel Grotberg. A short summer visit turned into a longer stay so she got a job at Southern Bell as a College recruiter. After being introduced to Jim, they began dating between Charlotte and Raleigh.
Over the summer of 1975 I transferred my hours to UNC-Charlotte and they were married in Raleigh. After considerable cajoling by Molly, Jim received his degree in 1976 from UNC-Charlotte and immediately began work, also at Southern Bell, in the marketing department where Molly had herself been transferred.
In May 1977, Molly was promoted and they moved to Atlanta where she was an instructor in the Learning Center and Jim was in the Marketing Department. Molly was shortly promoted again while Jim was responsible for major accounts like the Braves, CNN, the Falcons, Six Flags and other media accounts in Georgia. By the time the census was taken in 1980, we had moved to 3600 Eaglerock Dr., DeKalb Co., GA, where we lived for at least forty two years (at this writing), and raised our two children.
At the divesture of AT&T, we both went with AT&T, still in marketing assignments. In the early eighties, desktop computers were introduced and were accepted into the Holcombe household early on. Brad learned his alphabet on a TI-99er. Jim picked up computer skills early and used them on the job and in genealogy.
Like most members of the "Baby-Boomer" generation, Molly and Jim were caught up in the fitness craze of the 1970's and 80's. They ran in many consecutive Peachtree Road Races, starting in 1979, Atlanta Half-Marathon's and Jim even ran an Atlanta Marathon and a number of triathlons. Both also enjoyed bicycling, often with Brad in a child seat riding behind Jim. However, once the distances got longer than 50 miles, Brad was left at home and a lighter bike was used. Both Molly and Jim enjoyed skiing and did not let the arrival of little ones deter them from continuing to travel, mostly to the West, to ski, but the added responsibilities of ferrying around two very active children to soccer, swimming, and ballet reduced the frequency of the trips to the slopes.
In 1994 I was diagnosed with diabetes that considerably slowed my activities. Denial did not help improve the condition. Worsening eyesight and fatigue finally forced me to better manage my diet and exercise.
While Jim and the children attended Holy Cross Church in Tucker, Molly found attending the Atkinson Road Baptist Church in Lawrenceville rewarding for the first time in her life. Everyone was delighted when she was baptized there to start the New Year in 1997 by Dr. David Zimmerman. She even traveled to the Middle East where she was baptized in the Jordan River.
Jim continued a long family tradition of encounters with wildlife in the household. He was awakened late one night by Molly who had spotted an opossum in the living room. Jim chased the opossum around the room until both he and the animal arrived at the top of the stairs simultaneously. Both fell headlong down the stairs and ended up, stunned, lying at the bottom of the stairs. Jim, however, jumped up quickly and grabbed the opossum behind the neck (stupid!) and took it outside into the driveway. He grabbed a shovel and was raising it to permanently dispatch the opossum when he realized his left arm wouldn't move! It had been dislocated in the fall! The opossum was no dummy and quickly ran off into the azaleas. (He was later captured and shown no mercy!)
October 1995 saw Hurricane Opal come through Georgia and even though we were spared any damage, Georgia was flooded. Brad and Dad joined the Telephone Pioneers and went south to help some folks whose trailer park had been swamped with water over the roofs of the trailers. It was some of the nastiest work we have ever done, but the folks were really appreciative. The family frequently traveled out west to ski; the favorite resort was Steamboat Springs, but we also skied in Park City and other western resorts. Brad got good enough to challenge Dad on the moguls. Even tiny Tally did well, showed no fear, just pointing them down hill and letting it go!
Active lifestyles made adapting another of the twentieth century’s golden inventions a natural, the cell-phone. This is one technology that Molly took to like a duck to water. Wireless technologies made coordinating all of the evening activities a lot easier. Each of us quickly had our own cell phone and Molly picked up on this technology faster than most.
The winter of 2000 saw the first reunion of "Charlie" Company, 2nd Battalion, Fifth Regiment, First Air Cav Division. By coincidence, it was held in Atlanta and I was able to attend. I only recognized about two of my buddies, but with a little imagination was able to recognize the rest (the years had added a few pounds and removed a little hair).
August 2003 found Molly, Jim, and Tally at Gulfshores beach in a condo rented from cousin Bill Bender. After a little tug-of-war, Tally got a Henna tattoo of a peace dove on her left shoulder. Jim and Molly temporarily ignored diets and ate out frequently, especially breakfast at Tacky Jack's. This was the week that Mars was the closest to earth it had been in 60,000 years so an additional pleasure was watching the full moon and Mars rise together at night. Tally and Molly caught up on their reading while Jim worked on his genealogy; Tally dragged Dad up on a para-sailing trip which both enjoyed. Brad stayed in Atlanta studying for the GRE and attending the funeral of friend Guy Luke.
The end of 2003 found Jim's job outsourced to Hewlett Packard so he retired from AT&T after 27 years on March 15, 2004. In part to celebrate, the family went to St. Simons Island for a week and, again, ate themselves silly, but had a wonderful time. Retirement gave Jim the time to do a few chores around the house, like having hardwood floors installed, replacing all the blinds, getting the inside of the house painted, and redoing the bathroom. Jim even got back into bike riding. But all of this activity eventually wore him out so in September, he went back to work for King & Spalding, an Atlanta law firm, in their IT department.
Molly too, finally accepted the inevitable in March 2006 and retired from AT&T after 36 years. It really didn't change her lifestyle much, she just started playing more tennis! With both kids off to school, we filled in the void with two GoldenDoodles, Brandy and Clancy. Brad and Tally were a little put out that we had finally gotten dogs after they left. Molly's tennis was a good excuse to vacation twice a year at Hilton Head where Molly attended a tennis camp and Jim worked on his genealogy.
May 2006 was the occassion of a number of significant events in the family, not the least being Molly and Diane's 60th birthdays. So the whole family assembled in Hilton Head for a week of meeting and eating. Thus began a series of celebrations everytime someone in the family turned 60 or had a significant wedding anniversary. In 2009 it was Joe's 60th orchestrated ably by Amy. In June 2009 many of the Skinner descendants got together near Asheville to remember Bart Ferchaud.
For us 2015 was another significant year. Tally and Chris got married in May, little Molly was born in August, and we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary November 1st. Christmas had a surprise as Tally and Chris showed up and hid behind the tree when we came in. January 2016 saw Jim finally retire from King & Spalding and begin another career babysitting! With some of the spare time retirement provided we began hiking in north Georgia along the Appalachian Trail, usually with either Brandy or Indy along. In fact, for the 2017 Eclipse that just crossed Georgia in the Northeast corner, we hiked up Pinnacle Knob near Clayton to watch. 2016 brought us little Abby and more fun at Brad's household.
2020 began with a lot of promise. Jim had begun a lifelong dream of working for the census and Tally's twins were due in April. Then the SARS-CoV-2 virus lockdown started in March. The census went on as did the arrival of the twins! We struggled with the minimum restrictions that Georgia imposed by taking advantage of home delivery options and "senior hours" at the grocery stores. It wasn't until late that year that we deemed it safe enough for Molly to fly to Proidence to visit the new grandkids. So fiinally 2021 gave us some hope. We were among the first in line to get our vaccines and looked forward to more freedom to get out. Then on February 8th, while driving Abby to pre-school, Jim had a heart attack and drove himself to Emory. After heart rehab and other therapy Jim slowly recovered. He missed the Peachtree Road Race, but Brad used his number to walk with Molly, recreating their 1991 race. As the initial variant of the virus wained, we attended a joint 75th birthday celebration for Molly and Dianne in Greensboro, Rob's ceremony taking command of the garrison at Ft. Rucker, and then Joe and Dianne's 50th wedding anniversary, again in Greensboro.
I was born in Sherman while Dad was assigned to Perrin Field as part of a post-war project to dismantle Army Air Fields. Harry Truman was President and the post-war economy allowed even military personnel a measure of prosperity. Whenever possible, we were enrolled in Catholic schools. We moved through a succession of military assignments. My earliest memories are of the times I spent on the Cottonade farm with my grandparents. Riding on the tractor, eating watermelon, and playing in the hay loft are the things I remember most.
Only a month afterI was born Dad was reassigned to Ft. Belvoir where Lanny was born. It was there that I was introduced to poison ivy, snapping turtles, and our first TV which was round and green. We next moved to Fayetteville while Dad was assigned to Antartica and to French Indochina. While he was in French Indochina Randy was born. Our next assignment was Buffalo where Rick was born. While there I distinctly remember the first color TVs. Disney produced the Sunday night Disney show in color. I attended St. Alyousious grade school. We then lived three years in Alaska which was certainly much better than the years in Buffalo. We hunted, fished, and camped all summer and skiied and ice skated all winter. I attended High School at Fr. Emil Kapaun Memorial in Wichita, KS. I distinctly remember the day Kennedy was shot while we lived in Wichita. We moved to Korea over the 1963 Christmas holiday and I then graduated from Seoul American HS in 1965.
I attended Santa Clara for one year before the family returned to the US and then I transferred to Dad's Alma Mater, NC State. However, in 1968 the pressures of grades and patriotism caused me to enlist in the Army on 15 April where I attended OCS before being sent to Vietnam on October 28, 1969, as a platoon leader in the 1st Air Cav Division. I earned purple hearts, bronze stars, air medals and a CIB but don't remember the incidents very well. I do remember comrades who died very well. Sgt. Richard Knapp was my platoon sergeant. He was promoted and moved to a different group in the company; shortly thereafter, 29 January 1970, was killed as we moved through a wood line. During the same contact, Private Roy Lee Stringer, a new guy in my platoon, was killed by an RPG even though we had positioned him well back from the line.
One incident I do remember well was an accident in a helicopter. I was riding from a firebase back to the battalion headquarters when the helicopter crashed into the Song Be River. Two of the crew members and one other passenger drowned. I was able to swim to the bank and walk back to the firebase.
On another occasion, February 16th, 1970, we were joined by a new company commander and were attacked that same night and the new company commander was seriously wounded and was sent back to the states (that was an occasion when I was wounded). During the same contact, one of my platoon, Specialist Don Ray McIntire, was killed when a grenade landed near him.
Another time my platoon was ordered to move quite a distance through thick jungle to aid another platoon that had come under heavy fire from a bunker complex and had taken a number of casualties. Just as we arrived at the site, so did a medivac helicopter that was promptly shot down on top of the two combined platoons. This caused additional casualties and prompted a major medivac operation that was conducted entirely at night. The following morning, the combined platoons withdrew to watch Phantom Jets bomb and napalm the bunker complex. When we finally went back into the bunkers, there were only the remains of the enemy that had been there, badly charred by the napalm. There were a number of casualties in the other platoon, but none in mine this time.
I sent all of my original slides to the Vietnam Center and Archive at: Vietnam Center and Archive
In 2016 the Atlanta History Center interviewed me for a National Archives oral history program.
The video can be found at their web page: Atlanta History Center
After about 8 months in the field as a platoon leader, I was assigned to the Battalion S3-Air position, where I planned the daily helicopter activity.10 It was much safer and kept me out of harm's way until my tour was up. I extended in Vietnam for about 10 weeks so that when I reached the States I had less than 90 days remaining in my commitment so they released me early, 21 December just in time for Christmas, 1970.
Immediately following my discharge, I re-entered NCSU majoring in Economics and also began working for the school yearbook. It was there that I was introduced to Molly, by her supervisor at Southern Bell who was dating a friend of mine.
Molly grew up in the exclusive Dallas Highland Park neighborhood. She attended the Robert S. Hayer Grade School, which in 2001 looked just the same as it had in 1957 when she left for Highland Park Junior High (now torn down and rebuilt) . Molly was disappointed when Claude's job took the family to Albuquerque, NM, during High School. There she attended Sandia High School and fell in love with motorcycles; a love that was not reciprocal as she had numerous serious accidents. Her experiences on motorcycles are legendary in the hospitals in Texas and New Mexico.
She began college at North Texas State, but returned to Albuquerque and the University of New Mexico for her remaining education, graduating with honors and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Molly traveled to Charlotte, NC to visit a cousin and be near a friend, Mel Grotberg. A short summer visit turned into a longer stay so she got a job at Southern Bell as a College recruiter. After being introduced to Jim, they began dating between Charlotte and Raleigh.
Over the summer of 1975 I transferred my hours to UNC-Charlotte and they were married in Raleigh. After considerable cajoling by Molly, Jim received his degree in 1976 from UNC-Charlotte and immediately began work, also at Southern Bell, in the marketing department where Molly had herself been transferred.
In May 1977, Molly was promoted and they moved to Atlanta where she was an instructor in the Learning Center and Jim was in the Marketing Department. Molly was shortly promoted again while Jim was responsible for major accounts like the Braves, CNN, the Falcons, Six Flags and other media accounts in Georgia. By the time the census was taken in 1980, we had moved to 3600 Eaglerock Dr., DeKalb Co., GA, where we lived for at least forty two years (at this writing), and raised our two children.
At the divesture of AT&T, we both went with AT&T, still in marketing assignments. In the early eighties, desktop computers were introduced and were accepted into the Holcombe household early on. Brad learned his alphabet on a TI-99er. Jim picked up computer skills early and used them on the job and in genealogy.
Like most members of the "Baby-Boomer" generation, Molly and Jim were caught up in the fitness craze of the 1970's and 80's. They ran in many consecutive Peachtree Road Races, starting in 1979, Atlanta Half-Marathon's and Jim even ran an Atlanta Marathon and a number of triathlons. Both also enjoyed bicycling, often with Brad in a child seat riding behind Jim. However, once the distances got longer than 50 miles, Brad was left at home and a lighter bike was used. Both Molly and Jim enjoyed skiing and did not let the arrival of little ones deter them from continuing to travel, mostly to the West, to ski, but the added responsibilities of ferrying around two very active children to soccer, swimming, and ballet reduced the frequency of the trips to the slopes.
In 1994 I was diagnosed with diabetes that considerably slowed my activities. Denial did not help improve the condition. Worsening eyesight and fatigue finally forced me to better manage my diet and exercise.
While Jim and the children attended Holy Cross Church in Tucker, Molly found attending the Atkinson Road Baptist Church in Lawrenceville rewarding for the first time in her life. Everyone was delighted when she was baptized there to start the New Year in 1997 by Dr. David Zimmerman. She even traveled to the Middle East where she was baptized in the Jordan River.
Jim continued a long family tradition of encounters with wildlife in the household. He was awakened late one night by Molly who had spotted an opossum in the living room. Jim chased the opossum around the room until both he and the animal arrived at the top of the stairs simultaneously. Both fell headlong down the stairs and ended up, stunned, lying at the bottom of the stairs. Jim, however, jumped up quickly and grabbed the opossum behind the neck (stupid!) and took it outside into the driveway. He grabbed a shovel and was raising it to permanently dispatch the opossum when he realized his left arm wouldn't move! It had been dislocated in the fall! The opossum was no dummy and quickly ran off into the azaleas. (He was later captured and shown no mercy!)
October 1995 saw Hurricane Opal come through Georgia and even though we were spared any damage, Georgia was flooded. Brad and Dad joined the Telephone Pioneers and went south to help some folks whose trailer park had been swamped with water over the roofs of the trailers. It was some of the nastiest work we have ever done, but the folks were really appreciative. The family frequently traveled out west to ski; the favorite resort was Steamboat Springs, but we also skied in Park City and other western resorts. Brad got good enough to challenge Dad on the moguls. Even tiny Tally did well, showed no fear, just pointing them down hill and letting it go!
Active lifestyles made adapting another of the twentieth century’s golden inventions a natural, the cell-phone. This is one technology that Molly took to like a duck to water. Wireless technologies made coordinating all of the evening activities a lot easier. Each of us quickly had our own cell phone and Molly picked up on this technology faster than most.
The winter of 2000 saw the first reunion of "Charlie" Company, 2nd Battalion, Fifth Regiment, First Air Cav Division. By coincidence, it was held in Atlanta and I was able to attend. I only recognized about two of my buddies, but with a little imagination was able to recognize the rest (the years had added a few pounds and removed a little hair).
August 2003 found Molly, Jim, and Tally at Gulfshores beach in a condo rented from cousin Bill Bender. After a little tug-of-war, Tally got a Henna tattoo of a peace dove on her left shoulder. Jim and Molly temporarily ignored diets and ate out frequently, especially breakfast at Tacky Jack's. This was the week that Mars was the closest to earth it had been in 60,000 years so an additional pleasure was watching the full moon and Mars rise together at night. Tally and Molly caught up on their reading while Jim worked on his genealogy; Tally dragged Dad up on a para-sailing trip which both enjoyed. Brad stayed in Atlanta studying for the GRE and attending the funeral of friend Guy Luke.
The end of 2003 found Jim's job outsourced to Hewlett Packard so he retired from AT&T after 27 years on March 15, 2004. In part to celebrate, the family went to St. Simons Island for a week and, again, ate themselves silly, but had a wonderful time. Retirement gave Jim the time to do a few chores around the house, like having hardwood floors installed, replacing all the blinds, getting the inside of the house painted, and redoing the bathroom. Jim even got back into bike riding. But all of this activity eventually wore him out so in September, he went back to work for King & Spalding, an Atlanta law firm, in their IT department.
Molly too, finally accepted the inevitable in March 2006 and retired from AT&T after 36 years. It really didn't change her lifestyle much, she just started playing more tennis! With both kids off to school, we filled in the void with two GoldenDoodles, Brandy and Clancy. Brad and Tally were a little put out that we had finally gotten dogs after they left. Molly's tennis was a good excuse to vacation twice a year at Hilton Head where Molly attended a tennis camp and Jim worked on his genealogy.
May 2006 was the occassion of a number of significant events in the family, not the least being Molly and Diane's 60th birthdays. So the whole family assembled in Hilton Head for a week of meeting and eating. Thus began a series of celebrations everytime someone in the family turned 60 or had a significant wedding anniversary. In 2009 it was Joe's 60th orchestrated ably by Amy. In June 2009 many of the Skinner descendants got together near Asheville to remember Bart Ferchaud.
For us 2015 was another significant year. Tally and Chris got married in May, little Molly was born in August, and we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary November 1st. Christmas had a surprise as Tally and Chris showed up and hid behind the tree when we came in. January 2016 saw Jim finally retire from King & Spalding and begin another career babysitting! With some of the spare time retirement provided we began hiking in north Georgia along the Appalachian Trail, usually with either Brandy or Indy along. In fact, for the 2017 Eclipse that just crossed Georgia in the Northeast corner, we hiked up Pinnacle Knob near Clayton to watch. 2016 brought us little Abby and more fun at Brad's household.
2020 began with a lot of promise. Jim had begun a lifelong dream of working for the census and Tally's twins were due in April. Then the SARS-CoV-2 virus lockdown started in March. The census went on as did the arrival of the twins! We struggled with the minimum restrictions that Georgia imposed by taking advantage of home delivery options and "senior hours" at the grocery stores. It wasn't until late that year that we deemed it safe enough for Molly to fly to Proidence to visit the new grandkids. So fiinally 2021 gave us some hope. We were among the first in line to get our vaccines and looked forward to more freedom to get out. Then on February 8th, while driving Abby to pre-school, Jim had a heart attack and drove himself to Emory. After heart rehab and other therapy Jim slowly recovered. He missed the Peachtree Road Race, but Brad used his number to walk with Molly, recreating their 1991 race. As the initial variant of the virus wained, we attended a joint 75th birthday celebration for Molly and Dianne in Greensboro, Rob's ceremony taking command of the garrison at Ft. Rucker, and then Joe and Dianne's 50th wedding anniversary, again in Greensboro.
- [S3] James H. Holcombe Jr., Birth Certificate 215856 (Sept 9, 1947).
- [S1] William Bradley Holcombe, Birth Certificate 110-81-003931 (2 Feb 1981).
- [S5] Unknown volume, Holcombe, James Baptism, September 3, 1947, St. Mary's Church, 115 E. Eagle Lane, Sherman, TX.
- [S6] Natalie Ann Holcombe, Birth Certificate 110-87-094337 (10 Dec 1987).
- [S787] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com
- [S854] St. Vincent's Hospital Birth Certificate entry, Hospital Birth Certificate (24 August 1947).
- [S336] Ancestry.com, 1950 US Federal census, Fort Belvoir Military Reservation, Fairfax, Virginia, Roll 3019, Sheet 1, ED 30-45A, line 28.
- [S556] Certificate, James Hallowell Holcombe and Molly Chappelle Moore marriage of 1 November 1975.
- [S856] Certificate, James H. Holcombe and Molly C. Moore marriage of 1 Novembe 1975.
- [S836] Military Service Record, DD-214:James Holcombe.
Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe1,2,3,4
b. 29 September 1916, d. 31 October 1976
- Charts
- Four Generations of Descendants of Amherst Holcombe
DNA Descendants of Thomas Holcombe
President Washington and James Holcombe
President John Quincy Adams and James Holcombe
President Filmore and James Holcombe
President Grant and James Holcombe
President Hayes and Jim Holcombe
President Cleveland and James Holcombe
President Taft and James Holcombe
President Hoover and James Holcombe
President Franklin Roosevelt and James Holcombe
President Ford and James Holcombe
President Carter and James Holcombe
President Bush and James Holcombe
Sarah Palin and James Holcombe
Gov. Romney and James Holcombe
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and James Holcombe
Sigourney Weaver and James Holcombe
Molly Moore and James Holcombe
Taylor Swift and James Holcombe
Emily Dickinson and James Holcombe
Brad and Tally to Taylor Swift
Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe was born on 29 September 1916 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC.5,6 James was christened at First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. He was the son of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell. James married Ann Josephine Skinner, daughter of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty, on 29 January 1942 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.7 Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe retired from military service on 31 July 1967 at Ft. Belvoir, VA; as a Lt. Col. James died on 31 October 1976 at Moncrief Army Hospital, Ft. Jackson, Columbia, Richland Co., SC, at age 604,6,8, and was buried on 2 November 1976 at Rosemont Cemetery, Newberry, Newberry Co., SC.9
Jas was born at home at Wat Coosa Farm, Fayetteville, on Wilmington Road, about 2-3 miles south of Fayetteville. The 1920 US Census shows James living with his parents. He was born when Woodrow Wilson was president and just as America entered World War I.
Frank Holcombe lost the farm during the depression and the family moved across the road to a house that they still owned. They moved to Fayetteville in 1927 to Russell St. and lived there until January 1934 when they moved to the Cottonade Farm. Cottonade was six miles northwest of Fayetteville on the road to Sanford, next to Fort Bragg. The family resided there until after Frank Holcombe's death in 1952.
Jas graduated from Fayetteville High School in 1934, in the midst of the depression, shortly after Franklin Roosevelt took office as president. His school yearbook noted "Captain Freshman basketball '31; Varsity Basketball '32-'34; Varsity Football '32-'34; President Garden Club '31; Track '31; Glee Club '33; Monogram Club '33-'34; HiY '33-'34; Handsomest '34; French Club '34; "Zig-Zag" Staff '34. He then attended Mount Hermon School, Mt. Hermon, Mass., where his father had also attended, for the 1934-1935 school year.
Dad was enumerated at home in Fayetteville on 1 April 1940 for the federal census while he was a student in Raleigh. He graduated from N. C. State College in June 1940 with a degree in Engineering and an ROTC commission in the U.S. Army in 1940. Member Upsilon Sigma Alpha (ROTC fraternity). He stayed out one year (Sept. 36-Sept. 37) to work at the Cumberland Dairy. He used to tell a story about the boarding house he stayed in near campus. He roomed there with Bill Friday who later became chancellor of the North Carolina University System. It was virtually unheated and snow blew into the room through cracks in the roof. They slept in their overcoats.
His first assignment in the Army was to the Office of US Army District Engineer, Mobile, Alabama. He was the inspector of construction on the Aircraft Engine Test Building and Aircraft Hangers at the Brookley Army Air Base. He was assigned there from July 1941 to January 1942.
While in Mobile James found lodging at the family residence of the Skinners at 8 Semmes Street. While there everyone assumed and encouraged a romance with Margaret Rose. However, James soon began courting Ann.
Like Aunt Sallie, Ann's birth year was a mystery to her family and friends, but the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception confirmed that she was born on October 30th 1915. At birth she was named Anna Josephine after her maternal aunt. When they were children, Ann's Grandfather McCafferty (died 1919) would come visiting every Sunday bringing all sorts of goodies. At the time their house had a white picket fence and Grandfather Skinner, who was about 80 then, vaulted over the fence rather than use the gate. Ann remembered pleading with her father for a baby cow. He finally relented, bringing home a cow and calf. Joseph Edward Skinner had a vegetable garden and he let the children sit on the plow as he worked. He often took the children, even the girls, target practicing with a rifle. He gave Ann a gold ring that had been given to him by Margaret Rose, it had a diamond and a ruby.
The family spent the summers over the bay at Battle's Wharf. They enjoyed swimming, fishing, catching crabs and floundering. They had bonfires and 'weener' roasts and the ice cream wagon came every afternoon. Their mother loved to plan outings that would teach them how things were made. She took them to the bakery to watch them make bread and rolls; she took along butter so they could have hot rolls just as they came from the big ovens. She took them to the candy store to watch them make huge, long strips of peppermint candy. She planned trips to Monroe Park so they could enjoy the rides. Their father would read to them at night while their mother was doing the dinner dishes. They had many pets; dogs, cats, flying squirrels, possums, rabbits, "coons", and even an alligator that their mother made them get rid of in a very short time.
Ann's family had moved to Monterey Street in 1925, shortly before her mother's death. After her death, her sister, Sarah McCafferty, moved in to help take care of the seven children. The family moved to a larger house at 8 Semmes Avenue.
Ann and her sisters attended the Visitation Academy where Ann graduated in 1934. Ann was chosen Queen of the Coronation during her senior year. After her mother's death Ann tried so hard to please her Grandmother McCafferty and Aunt Sallie, but she felt that she could never do anything as well as her sister Margaret Rose. Even though it was the depression and there were few jobs available, their father insisted that they stay busy so they went to work at a bank for little or no money at all. Eventually Ann went to work permanently at the Waterman Shipyard. She was working there when the war began and the Army asked Mobile residents to make rooms available for soldiers.
In November 1941 Ann chose James to escort her as she led the Zinnias Cotillion at the Visitation Academy. They probably danced to tunes by Glenn Miller, maybe "In the Mood", that was popular then. Because of his impending transfer to Langley Army Air Base, they moved their wedding from April (Easter) to January.
They were married on Thursday, January 29, in the rectory of St. Mary's Church (James was a Presbyterian and they were not permitted to be married in the church.) Monsignor J. R. O'Donoghue officiated at the ceremony, Margaret Rose Skinner was the maid of honor and Ann Spencer was bridesmaid. The best man was E.A. Hirs, ushers were John T. Skinner and Donald J. Skinner. Ann's uncle, E. R Skinner, gave her away in marriage. She wore a gown of ivory faille, made on old-fashioned lines, with a square neck and fitted basque. White calla lilies fashioned her bouquet. The bride's ornament was an antique gold cross and chain which is a family heirloom. Ann was married with her mother's wedding ring, this heavy gold ring being inscribed on one side with her father's name to his bride, and on the other side Lieutenant Holcombe to his bride.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of Sarah McCafferty, and then they honeymooned at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear. They then left in a new car to visit James' family in Fayetteville. The family was not able to attend because of the sudden change in plans that was necessitated by James' reassignment to Langley AAB.
James' assignment at Langley Army Air Base was the headquarters of the newly formed 21st Engineer Aviation Regiment. From June 1942 to December 1942 he was a Company Commander in the 21st. He trained a company of approximately 170 men and officers in techniques and know-how of airfield construction prior to their overseas movement. From March 1943 to December 1943 he was the company commander of an Engineer Aviation Company in North Africa where he directed an operations company of approximately 170 men and officers in construction of temporary and semi-permanent airfields. It was there that he fashioned special handgrips for his service 45 made of the clear windows from a bomber so that you could see a photo of Ann that was under it.
From December 1943 until August 1945 he was the Battalion Executive Officer, 838th Engineer Aviation Bn. in North Africa and Italy. He supervised approximately 800 men and officers in design and construction of temporary and permanent airfields to include runways, taxiways and necessary facilities. The Engineer Aviation Battalion was a unique organization established during WWII for the specific purpose “of independently constructing an advanced airdrome and all appurtenances.’’ It had a lavish amount of equipment, numbering 220 items for construction and 146 vehicles—diesel tractors with bulldozers, carry-all scrapers, graders, gasoline shovels, rollers, mixers, air compressors, drills, trucks, trailers, asphalting and concreting equipment, rock crushers, draglines, and pumps—for its mission. Only in the United States could engineers plan on such a scale. The 838th EAB and others in the 21st were unique for another reason: they were almost exclusively manned by black enlisted men under the then segregated system existing in the US Army. Managing units of this size and composition in the South created special problems of their own. The Battalion arrived in North Africa on 15 February 1943. James was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on 29 September 1944. The Battalion transferred to Italy on 29 September 1944. It was given credit for participation in the “North Apennines” campaign, 10 September 1944 – 4 April 1945. It appears the Battalion was assigned to the 12th Air Force during it deployment to Africa and Italy.
In addition to airfield construction, the engineers were also responsible for repairing water systems wherever they were. At one location, they found an ice plant that was not serviceable, and, while not part of their mission, they made a deal with the owner that if they repaired it, he would supply them with ice. Once they had the ice, they began to make ice cream. They traded a day's supply of ice cream with the quartermaster for first pick on the equipment and supplies they needed.
Upon returning after the war, from December 1946 until April 1947, he was an observer with Admiral Byrd's 1946-'47 Antarctic Expedition. While with the expedition he directed part of the construction of the base and emergency camps. Upon completion of the expedition, James was assigned to supervise the demolition of Foster and Perrin Fields in Victoria and Sherman, Texas, as Post Engineer where Jim was born in Sherman.
Pm 1 July 1948 James was promoted to Captain and in August they moved to Ft. Belvoir where he attended the Advanced Engineer Officers Course. While at Ft. Belvoir, Joseph, their second son was born. Following the Advanced Course, Capt. Holcombe was Chief, Civil components Branch, Dept. of Extension Instruction, the Engineer School, charged with preparing and assembly of unit training material to Engineering units of the National Guard and ROTC. He was later Student Supervisor, the Engineer School, to approximately 3,000 students (officers and EM) enrolled in various engineering resident courses. James H. and Ann were enumeratedat Ft. Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA in the 1950 Federal census, ED30-45A. They were both listed as 33. Also in the household were James Jr. and Joseph L.10
While in Ft. Belvoir, the family first saw a television. It had a round, green screen in a large wood console. It was a time of many technological changes that would affect the family. They lived on 65 Jadwin Loop, Ft. Belvoir, during the 1950 census. The proximity to Fayetteville permitted many trips via US Highway 1. The trip down the two-lane road was enhanced by miles of wild day-lilies that lined the sides of the roads.
On census day, 1 Aprl 1950, the family was still in Ft. Belvoir. From December 1951 to December 1952 James was assigned as Operations Officer, Army Section and Staff Engineer, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Indo-China (Vietnam). As such he was Engineer Consultant to the French Armed Forces. He fondly remembers riding a Lambretta up Highway 1 from Saigon to Hanoi. The family continued to receive Christmas cards from acquaintances James made in what became North Vietnam until 1965. While James was in Vietnam, the family stayed in Fayetteville and spent a lot of time with the Struthers relatives. Randy was born and James' arrival home in the middle of the night was made all the more exciting by the arm full of oriental presents he brought.
In January 1953 he was assigned as the Executive Officer for the US Army district Engineer, Buffalo, NY. On 2 July 1953 he was promoted to major. During this tour, the District designed and constructed the US portion of Niagara Falls Remedial work, designed and completed the first year of construction on the US portion of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The family, now with four sons, traveled often to Canada and Niagara Falls. There were so many boys that James bought the family a pet, a dachshund, so they could all pat it at the same time. It was beloved by the children, but was left behind when they transferred again. Rick was born while they lived there at 88 West Cleveland Drive. James constructed the largest imaginable swing-set in the back yard that was enjoyed by all the children in the neighborhood.
July 1956 found the family reassigned to Alaska. It became the family practice to make these transfers during school's summer break. They would load up the family station wagon, in this case a 1955 Chevy wagon, and travel cross-country and visit all the relatives. This time the trip included Yellowstone Park. Initially, the family was assigned quarters on Ft. Richardson and the family quickly settled into those many activities available in a near wilderness for four young boys. Jim Jr. and Joe hunted and camped with their Dad while the whole family skied and ice-skated all winter. After a year the family moved into larger quarters on Elmendorf AFB. James had been assigned there as Chief of Construction and Real Estate, Alaska Command and was responsible for review of all Army and Air Force master Plans. He had made Major with the move to Alaska. It was with great regret that the family left Alaska in the summer of 1959. Again they traveled across country, however, this time with a 19 ft. trailer, visiting the northern cousins, including Auntie Jane in Iowa, where the family visited the Hallowell family homes.
They came to rest at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, where James was a student at the US Army Command and General Staff College. The trailer that everyone had loved became their home for the four months of the course and was not so fondly remembered afterwards.
James' next assignment, from January to September 1960 was as CO, 2d Engineer Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, Fort Benning, GA. They lived one block from the officers' golf course, at 404 Zuckerman, where James and Jim Jr. often played. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on 29 September 1961.
The family was then moved back to Kansas this time Wichita, where James was first Deputy Engineer, then Engineer of the Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office (CEBMCO). He was responsible for the construction of 18 Titan II missile-launching facilities and the associated on-base support facilities. He administered contracts amounting to over $108 million and employed over 200 military and civilian personnel. He received much recognition for having the best safety record of all such facilities and still coming in under budget and on time. It was a record he was very proud of. The family first lived off post in Derby, Kansas, and then found post housing at McConnell AFB. The family was in Kansas from October 1960 to December 1963. There the boys started high school and started driving.
In the middle of the school year, January 1964, the family transferred to Seoul Korea, where James was Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, PROVMAAG-K. There he advised the Korean Armed Forces of the US policies and positions and assisted them on all construction, maintenance and repair matters. The family had initially been horrified about moving to Korea, but quickly fell in love with the Yong-San facility and its residents. Ann quickly found that prices for all goods and services were remarkably low and soon had a full-time maid, Miss "E" who spoiled the family with her cooking. Without household chores to take up their time, the family quickly became involved in the many social activities at the facility; James in golf, Ann in bridge, Jim and Joe in judo, and all of the kids in the teen club and other on-post activities.
James' final assignment before retirement was from August 1966 to July 31, 1967, was as the Deputy Director, Department of Mechanical and Technical Equipment, US Army Engineer School, Ft. Belvoir, VA. James retired to become the director of the Physical Plant at Newberry College, SC. It was a job that perfectly suited his skills and their social lives. They lived in a large house at 1925 Harrington Street for many years where they were known for hosting an Easter Party each year that brought out all of Newberry's society to hunt for "Easter Eggs" (miniature liquors) in the back yard. After suffering with emphysema for a few years, James finally died from complications, including lung cancer, from the years of smoking since his childhood.
In August 1986, the Skinner clan had a reunion at Gulf Shores, Alabama, just across the bay from Mobile. Most of the families were represented, with even some of Donald's children attending. The highlight of the reunion was the grand entrance of Aunt Sally, who couldn't climb the stairs to the elevated first floor of the condominium so had to be carried by her "sons" up the stairs.
Even though she was first diagnosed with uterine or cervical cancer in 1970, and had a total hysterectomy, Ann was cancer-free until the last year of her life, when she contracted colon cancer. She lived longer than the doctors had predicted, probably because of the nursing of her sister Billie. Ann and James are buried together in the Rosemont Cemetery. Randy's baby is buried at their feet.
Jas was born at home at Wat Coosa Farm, Fayetteville, on Wilmington Road, about 2-3 miles south of Fayetteville. The 1920 US Census shows James living with his parents. He was born when Woodrow Wilson was president and just as America entered World War I.
Frank Holcombe lost the farm during the depression and the family moved across the road to a house that they still owned. They moved to Fayetteville in 1927 to Russell St. and lived there until January 1934 when they moved to the Cottonade Farm. Cottonade was six miles northwest of Fayetteville on the road to Sanford, next to Fort Bragg. The family resided there until after Frank Holcombe's death in 1952.
Jas graduated from Fayetteville High School in 1934, in the midst of the depression, shortly after Franklin Roosevelt took office as president. His school yearbook noted "Captain Freshman basketball '31; Varsity Basketball '32-'34; Varsity Football '32-'34; President Garden Club '31; Track '31; Glee Club '33; Monogram Club '33-'34; HiY '33-'34; Handsomest '34; French Club '34; "Zig-Zag" Staff '34. He then attended Mount Hermon School, Mt. Hermon, Mass., where his father had also attended, for the 1934-1935 school year.
Dad was enumerated at home in Fayetteville on 1 April 1940 for the federal census while he was a student in Raleigh. He graduated from N. C. State College in June 1940 with a degree in Engineering and an ROTC commission in the U.S. Army in 1940. Member Upsilon Sigma Alpha (ROTC fraternity). He stayed out one year (Sept. 36-Sept. 37) to work at the Cumberland Dairy. He used to tell a story about the boarding house he stayed in near campus. He roomed there with Bill Friday who later became chancellor of the North Carolina University System. It was virtually unheated and snow blew into the room through cracks in the roof. They slept in their overcoats.
His first assignment in the Army was to the Office of US Army District Engineer, Mobile, Alabama. He was the inspector of construction on the Aircraft Engine Test Building and Aircraft Hangers at the Brookley Army Air Base. He was assigned there from July 1941 to January 1942.
While in Mobile James found lodging at the family residence of the Skinners at 8 Semmes Street. While there everyone assumed and encouraged a romance with Margaret Rose. However, James soon began courting Ann.
Like Aunt Sallie, Ann's birth year was a mystery to her family and friends, but the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception confirmed that she was born on October 30th 1915. At birth she was named Anna Josephine after her maternal aunt. When they were children, Ann's Grandfather McCafferty (died 1919) would come visiting every Sunday bringing all sorts of goodies. At the time their house had a white picket fence and Grandfather Skinner, who was about 80 then, vaulted over the fence rather than use the gate. Ann remembered pleading with her father for a baby cow. He finally relented, bringing home a cow and calf. Joseph Edward Skinner had a vegetable garden and he let the children sit on the plow as he worked. He often took the children, even the girls, target practicing with a rifle. He gave Ann a gold ring that had been given to him by Margaret Rose, it had a diamond and a ruby.
The family spent the summers over the bay at Battle's Wharf. They enjoyed swimming, fishing, catching crabs and floundering. They had bonfires and 'weener' roasts and the ice cream wagon came every afternoon. Their mother loved to plan outings that would teach them how things were made. She took them to the bakery to watch them make bread and rolls; she took along butter so they could have hot rolls just as they came from the big ovens. She took them to the candy store to watch them make huge, long strips of peppermint candy. She planned trips to Monroe Park so they could enjoy the rides. Their father would read to them at night while their mother was doing the dinner dishes. They had many pets; dogs, cats, flying squirrels, possums, rabbits, "coons", and even an alligator that their mother made them get rid of in a very short time.
Ann's family had moved to Monterey Street in 1925, shortly before her mother's death. After her death, her sister, Sarah McCafferty, moved in to help take care of the seven children. The family moved to a larger house at 8 Semmes Avenue.
Ann and her sisters attended the Visitation Academy where Ann graduated in 1934. Ann was chosen Queen of the Coronation during her senior year. After her mother's death Ann tried so hard to please her Grandmother McCafferty and Aunt Sallie, but she felt that she could never do anything as well as her sister Margaret Rose. Even though it was the depression and there were few jobs available, their father insisted that they stay busy so they went to work at a bank for little or no money at all. Eventually Ann went to work permanently at the Waterman Shipyard. She was working there when the war began and the Army asked Mobile residents to make rooms available for soldiers.
In November 1941 Ann chose James to escort her as she led the Zinnias Cotillion at the Visitation Academy. They probably danced to tunes by Glenn Miller, maybe "In the Mood", that was popular then. Because of his impending transfer to Langley Army Air Base, they moved their wedding from April (Easter) to January.
They were married on Thursday, January 29, in the rectory of St. Mary's Church (James was a Presbyterian and they were not permitted to be married in the church.) Monsignor J. R. O'Donoghue officiated at the ceremony, Margaret Rose Skinner was the maid of honor and Ann Spencer was bridesmaid. The best man was E.A. Hirs, ushers were John T. Skinner and Donald J. Skinner. Ann's uncle, E. R Skinner, gave her away in marriage. She wore a gown of ivory faille, made on old-fashioned lines, with a square neck and fitted basque. White calla lilies fashioned her bouquet. The bride's ornament was an antique gold cross and chain which is a family heirloom. Ann was married with her mother's wedding ring, this heavy gold ring being inscribed on one side with her father's name to his bride, and on the other side Lieutenant Holcombe to his bride.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of Sarah McCafferty, and then they honeymooned at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear. They then left in a new car to visit James' family in Fayetteville. The family was not able to attend because of the sudden change in plans that was necessitated by James' reassignment to Langley AAB.
James' assignment at Langley Army Air Base was the headquarters of the newly formed 21st Engineer Aviation Regiment. From June 1942 to December 1942 he was a Company Commander in the 21st. He trained a company of approximately 170 men and officers in techniques and know-how of airfield construction prior to their overseas movement. From March 1943 to December 1943 he was the company commander of an Engineer Aviation Company in North Africa where he directed an operations company of approximately 170 men and officers in construction of temporary and semi-permanent airfields. It was there that he fashioned special handgrips for his service 45 made of the clear windows from a bomber so that you could see a photo of Ann that was under it.
From December 1943 until August 1945 he was the Battalion Executive Officer, 838th Engineer Aviation Bn. in North Africa and Italy. He supervised approximately 800 men and officers in design and construction of temporary and permanent airfields to include runways, taxiways and necessary facilities. The Engineer Aviation Battalion was a unique organization established during WWII for the specific purpose “of independently constructing an advanced airdrome and all appurtenances.’’ It had a lavish amount of equipment, numbering 220 items for construction and 146 vehicles—diesel tractors with bulldozers, carry-all scrapers, graders, gasoline shovels, rollers, mixers, air compressors, drills, trucks, trailers, asphalting and concreting equipment, rock crushers, draglines, and pumps—for its mission. Only in the United States could engineers plan on such a scale. The 838th EAB and others in the 21st were unique for another reason: they were almost exclusively manned by black enlisted men under the then segregated system existing in the US Army. Managing units of this size and composition in the South created special problems of their own. The Battalion arrived in North Africa on 15 February 1943. James was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on 29 September 1944. The Battalion transferred to Italy on 29 September 1944. It was given credit for participation in the “North Apennines” campaign, 10 September 1944 – 4 April 1945. It appears the Battalion was assigned to the 12th Air Force during it deployment to Africa and Italy.
In addition to airfield construction, the engineers were also responsible for repairing water systems wherever they were. At one location, they found an ice plant that was not serviceable, and, while not part of their mission, they made a deal with the owner that if they repaired it, he would supply them with ice. Once they had the ice, they began to make ice cream. They traded a day's supply of ice cream with the quartermaster for first pick on the equipment and supplies they needed.
Upon returning after the war, from December 1946 until April 1947, he was an observer with Admiral Byrd's 1946-'47 Antarctic Expedition. While with the expedition he directed part of the construction of the base and emergency camps. Upon completion of the expedition, James was assigned to supervise the demolition of Foster and Perrin Fields in Victoria and Sherman, Texas, as Post Engineer where Jim was born in Sherman.
Pm 1 July 1948 James was promoted to Captain and in August they moved to Ft. Belvoir where he attended the Advanced Engineer Officers Course. While at Ft. Belvoir, Joseph, their second son was born. Following the Advanced Course, Capt. Holcombe was Chief, Civil components Branch, Dept. of Extension Instruction, the Engineer School, charged with preparing and assembly of unit training material to Engineering units of the National Guard and ROTC. He was later Student Supervisor, the Engineer School, to approximately 3,000 students (officers and EM) enrolled in various engineering resident courses. James H. and Ann were enumeratedat Ft. Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA in the 1950 Federal census, ED30-45A. They were both listed as 33. Also in the household were James Jr. and Joseph L.10
While in Ft. Belvoir, the family first saw a television. It had a round, green screen in a large wood console. It was a time of many technological changes that would affect the family. They lived on 65 Jadwin Loop, Ft. Belvoir, during the 1950 census. The proximity to Fayetteville permitted many trips via US Highway 1. The trip down the two-lane road was enhanced by miles of wild day-lilies that lined the sides of the roads.
On census day, 1 Aprl 1950, the family was still in Ft. Belvoir. From December 1951 to December 1952 James was assigned as Operations Officer, Army Section and Staff Engineer, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Indo-China (Vietnam). As such he was Engineer Consultant to the French Armed Forces. He fondly remembers riding a Lambretta up Highway 1 from Saigon to Hanoi. The family continued to receive Christmas cards from acquaintances James made in what became North Vietnam until 1965. While James was in Vietnam, the family stayed in Fayetteville and spent a lot of time with the Struthers relatives. Randy was born and James' arrival home in the middle of the night was made all the more exciting by the arm full of oriental presents he brought.
In January 1953 he was assigned as the Executive Officer for the US Army district Engineer, Buffalo, NY. On 2 July 1953 he was promoted to major. During this tour, the District designed and constructed the US portion of Niagara Falls Remedial work, designed and completed the first year of construction on the US portion of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The family, now with four sons, traveled often to Canada and Niagara Falls. There were so many boys that James bought the family a pet, a dachshund, so they could all pat it at the same time. It was beloved by the children, but was left behind when they transferred again. Rick was born while they lived there at 88 West Cleveland Drive. James constructed the largest imaginable swing-set in the back yard that was enjoyed by all the children in the neighborhood.
July 1956 found the family reassigned to Alaska. It became the family practice to make these transfers during school's summer break. They would load up the family station wagon, in this case a 1955 Chevy wagon, and travel cross-country and visit all the relatives. This time the trip included Yellowstone Park. Initially, the family was assigned quarters on Ft. Richardson and the family quickly settled into those many activities available in a near wilderness for four young boys. Jim Jr. and Joe hunted and camped with their Dad while the whole family skied and ice-skated all winter. After a year the family moved into larger quarters on Elmendorf AFB. James had been assigned there as Chief of Construction and Real Estate, Alaska Command and was responsible for review of all Army and Air Force master Plans. He had made Major with the move to Alaska. It was with great regret that the family left Alaska in the summer of 1959. Again they traveled across country, however, this time with a 19 ft. trailer, visiting the northern cousins, including Auntie Jane in Iowa, where the family visited the Hallowell family homes.
They came to rest at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, where James was a student at the US Army Command and General Staff College. The trailer that everyone had loved became their home for the four months of the course and was not so fondly remembered afterwards.
James' next assignment, from January to September 1960 was as CO, 2d Engineer Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, Fort Benning, GA. They lived one block from the officers' golf course, at 404 Zuckerman, where James and Jim Jr. often played. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on 29 September 1961.
The family was then moved back to Kansas this time Wichita, where James was first Deputy Engineer, then Engineer of the Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office (CEBMCO). He was responsible for the construction of 18 Titan II missile-launching facilities and the associated on-base support facilities. He administered contracts amounting to over $108 million and employed over 200 military and civilian personnel. He received much recognition for having the best safety record of all such facilities and still coming in under budget and on time. It was a record he was very proud of. The family first lived off post in Derby, Kansas, and then found post housing at McConnell AFB. The family was in Kansas from October 1960 to December 1963. There the boys started high school and started driving.
In the middle of the school year, January 1964, the family transferred to Seoul Korea, where James was Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, PROVMAAG-K. There he advised the Korean Armed Forces of the US policies and positions and assisted them on all construction, maintenance and repair matters. The family had initially been horrified about moving to Korea, but quickly fell in love with the Yong-San facility and its residents. Ann quickly found that prices for all goods and services were remarkably low and soon had a full-time maid, Miss "E" who spoiled the family with her cooking. Without household chores to take up their time, the family quickly became involved in the many social activities at the facility; James in golf, Ann in bridge, Jim and Joe in judo, and all of the kids in the teen club and other on-post activities.
James' final assignment before retirement was from August 1966 to July 31, 1967, was as the Deputy Director, Department of Mechanical and Technical Equipment, US Army Engineer School, Ft. Belvoir, VA. James retired to become the director of the Physical Plant at Newberry College, SC. It was a job that perfectly suited his skills and their social lives. They lived in a large house at 1925 Harrington Street for many years where they were known for hosting an Easter Party each year that brought out all of Newberry's society to hunt for "Easter Eggs" (miniature liquors) in the back yard. After suffering with emphysema for a few years, James finally died from complications, including lung cancer, from the years of smoking since his childhood.
In August 1986, the Skinner clan had a reunion at Gulf Shores, Alabama, just across the bay from Mobile. Most of the families were represented, with even some of Donald's children attending. The highlight of the reunion was the grand entrance of Aunt Sally, who couldn't climb the stairs to the elevated first floor of the condominium so had to be carried by her "sons" up the stairs.
Even though she was first diagnosed with uterine or cervical cancer in 1970, and had a total hysterectomy, Ann was cancer-free until the last year of her life, when she contracted colon cancer. She lived longer than the doctors had predicted, probably because of the nursing of her sister Billie. Ann and James are buried together in the Rosemont Cemetery. Randy's baby is buried at their feet.
Children of Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe and Ann Josephine Skinner
- James Hallowell Holcombe Jr.+11,1 b. 24 Aug 1947
- Joseph Lanman Holcombe+12,3 b. 29 Mar 1949
- Randal Hill Holcombe+2 b. 29 Jan 1952
- [S3] James H. Holcombe Jr., Birth Certificate 215856 (Sept 9, 1947).
- [S7] Randal Hill Holcombe, Birth Certificate 132-52-001714 (Feb 7, 1952).
- [S8] Joseph Lanman Holcombe, Birth Certificate 145-49-014730 (unknown file date).
- [S9] Newberry Observer, Nov 2, 1976.
- [S10] James Hallowell Holcombe Sr., Birth Certificate 26-5328 #48 (Oct 6, 1916).
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 239-10-3448.
- [S830] Marriage Certificate: James and Ann Holcombe photo; Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
- [S492] James Hallowell Holcombe, DC: James Hallowell Holcombe.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for James Hallowell Holcombe (29 Sep 1916–31 Oct 1976). Memorial no. 46438127, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46438127, accessed 28 November 2018, citing Rosemont Cemetery, Newberry, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; Maintained by: Donna Brummett (contributor 46855809).
- [S336] Ancestry.com.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, 1950 US Federal census, Fort Belvoir Military Reservation, Fairfax, Virginia, Roll 3019, Sheet 1, ED 30-45A, line 28.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, 1950 Federal census, Fort Belvoir Military Reservation, Fairfax, Virginia, Roll 3019, Sheet 1, ED 30-45A, line 28.
Frank Lanman Holcombe1,2,3,4
b. 29 September 1885, d. 13 June 1952
- Charts
- Four Generations of Descendants of Amherst Holcombe
DNA Descendants of Thomas Holcombe
President Washington and James Holcombe
President John Quincy Adams and James Holcombe
President Filmore and James Holcombe
President Grant and James Holcombe
President Hayes and Jim Holcombe
President Cleveland and James Holcombe
President Taft and James Holcombe
President Hoover and James Holcombe
President Franklin Roosevelt and James Holcombe
President Ford and James Holcombe
President Carter and James Holcombe
President Bush and James Holcombe
Sarah Palin and James Holcombe
Gov. Romney and James Holcombe
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and James Holcombe
Sigourney Weaver and James Holcombe
Molly Moore and James Holcombe
Taylor Swift and James Holcombe
Emily Dickinson and James Holcombe
Brad and Tally to Taylor Swift
Frank Lanman Holcombe was born on 29 September 1885 at Village of North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.5,6,7 He was the son of Amherst Lanman Holcombe and Clara Frances Babbitt. Frank Lanman Holcombe was baptized on 23 June 1889 at Asylum Hill Church, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT; as recorded on page 159 of the Minister's Book, #389. He married Amy Inez Hallowell, daughter of Peter Joseph Hallowell and Matilda Garland Scott, on 6 February 1914 at Brides Home, Dow City, Crawford Co., IA.8,9 Frank Lanman Holcombe died on 13 June 1952 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC, at age 662, and was buried on 15 June 1952 at Cross Creek Cemetery, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC.10 His estate was probated on 27 September 1954 at Cumberland Co., NC.
The Granby Vital Records, page 66, in the Granby Town Hall, indicate that Frank was born to Amherst L. Holcomb, age 63, farmer, and Clara F. Babbit, other, age 36, born MA.
Frank's family moved to Hartford, CT, in September 1887. His mother remarried following Amherst's death, and they moved to Southern Pines, NC, in approximately 1896.
The life of a child in a middle-class home in 1900 was changing. People were moving from the farms to urban America. Amherst's young wife had probably convinced him to move to Hartford so they could enjoy the social life and the amenities of an urban city. Certainly they then enjoyed indoor plumbing. The Scott brother's first mass-marketed toilet tissue in 1900.
Children in rural communities spent much of their time working at home and in the fields, but they found time to explore, play, and enjoy the countryside. Even in Granby, though, Frank, while spending considerable time helping with household chores, was probably not required to work outside of the home. In fact, he was given a better education than most youngsters of the time. Frank and Inez were well-fed, and saw the emergence of telephone, electricity, and other developments that were changing the face of the world like nothing had before. Children were generally happy in the schoolroom, and enthusiasm for education abounded. While corporal punishment for misbehavior was common, not all had unpleasant experiences under the watchful and often stern eye of their educator. Frank passed these stern lessons to his children and his grandchildren. One of Inez' fond memories was of riding in a sleigh through the snow to visit neighbors.
For elementary aged children, playground games such as "Fox and Geese," "Ring around a Rosy," and "Cat's Cradle" allowed them the privilege of competing among peers, testing strength and stamina, and using their very active imaginations. Interestingly, these simple games have a long history---some dating back to the Bubonic Plague of the fourteenth century in Europe.
Childhood toys ranged from the new Teddy's Bear and Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls (together with accompanying storybooks) to mechanical banks. These toys served as lessons as well as playthings for children. Mechanical banks taught the importance of frugality and saving money while the latest dolls encouraged little girls to enjoy the domestic roles of being a mother.
When outdoor play was unavailable because of weather conditions, popular children's books served to entertain, and to educate. Little Lord Fauntleroy, Little Women, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, for example, were popular books of the day.
Frank would have enjoyed the new national pastime--baseball. Its popularity began several decades earlier, but by the new century, everyone was playing some variation of the sport.
Frank attended Mount Herman School 1903-1907, Iowa State College 1907-1911 majoring in Animal Husbandry. He returned to Fayetteville, NC, in the fall of 1911. It was while at Iowa State that Frank and Inez met, in Zoology class, so the story goes. Inez' wedding ring is engraved on the inside with 'Zoo 2-6-1914'. Nearly a century later that ring is still worn by Molly Holcombe, her granddaughter-in-law.
Inez attended Iowa State College 1906-1910. Then worked at the YWCA Cafeteria, Des Moines, Iowa, June 1910-April 1911; the YWCA Cafeteria, St. Louis, May 1911-December 1913.
Frank was enumerated in the 1910 Ames, Story Co., IA, federal census. He was 24.
Frank and Inez were married just outside Dow City, Iowa, at Inez' home, in a blizzard. "To the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Jennie Hallowell (Jane Elizabeth), the bridal couple took their places promptly at 3 o'clock, under a beautiful white wedding bell hung in the big bay window, where they were met by Rev. Joseph Stephen, pastor of the M.E church, who read the marriage lines. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white silk crepe meteor, trimmed with shadow lace and carried roses. Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe departed Friday evening for Ft. Dodge, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Rule, later going to Ames and Manning to spend a few days with friends, after which they will return here. They expect to leave here Saturday for Chicago, then on to Richmond, VA., at which place they will visit before going on to Fayetteville, where they will reside." (from the Dow City paper)
Frank and Inez began their married life on a farm located on the Wilmington road, two miles south of Fayetteville, where he established an up-to-date dairy, naming his farm Wat Coosa, after a local tribe of Indians that roamed the Cape Fear valley and the vicinity of the farm now bearing their name. Within four years they build up a heard of 45 head of the Holstein and Jersey cattle, from which they furnished a large number of patrons with milk and cream, using two wagons daily making deliveries. He also developed one of the finest droves of Rhode Island Red chickens in the State, having taken premiums at a number of fairs. They changed the farm from an old, abandoned place to an up-to-date and modern farm with more than 10,000 feet of drainage tile, producing large crops of oats, corn, hay and peas. Frank was the pioneer alfalfa farmer in the county.
Frank registered for the World War I draft on 11 September 1918 in Fayetteville. He was a farmer age 32 and listed Inez as his closest relative.
"F. L." and Inez were enumerated on Wilmington Road in the 1920 Pearces Mill Township, Cumberland County, NC, federal census, on Willmington Road, ED 65, page 4A. He was a dairy farmer, age 34, she was 33. James and Harold were in the household
It was probably at this farm where, James, as a young man, helped Frank track down a varmit that was raiding their henhouse. Late one night Frank, still in his nightshirt, woke James and gave him a lantern. He had heard a commotion in the henhouse and hoped to catch the culprit in the act. He carried a shotgun and used it to nudge open the door to the henhouse and told James to hold up the lantern so he could see. Just about then, Bowzer, the family hound, stuck his cold nose up Frank's night shirt. The resulting blast from the shotgun probably didn't kill the varmit but apparently scared it off as he was not seen again; however many of the hens were not so lucky!
Frank L. and Inez H. were enumerated in the 1930 Cross Creek Township, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC, federal census, on Russell Street. He was a landscape contractor, age 44; she was also 44. Children in the household were James H. 13, Harold M. 11, and Jane G. 8..
Frank and Inez had lost their farm during the early days of the depression and in 1930 he had not yet been made manager of Cottonade. In 1940 they were enumerated in Fayetteville, Frank was 54, Inez 54, James 23, Harold 21, and Jane 18. James and Harold were probably both at NC State at the time of the enumeration.
Frank had a prize bull that he trailered around to provide stud services. The bull once was so agitated about getting into the trailer that he turned it over on Frank. That may be why, with his technical agricultural education, that Frank was a leader in using artificial insemination in dairy cattle.
Frank was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church, and teacher and past superintendent of Sunday School at the Campbellton Presbyterian Church. He was a director of the North Carolina Milk Producers Association, and director of the North Carolina Dairy Foundation and was very active in county and state Farm Bureau work.
Frank and Inez were a transitional generation. Frank's family had been farmers for 200 years in Granby. He was too, but they both went to college, a first, and Frank was known for his technical advancements in farm management. None of their descendants farmed, but all went to college.
Frank raised his family strictly, probably the same way he was raised. When a child sassed, the slap was immediate and remembered for a lifetime. The week was consumed with work, but Sunday afternoon was a time to pick a ripe watermelon, put it on ice and then strip the grandkids and let them get face down in the juicy melon slices while the older folks told stories and laughed at the antics of the children.
During WWII Frank was, of course, short of his two best farm hands with both James and Harold in the Army and gone the whole time. However, his proximity to Fort Bragg apparently made him eligible to have a few German prisoners of war assigned to him to work on the farm. After the was over he and Inez coresponded with a couple of them back in Germany.
Inez had a quick wit and lovely smile. She loved to tease her grandchildren with her long hair that she brushed out in the evening. She wore it in a bun her whole life, but when down, it reached her waist. There was no better cook anywhere; after all, that was her college major. She was famous for lemon-meringue pie. Even in her nineties she was pestered to make those pies by her grandchildren. She sewed for her family using a treadle sewing machine that fascinated her grandchildren as she worked, spinning all the wheels.
Inez lived the final years of her life, sharing a small house in Sanford, NC, with her sister. All of her family lived close by and visited often. A big gathering was held for her 90th birthday at the Struthers' farm in Lemon Springs and her cake was decorated with 'trick' candles that would not extinguish.
Frank and Inez are buried in a family plot in downtown Fayetteville in a spot that can be seen from the corner of Lamon and Ann Streets.
Frank's will was handwritten and, when probated, a typed copy was certified and submitted. He named his wife "Inez Hallowell Holcombe", as sole beneficiary and executrix.
Inez wrote a will in 1977, but never signed it. In it she designated her daughter, Jane H. Struthers, as executrix and bequeathed her estate to her grandchildren. By state law her estate then went to her two surviving children, Harold and Jane, who decided to distribute it according to her wishes in the will; $500 to the Jonesboro Presbyterian Church of Sanford and the remaining to her surviving grandchildren.
The Granby Vital Records, page 66, in the Granby Town Hall, indicate that Frank was born to Amherst L. Holcomb, age 63, farmer, and Clara F. Babbit, other, age 36, born MA.
Frank's family moved to Hartford, CT, in September 1887. His mother remarried following Amherst's death, and they moved to Southern Pines, NC, in approximately 1896.
The life of a child in a middle-class home in 1900 was changing. People were moving from the farms to urban America. Amherst's young wife had probably convinced him to move to Hartford so they could enjoy the social life and the amenities of an urban city. Certainly they then enjoyed indoor plumbing. The Scott brother's first mass-marketed toilet tissue in 1900.
Children in rural communities spent much of their time working at home and in the fields, but they found time to explore, play, and enjoy the countryside. Even in Granby, though, Frank, while spending considerable time helping with household chores, was probably not required to work outside of the home. In fact, he was given a better education than most youngsters of the time. Frank and Inez were well-fed, and saw the emergence of telephone, electricity, and other developments that were changing the face of the world like nothing had before. Children were generally happy in the schoolroom, and enthusiasm for education abounded. While corporal punishment for misbehavior was common, not all had unpleasant experiences under the watchful and often stern eye of their educator. Frank passed these stern lessons to his children and his grandchildren. One of Inez' fond memories was of riding in a sleigh through the snow to visit neighbors.
For elementary aged children, playground games such as "Fox and Geese," "Ring around a Rosy," and "Cat's Cradle" allowed them the privilege of competing among peers, testing strength and stamina, and using their very active imaginations. Interestingly, these simple games have a long history---some dating back to the Bubonic Plague of the fourteenth century in Europe.
Childhood toys ranged from the new Teddy's Bear and Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls (together with accompanying storybooks) to mechanical banks. These toys served as lessons as well as playthings for children. Mechanical banks taught the importance of frugality and saving money while the latest dolls encouraged little girls to enjoy the domestic roles of being a mother.
When outdoor play was unavailable because of weather conditions, popular children's books served to entertain, and to educate. Little Lord Fauntleroy, Little Women, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, for example, were popular books of the day.
Frank would have enjoyed the new national pastime--baseball. Its popularity began several decades earlier, but by the new century, everyone was playing some variation of the sport.
Frank attended Mount Herman School 1903-1907, Iowa State College 1907-1911 majoring in Animal Husbandry. He returned to Fayetteville, NC, in the fall of 1911. It was while at Iowa State that Frank and Inez met, in Zoology class, so the story goes. Inez' wedding ring is engraved on the inside with 'Zoo 2-6-1914'. Nearly a century later that ring is still worn by Molly Holcombe, her granddaughter-in-law.
Inez attended Iowa State College 1906-1910. Then worked at the YWCA Cafeteria, Des Moines, Iowa, June 1910-April 1911; the YWCA Cafeteria, St. Louis, May 1911-December 1913.
Frank was enumerated in the 1910 Ames, Story Co., IA, federal census. He was 24.
Frank and Inez were married just outside Dow City, Iowa, at Inez' home, in a blizzard. "To the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Jennie Hallowell (Jane Elizabeth), the bridal couple took their places promptly at 3 o'clock, under a beautiful white wedding bell hung in the big bay window, where they were met by Rev. Joseph Stephen, pastor of the M.E church, who read the marriage lines. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white silk crepe meteor, trimmed with shadow lace and carried roses. Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe departed Friday evening for Ft. Dodge, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Rule, later going to Ames and Manning to spend a few days with friends, after which they will return here. They expect to leave here Saturday for Chicago, then on to Richmond, VA., at which place they will visit before going on to Fayetteville, where they will reside." (from the Dow City paper)
Frank and Inez began their married life on a farm located on the Wilmington road, two miles south of Fayetteville, where he established an up-to-date dairy, naming his farm Wat Coosa, after a local tribe of Indians that roamed the Cape Fear valley and the vicinity of the farm now bearing their name. Within four years they build up a heard of 45 head of the Holstein and Jersey cattle, from which they furnished a large number of patrons with milk and cream, using two wagons daily making deliveries. He also developed one of the finest droves of Rhode Island Red chickens in the State, having taken premiums at a number of fairs. They changed the farm from an old, abandoned place to an up-to-date and modern farm with more than 10,000 feet of drainage tile, producing large crops of oats, corn, hay and peas. Frank was the pioneer alfalfa farmer in the county.
Frank registered for the World War I draft on 11 September 1918 in Fayetteville. He was a farmer age 32 and listed Inez as his closest relative.
"F. L." and Inez were enumerated on Wilmington Road in the 1920 Pearces Mill Township, Cumberland County, NC, federal census, on Willmington Road, ED 65, page 4A. He was a dairy farmer, age 34, she was 33. James and Harold were in the household
It was probably at this farm where, James, as a young man, helped Frank track down a varmit that was raiding their henhouse. Late one night Frank, still in his nightshirt, woke James and gave him a lantern. He had heard a commotion in the henhouse and hoped to catch the culprit in the act. He carried a shotgun and used it to nudge open the door to the henhouse and told James to hold up the lantern so he could see. Just about then, Bowzer, the family hound, stuck his cold nose up Frank's night shirt. The resulting blast from the shotgun probably didn't kill the varmit but apparently scared it off as he was not seen again; however many of the hens were not so lucky!
Frank L. and Inez H. were enumerated in the 1930 Cross Creek Township, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC, federal census, on Russell Street. He was a landscape contractor, age 44; she was also 44. Children in the household were James H. 13, Harold M. 11, and Jane G. 8..
Frank and Inez had lost their farm during the early days of the depression and in 1930 he had not yet been made manager of Cottonade. In 1940 they were enumerated in Fayetteville, Frank was 54, Inez 54, James 23, Harold 21, and Jane 18. James and Harold were probably both at NC State at the time of the enumeration.
Frank had a prize bull that he trailered around to provide stud services. The bull once was so agitated about getting into the trailer that he turned it over on Frank. That may be why, with his technical agricultural education, that Frank was a leader in using artificial insemination in dairy cattle.
Frank was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church, and teacher and past superintendent of Sunday School at the Campbellton Presbyterian Church. He was a director of the North Carolina Milk Producers Association, and director of the North Carolina Dairy Foundation and was very active in county and state Farm Bureau work.
Frank and Inez were a transitional generation. Frank's family had been farmers for 200 years in Granby. He was too, but they both went to college, a first, and Frank was known for his technical advancements in farm management. None of their descendants farmed, but all went to college.
Frank raised his family strictly, probably the same way he was raised. When a child sassed, the slap was immediate and remembered for a lifetime. The week was consumed with work, but Sunday afternoon was a time to pick a ripe watermelon, put it on ice and then strip the grandkids and let them get face down in the juicy melon slices while the older folks told stories and laughed at the antics of the children.
During WWII Frank was, of course, short of his two best farm hands with both James and Harold in the Army and gone the whole time. However, his proximity to Fort Bragg apparently made him eligible to have a few German prisoners of war assigned to him to work on the farm. After the was over he and Inez coresponded with a couple of them back in Germany.
Inez had a quick wit and lovely smile. She loved to tease her grandchildren with her long hair that she brushed out in the evening. She wore it in a bun her whole life, but when down, it reached her waist. There was no better cook anywhere; after all, that was her college major. She was famous for lemon-meringue pie. Even in her nineties she was pestered to make those pies by her grandchildren. She sewed for her family using a treadle sewing machine that fascinated her grandchildren as she worked, spinning all the wheels.
Inez lived the final years of her life, sharing a small house in Sanford, NC, with her sister. All of her family lived close by and visited often. A big gathering was held for her 90th birthday at the Struthers' farm in Lemon Springs and her cake was decorated with 'trick' candles that would not extinguish.
Frank and Inez are buried in a family plot in downtown Fayetteville in a spot that can be seen from the corner of Lamon and Ann Streets.
Frank's will was handwritten and, when probated, a typed copy was certified and submitted. He named his wife "Inez Hallowell Holcombe", as sole beneficiary and executrix.
Inez wrote a will in 1977, but never signed it. In it she designated her daughter, Jane H. Struthers, as executrix and bequeathed her estate to her grandchildren. By state law her estate then went to her two surviving children, Harold and Jane, who decided to distribute it according to her wishes in the will; $500 to the Jonesboro Presbyterian Church of Sanford and the remaining to her surviving grandchildren.
Children of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell
- Amherst Lanman Holcombe b. 2 Jul 1915, d. 8 Dec 1915
- Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe+ b. 29 Sep 1916, d. 31 Oct 1976
- Harold Milton Holcombe+ b. 14 Dec 1918, d. 24 Aug 1991
- Jane Garland Holcombe+ b. 8 Aug 1921, d. 28 Jan 1992
- [S14] Holstein News, 3Q 1952, Page 6.
- [S15] New and Observer, June 15, 1952.
- [S25] Hannah Elizabeth Weir McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 163.
- [S202] Jennifer Browning, "Childhood."
- [S229] Granby Vital Records unknown repository.
- [S207] World War I Draft Registrations, Draft Cards unknown repository.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, WWI Draft Registration, Cumberland Co., NC.
- [S812] Certificate, Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell marriage of 6 February 1914.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Iowa Department of Public Health; Des Moines, Iowa; Series Title: Iowa Marriage Records, 1880–1922; Record Type: Textual Records
Ancestry.com. Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1940 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. - [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Frank Lanman Holcombe (29 Sep 1885-13 Jun 1952). Memorial no. 68120561, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68120561, accessed 9 Jan 2019, citing Cross Creek Cemetery #3, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; Maintained by: Vonna (contributor 46495112).
Ann Josephine Skinner1,2
b. 30 October 1915, d. 12 May 1989
- Charts
- Four Generations of Descendants of Amherst Holcombe
President Washington and James Holcombe
President John Quincy Adams and James Holcombe
President Filmore and James Holcombe
President Grant and James Holcombe
President Hayes and Jim Holcombe
President Cleveland and James Holcombe
President Taft and James Holcombe
President Hoover and James Holcombe
President Franklin Roosevelt and James Holcombe
President Ford and James Holcombe
President Carter and James Holcombe
President Bush and James Holcombe
Sarah Palin and James Holcombe
Gov. Romney and James Holcombe
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and James Holcombe
Sigourney Weaver and James Holcombe
Molly Moore and James Holcombe
Taylor Swift and James Holcombe
Emily Dickinson and James Holcombe
Brad and Tally to Taylor Swift
Ann Josephine Skinner was born on 30 October 1915 at Providence Hospital, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL,3,4,5 She was the daughter of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty, and was christened on 14 November 1915 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL,6 and also known as Annie Josephine Skinner. Ann Josephine Skinner married Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe, son of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell, on 29 January 1942 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.7 Ann Josephine Skinner left a will on 30 November 1988 at Newberry, Newberry Co., SC. Ann died on 12 May 1989 at Newberry at age 738,9, and was buried on 15 May 1989 at Rosemont Cemetery, Newberry.10 Her estate was probated on 30 June 1989 at Newberry Co.
The spelling of Mom's first name changed frequently and randomly during her lifetime.
She was baptised in the Cathedral and the record lists her as "Annia", a spelling she never used. Her sponsor was "Anna J. Doody", the aunt she was named for, Annie Josephine McCafferty Doody.
In the 1920, 1930, and 1940 censuses she was listed as "Annnie". On her marriage certificate she was listed as Ann.
However, in 1952 when applying for a substitute birth certificate uses "Anne", but it doesn't appear to be her handrighting.
Apparently she personally went by Ann most of her life and at some unknown time, had it legally changed.
The spelling of Mom's first name changed frequently and randomly during her lifetime.
She was baptised in the Cathedral and the record lists her as "Annia", a spelling she never used. Her sponsor was "Anna J. Doody", the aunt she was named for, Annie Josephine McCafferty Doody.
In the 1920, 1930, and 1940 censuses she was listed as "Annnie". On her marriage certificate she was listed as Ann.
However, in 1952 when applying for a substitute birth certificate uses "Anne", but it doesn't appear to be her handrighting.
Apparently she personally went by Ann most of her life and at some unknown time, had it legally changed.
Children of Ann Josephine Skinner and Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe
- James Hallowell Holcombe Jr.+1 b. 24 Aug 1947
- Joseph Lanman Holcombe+11 b. 29 Mar 1949
- Randal Hill Holcombe+12 b. 29 Jan 1952
- [S3] James H. Holcombe Jr., Birth Certificate 215856 (Sept 9, 1947).
- [S5] Unknown volume, Holcombe, James Baptism, September 3, 1947, St. Mary's Church, 115 E. Eagle Lane, Sherman, TX.
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SS-5 SSAN 419-03-6618.
- [S480] Anne Josephine Skinner entry, Birth Certificate 1915-58-71 (9 July 1952).
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S481] Unknown volume, BapC: Anna Josephine Skinner, 14 Nov 1915, unknown repository.
- [S830] Marriage Certificate: James and Ann Holcombe photo; Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 419-03-6618.
- [S491] Ann Josephine Skinner, DC: Ann Josephine Skinner.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Ann Josephine Skinner Holcombe (30 Oct 1915-12 May 1989). Memorial no. 46438126, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46438126, accessed 7 Mar 2019, citing Rosemont Cemetery, Newberry, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; Maintained by: Donna Brummett (contributor 46855809).
- [S8] Joseph Lanman Holcombe, Birth Certificate 145-49-014730 (unknown file date).
- [S889] Randal Hill Holcombe entry, State of NC Birth Registration.
Joseph Lanman Holcombe1,2
b. 29 March 1949
Joseph Lanman Holcombe was born on 29 March 1949 at Station Hospital, Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA,1 He was the son of Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe and Ann Josephine Skinner.3,1 Joseph Lanman Holcombe, and was christened on 19 April 1949 at St. Martin's Chapel, Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA.
Joe was named after his maternal grandfather, Joseph Edward Skinner, and his paternal grandfather, Frank Lanman Holcombe. (Frank’s father was Amherst Lanman Holcombe. Frank's first son, Joe’s uncle, was also Amherst Lanman Holcombe, who died as an infant.) Birth certificate is in volume 4668, file number 14730. He was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church on April 19, 1949 at Saint Martin's Chapel, Fort Belvoir by Father Joseph Parent, Chaplain, US Army. His godparents were John Thomas Skinner (proxy was Charles Mewshaw) and Willie Mae Skinner Corey, siblings of Joe's mother Ann. The certificate of baptism is on file with the Military Ordinariate, record number 113,715.
During Joe’s early years he was called Lanny, probably until about 1957 when he chose to be called Joe. He was the second of four boys and learned a great deal from his older brother, Jim - like how to pile toys into the corner of the playpen so he could climb out. Once, in Fayetteville, NC, Joe had a craving for his favorite cookie, Fig Newtons. He asked Mother for one, she reached to the top cupboard and pulled down the package - full of ants! He remembers that disappointment to this day. One time when Joe was visiting Cottonade, his grandparents farm in Fayetteville right next to Ft. Bragg, he fell onto a board and shoved a nail through his right hand (at the base of his thumb). He still has scars on both sides. One time in the basement in Alaska, Joe was hanging by one hand from the pipes in the ceiling while shooting a toy gun with the other. The guys on TV could do it. He slipped and landed chin first on the concrete floor. Three stitches. He never thought his first son, Rob, would get a scar to match, but years later he did.
One of the favorite places to camp and fish in Alaska was Hidden Lake. On one trip, Joe was climbing the hills around the area and fell down a very steep hill and split his head open on the left side near the temple. He walked back to camp, stunned and covered with blood. In spite of profuse bleeding, he was OK but still has the scar. He climbed one of the hills and lay down on a large rock. He looked out on the lake and the surrounding hills and the beautiful sky and promised himself that he would never forget this wonderful place.
In Fort Leavenworth, KS, they lived in a travel trailer while Dad attended an Army school (Command & General Staff College). It was crowded with four boys and surely tested Mother’s patience. It was only for a few months, but seemed like a long time. Joe attended the fifth grade at St. Joseph's. He remembers a few things that happened that remained with him for the rest of his life. He learned to put potato chips in hamburgers. WOW! Hamburgers were never the same. He never realized years later his kids would think he was nuts. During choir practice shortly after school started, the nun stopped everyone, looked around, came up to Joe and said he was not required to sing anymore. Joe's own children have reinforced her instructions.
By far Joe's most cherished memories in Fort Benning were of Boy Scouts. They had a wonderful troop and spent a lot of time getting ready for the summer camporee. Joe’s father was Battalion Commander of the Engineer battalion, so the Boy Scouts got three sided log cabins built for the camporee. Joe remembers skinny dipping in the river, raiding the Girl Scouts' camp, poison ivy, water moccasins, compass courses, becoming an expert in knots and lashings (as an adult Joe would become a Pioneering merit badge counselor), and many other wonderful times. This short time in Fort Benning would have an influence on Joe for the rest of his life. He would be assigned there twice as an adult.
One of the highlights was earning his Eagle Scout on October 19, 1963, Troop 620, and Wichita, Kansas. He also earned his Ad Altar Dei (To The Altar Of God), the Catholic award in Scouting while at McConnell AFB, May 13, 1963. Joe started high school at Kapaun Memorial High School in Wichita, KS. September 1963. This was an all-boys school taught by Jesuit priests. It was an excellent school with a top quality newspaper that inspired him to be the Editor-in-Chief of the paper for two years at his next high school. The football team was number one in the state that year.
They left for Korea that December. Joe's two and a half years at Seoul American High School are some of his fondest memories. Many students still stay in touch through the alumni association, SAHS Brats, and have had several reunions. One of the main reasons he enjoyed high school was the fact that he “majored" in extracurricular activities. It was because of this that he was named "Outstanding Sophomore Boy" in 1965. In 1966 Joe was awarded the US Ambassador's Award. The guidance counselor called him in before the announcement and let him know that even though the award was supposed to be for outstanding achievement in service and scholarship, this year it was given primarily for service and certainly not scholarship. It’s not that Joe's grades were bad, but they certainly did not merit any special recognition. They were good enough to be named to the National Honor Society. Joe was active in the American Red Cross when mostly girls joined. The summer after his sophomore year he was selected to represent the school at the International Leadership Training Center in Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. This was about a week long program at a hotel on the beach. Schools from all over the Far East were represented. From that group, Joe was named Outstanding Citizen, Editor of the ARC newspaper, and elected to the Student Council.
Some of the activities Joe was involved in include: Editor-in- chief of the newspaper, Falcon Crier; yearbook, layout editor and photographer; Latin Club president; National Thespian Society; Institute of Logopedics; Quill and Scroll; Student Council; Key Club; Prom Chairman; Knights of the Altar; Newman Club president; Lettermen's Club; Wrestling; Swimming Instructor; Judo, Team Captain, 2nd degree Black Belt.
Joe’s activities at West Point included the Dialectic Society, Yearbook (Howitzer), Water Safety Instructor, SCUBA club, (taught underwater photography), Judo club, (National Collegiate Championships, 1970), wrestling, gymnastics, Sport Parachute Team, Soccer. Over the years Joe had injured his shoulders several times. His medical records said “20-40 dislocations and subluxations". Finally, one day while doing sit-ups with his hands behind his neck both shoulders popped out. Surgery followed in December 1969. Joe's senior yearbook, "Howitzer" reads: "Smiling Joe was what most people knew him by, because Joe always seemed to find something about cadet life to smile about. It was hard to find Joe without a camera. Not a better photographer was to be found. He took pictures for everybody and everything. Come parade, drill, or inspection time and Joe and his camera were nowhere to be found. All of his activities made Joe a man capable of giving advice on a wide spectrum of subjects, and it was hard to disagree with a Black Belt in judo. The colorful pictures in our Howitzer will forever remind us of our good friend Joe. Judo Team 4, 3, 2, 1; Dialectic Society 4, 3, 2, 1; Wrestling 4; Gymnastics 4; Sport Parachute Team 2, 1; SCUBA Club 2, 1; Howitzer 4, 3, 2, 1." Joe was a member of the Cadet Honor Company that marched in the funeral cortege honoring President
Dwight D. Eisenhower in Washington, DC on Monday, March 31, 1969.
After graduation, the Army gave 60 days of leave before starting training. This was frequently called Honeymoon Leave since many graduates got married. Dianne and Joe were married July 24, 1971 at St. Mark's Catholic Church in Newberry, SC. Jim was Joe’s best man, and Sara Jane McDonald was the matron of honor. Father Robert T. Kennedy presided, concelebrated by the local pastor Father Peter K. Berberich. Father Kennedy was the civilian chaplain at West Point who had given Dianne so much help with the Catholic faith. He made a special trip to be there on his way back from a trip to Rome. Joe’s first day of work at Ft. Benning, after "honeymoon leave", was quite a surprise and a foreshadowing of his weight for the rest of his life. Dianne got up that morning and saw all of his fatigues scattered around the living room. Joe had to go through all of them to find a pair of pants that he could still get into. In 1974 Joe got down to 139 pounds for a while when he was competing for a place on the Armed Forces Judo Team.
In February, 1972 the family moved to Copperas Cove (Ft. Hood, TX) and into a mobile home for German Shepherd, Baron, and soon to be born, Amy Ann. They later upgraded to a three bedroom home. While Joe was assigned to the First Cav Division, he continued judo training in the Army and was on the All Army Team 1972 - 1974, the last year as coach /captain. In 1974 he made the United States Armed Forces Judo Team and competed in the CISM (International Military Sports Council) Games in Rio de Janeiro, several months before the birth of Robert Joseph. He competed in the AAU National Championships each year 1972 - 1974.
In 1975, the family moved back to Ft. Benning where Joe attended the Infantry Officers Advanced Course. While there, the family added Melissa Jane and David Lanman to the family. At that time, Joe was having an official Army photo taken in preparation for promotion. It was suggested that some reviewers may not like facial hair, so he shaved off his mustache for the first time since he had grown right after Ranger School in 1972. No problem, except for Melissa Jane. She wouldn't look at him! She was mad because she didn't understand what Joe had done with/to her daddy. She got over it in about a week.
In May 1979, with about a two week notice, they were transferred to Presidio of San Francisco, California. At that time they bought a 25 foot travel trailer and a station wagon which the family enjoyed for many years. It also made the move much easier.
From May 17, 1979 - December 31, 1979 Joe was assigned as Chief of Market Studies and Analysis (MSA), Western Region Recruiting Command (WRRC), United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC). He then went to Operations Research Systems Analysis (ORSA MAC I) on temporary duty from January 1, 1980 - April 11, 1980. Probably the most important thing learned was the need for a master’s degree which he completed April 17, 1982. (Master of Business Administration, Management, Pepperdine University). Joe's final military assignment was as Chief of the Branch Assistance Team, Infantry, Army Readiness and Mobilization Region IX (ARMR IX) from July 13, 1982 - January 31, 1984.
The next time Joe shaved his mustache off was in 1984 before he got out of the Army and was told that civilian recruiters may not like facial hair either. Ricky James was with them by then, and remembering the first time, Joe let him help shave it off. The two recruiters that interviewed Joe for Texas Instruments both had handle bar mustaches!!
The family moved back to Texas when Joe was hired by Texas Instruments for his first job as a civilian. He was the Chief of Engineering Training for the Defense Systems and Electronics Group and began private consulting on the side. Joe's first real contract as a private consultant was with the Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins University July 27-August 7, 1987. Joe continued doing many public seminars with The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. While presenting an Advanced Seminar in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance (GD&T), two employees of Valisys (CIGMA at that time) told the founder of the company that he should hire Joe. On June 19, 1988 Joe interviewed and on July 11-14 they flew the whole family to San Jose to convince them to come back to California.
The seven and a half years in Morgan Hill, CA were wonderful in many ways. The family took numerous trips all over the state and went camping and backpacking. Rick and Joe were heavily involved in Boy Scouts. The family went skiing; rock climbing, parasailing, jet skiing, fishing, and a wide variety of other activities.
After two years with Valisys, Joe decided to try full time consulting in March 1990 and formally started his own company, JLH Engineering Support. It was quite successful for the first two years, but then died during the recession. 1992 was a tough year, and by 1993, he was essentially unemployed after he had three major contracts canceled.
In 1994, he decided to look for a regular job again which eventually led to them moving to North Carolina. Dianne got a job quickly in Treyburn, NC, transferring to a branch of IHS, the nursing home care firm she had worked for in California. At the suggestion of one Joe’s younger brothers, the family settled in Cary, NC, living in three houses over the next 14 years. Over the same time, Joe cycled through several companies like MCI World Com, Lockheed Martin, IBM among others because of downsizing, reorganization, contract buyouts and other things beyond his control.
About this time Joe decided to take advantage of the SCUBA training he received at West Point. Most of his diving was off the NC coast, mostly shipwrecks including the U352, a German submarine as well as Sand Tiger Sharks. Out of about 70 dives, the best was with niece Tally, his godchild.
Employment was difficult at this time and Joe became discouraged. Because of his strong background in teaching, Dianne and the girls suggested that he consider accepting a position with the Guilford County Schools in Greensboro. In 2007, it was decided that a re-location was in order to Greensboro where Amy had been instrumental in creating a program for people who had baccalaureates in areas other than education to become teachers. It all ended fall semester 2008 when after a few weeks in, Joe was attacked by one of his students reinjuring his back aggravating his sciatica, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis to the point where he could not walk unaided and needed a wheelchair.
For the next several years, his physical and cognitive condition deteriorated after seeing orthopedists, psychiatrists (who prescribed far too many meds), and neurologists for testing, pain control, physical therapy and counselling. One neurologist in Greensboro, Dr. Love, diagnosed Joe with Multiple Sclerosis which was eventually disproven. He was able to SCUBA dive in Hawaii when Rob, Jeonga, and Jianne hosted us for our 40th wedding anniversary.
Joe stopped performing as a Eucharistic Minister at our church on September 15, 2013 because he had trouble walking. He continued with pistol competition and insisted on going to a class in Parumph, NV, near Las Vegas, on September 18 despite his deterioration. Dianne permitted it when she learned that a RN cousin would be attending the same class. He was taken to the ER two days later after collapsing to the point where he could not walk or even crawl to the door of his room when his cousin knocked. Dr.’s there in Parumph and Las Vegas again diagnosed with MS pending results of a lumbar puncture.
In 2014 Joe was seen by a highly rated MS specialist at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital, Dr. Abou Zaid, and her colleague in Movement Disorders, Dr. Siddiqui. Upon examination of the lumbar puncture done in NV, Joe was diagnosed with Parkinson’s-ism which presents as symptoms but not a true diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Meanwhile, Dianne continued working at the hospital in Greensboro until she had finally lifted too many patients and too much equipment for her back. After surgery in 2015, the hospital gavae her medical leave until 2016 when she had to retire. Fortunately, she had taken up quilting as a hobby several years before to stay busy.
In January of 2017, he suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) which Dianne recognized quickly and got him to the hospital. He suffered no permanent damage. After a family meeting, it was decided that Dianne needed more help with Joe and should move back to Apex where Melissa and Ricky in nearby Fuquay-Varina could offer that help. Amy and Cile were more than willing to help, but their schedules made it difficult. So, in March, 2017, Joe and Dianne sold the Greensboro house and down-sized into a three-bedroom apartment in Apex, NC, near Melissa with their dog, Roscoe. This also allowed Joe and Dianne to become a babysitting tag-team. Since they were within walking distance, the grandkids were able to come over to the apartment frequently to visit. Dianne has what they call her “quilt cave” loaded with fabric, quilting tools, and sewing machines. It is where she creates charity quilts, quilts for family and friends, Christmas, and decorating projects. It keeps her sane along with spending time with the grandchildren.
Eventually, with adjustments to his medications by a Psychiatric RN Practitioner, Joe regained much of his cognition and mobility over a period of time. In July and August 2019 Joe continued his lifelong commitment to the Boy Scouts by attending the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia where he served in the Medical Clinic. He relied on his electric scooter to get around the thousands of acres of mountains, lakes, and adventures. At home, he began swimming at the YMCA winning medals in the Senior Games and walking (or hobbles as he terms it) in the neighborhood.
In 2020, the year of Covid19, activities were much curtailed after the lockdown, but Joe worked on his mobility to the point where he could give up his wheelchair and begin using a walker. He drove us to Gainesville, FL, to see our grandson compete in the Florida Regional Gymnastics Tournament. Joe won a medal in the Senior Games again with his swimming.
After the vaccines were available in 2021, Joe worked up to walking longer distances almost every day without any ambulation aide and swimming in the pool three times a week. He won Senior Games medals again. Family activities increased including a zoo trip with the scooter, a trip to Knoxville to see our grandson compete in the South East Region Gymnastics Finals, celebrating family birthdays including Dianne’s 75th, traveling to Ft Rucker, AL, for Rob’s Change of Command, celebrating Joe and Dianne’s 50th anniversary once with almost the whole family, and once by ourselves at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, recreating our 30th anniversary.
Joe was named after his maternal grandfather, Joseph Edward Skinner, and his paternal grandfather, Frank Lanman Holcombe. (Frank’s father was Amherst Lanman Holcombe. Frank's first son, Joe’s uncle, was also Amherst Lanman Holcombe, who died as an infant.) Birth certificate is in volume 4668, file number 14730. He was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church on April 19, 1949 at Saint Martin's Chapel, Fort Belvoir by Father Joseph Parent, Chaplain, US Army. His godparents were John Thomas Skinner (proxy was Charles Mewshaw) and Willie Mae Skinner Corey, siblings of Joe's mother Ann. The certificate of baptism is on file with the Military Ordinariate, record number 113,715.
During Joe’s early years he was called Lanny, probably until about 1957 when he chose to be called Joe. He was the second of four boys and learned a great deal from his older brother, Jim - like how to pile toys into the corner of the playpen so he could climb out. Once, in Fayetteville, NC, Joe had a craving for his favorite cookie, Fig Newtons. He asked Mother for one, she reached to the top cupboard and pulled down the package - full of ants! He remembers that disappointment to this day. One time when Joe was visiting Cottonade, his grandparents farm in Fayetteville right next to Ft. Bragg, he fell onto a board and shoved a nail through his right hand (at the base of his thumb). He still has scars on both sides. One time in the basement in Alaska, Joe was hanging by one hand from the pipes in the ceiling while shooting a toy gun with the other. The guys on TV could do it. He slipped and landed chin first on the concrete floor. Three stitches. He never thought his first son, Rob, would get a scar to match, but years later he did.
One of the favorite places to camp and fish in Alaska was Hidden Lake. On one trip, Joe was climbing the hills around the area and fell down a very steep hill and split his head open on the left side near the temple. He walked back to camp, stunned and covered with blood. In spite of profuse bleeding, he was OK but still has the scar. He climbed one of the hills and lay down on a large rock. He looked out on the lake and the surrounding hills and the beautiful sky and promised himself that he would never forget this wonderful place.
In Fort Leavenworth, KS, they lived in a travel trailer while Dad attended an Army school (Command & General Staff College). It was crowded with four boys and surely tested Mother’s patience. It was only for a few months, but seemed like a long time. Joe attended the fifth grade at St. Joseph's. He remembers a few things that happened that remained with him for the rest of his life. He learned to put potato chips in hamburgers. WOW! Hamburgers were never the same. He never realized years later his kids would think he was nuts. During choir practice shortly after school started, the nun stopped everyone, looked around, came up to Joe and said he was not required to sing anymore. Joe's own children have reinforced her instructions.
By far Joe's most cherished memories in Fort Benning were of Boy Scouts. They had a wonderful troop and spent a lot of time getting ready for the summer camporee. Joe’s father was Battalion Commander of the Engineer battalion, so the Boy Scouts got three sided log cabins built for the camporee. Joe remembers skinny dipping in the river, raiding the Girl Scouts' camp, poison ivy, water moccasins, compass courses, becoming an expert in knots and lashings (as an adult Joe would become a Pioneering merit badge counselor), and many other wonderful times. This short time in Fort Benning would have an influence on Joe for the rest of his life. He would be assigned there twice as an adult.
One of the highlights was earning his Eagle Scout on October 19, 1963, Troop 620, and Wichita, Kansas. He also earned his Ad Altar Dei (To The Altar Of God), the Catholic award in Scouting while at McConnell AFB, May 13, 1963. Joe started high school at Kapaun Memorial High School in Wichita, KS. September 1963. This was an all-boys school taught by Jesuit priests. It was an excellent school with a top quality newspaper that inspired him to be the Editor-in-Chief of the paper for two years at his next high school. The football team was number one in the state that year.
They left for Korea that December. Joe's two and a half years at Seoul American High School are some of his fondest memories. Many students still stay in touch through the alumni association, SAHS Brats, and have had several reunions. One of the main reasons he enjoyed high school was the fact that he “majored" in extracurricular activities. It was because of this that he was named "Outstanding Sophomore Boy" in 1965. In 1966 Joe was awarded the US Ambassador's Award. The guidance counselor called him in before the announcement and let him know that even though the award was supposed to be for outstanding achievement in service and scholarship, this year it was given primarily for service and certainly not scholarship. It’s not that Joe's grades were bad, but they certainly did not merit any special recognition. They were good enough to be named to the National Honor Society. Joe was active in the American Red Cross when mostly girls joined. The summer after his sophomore year he was selected to represent the school at the International Leadership Training Center in Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. This was about a week long program at a hotel on the beach. Schools from all over the Far East were represented. From that group, Joe was named Outstanding Citizen, Editor of the ARC newspaper, and elected to the Student Council.
Some of the activities Joe was involved in include: Editor-in- chief of the newspaper, Falcon Crier; yearbook, layout editor and photographer; Latin Club president; National Thespian Society; Institute of Logopedics; Quill and Scroll; Student Council; Key Club; Prom Chairman; Knights of the Altar; Newman Club president; Lettermen's Club; Wrestling; Swimming Instructor; Judo, Team Captain, 2nd degree Black Belt.
Joe’s activities at West Point included the Dialectic Society, Yearbook (Howitzer), Water Safety Instructor, SCUBA club, (taught underwater photography), Judo club, (National Collegiate Championships, 1970), wrestling, gymnastics, Sport Parachute Team, Soccer. Over the years Joe had injured his shoulders several times. His medical records said “20-40 dislocations and subluxations". Finally, one day while doing sit-ups with his hands behind his neck both shoulders popped out. Surgery followed in December 1969. Joe's senior yearbook, "Howitzer" reads: "Smiling Joe was what most people knew him by, because Joe always seemed to find something about cadet life to smile about. It was hard to find Joe without a camera. Not a better photographer was to be found. He took pictures for everybody and everything. Come parade, drill, or inspection time and Joe and his camera were nowhere to be found. All of his activities made Joe a man capable of giving advice on a wide spectrum of subjects, and it was hard to disagree with a Black Belt in judo. The colorful pictures in our Howitzer will forever remind us of our good friend Joe. Judo Team 4, 3, 2, 1; Dialectic Society 4, 3, 2, 1; Wrestling 4; Gymnastics 4; Sport Parachute Team 2, 1; SCUBA Club 2, 1; Howitzer 4, 3, 2, 1." Joe was a member of the Cadet Honor Company that marched in the funeral cortege honoring President
Dwight D. Eisenhower in Washington, DC on Monday, March 31, 1969.
After graduation, the Army gave 60 days of leave before starting training. This was frequently called Honeymoon Leave since many graduates got married. Dianne and Joe were married July 24, 1971 at St. Mark's Catholic Church in Newberry, SC. Jim was Joe’s best man, and Sara Jane McDonald was the matron of honor. Father Robert T. Kennedy presided, concelebrated by the local pastor Father Peter K. Berberich. Father Kennedy was the civilian chaplain at West Point who had given Dianne so much help with the Catholic faith. He made a special trip to be there on his way back from a trip to Rome. Joe’s first day of work at Ft. Benning, after "honeymoon leave", was quite a surprise and a foreshadowing of his weight for the rest of his life. Dianne got up that morning and saw all of his fatigues scattered around the living room. Joe had to go through all of them to find a pair of pants that he could still get into. In 1974 Joe got down to 139 pounds for a while when he was competing for a place on the Armed Forces Judo Team.
In February, 1972 the family moved to Copperas Cove (Ft. Hood, TX) and into a mobile home for German Shepherd, Baron, and soon to be born, Amy Ann. They later upgraded to a three bedroom home. While Joe was assigned to the First Cav Division, he continued judo training in the Army and was on the All Army Team 1972 - 1974, the last year as coach /captain. In 1974 he made the United States Armed Forces Judo Team and competed in the CISM (International Military Sports Council) Games in Rio de Janeiro, several months before the birth of Robert Joseph. He competed in the AAU National Championships each year 1972 - 1974.
In 1975, the family moved back to Ft. Benning where Joe attended the Infantry Officers Advanced Course. While there, the family added Melissa Jane and David Lanman to the family. At that time, Joe was having an official Army photo taken in preparation for promotion. It was suggested that some reviewers may not like facial hair, so he shaved off his mustache for the first time since he had grown right after Ranger School in 1972. No problem, except for Melissa Jane. She wouldn't look at him! She was mad because she didn't understand what Joe had done with/to her daddy. She got over it in about a week.
In May 1979, with about a two week notice, they were transferred to Presidio of San Francisco, California. At that time they bought a 25 foot travel trailer and a station wagon which the family enjoyed for many years. It also made the move much easier.
From May 17, 1979 - December 31, 1979 Joe was assigned as Chief of Market Studies and Analysis (MSA), Western Region Recruiting Command (WRRC), United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC). He then went to Operations Research Systems Analysis (ORSA MAC I) on temporary duty from January 1, 1980 - April 11, 1980. Probably the most important thing learned was the need for a master’s degree which he completed April 17, 1982. (Master of Business Administration, Management, Pepperdine University). Joe's final military assignment was as Chief of the Branch Assistance Team, Infantry, Army Readiness and Mobilization Region IX (ARMR IX) from July 13, 1982 - January 31, 1984.
The next time Joe shaved his mustache off was in 1984 before he got out of the Army and was told that civilian recruiters may not like facial hair either. Ricky James was with them by then, and remembering the first time, Joe let him help shave it off. The two recruiters that interviewed Joe for Texas Instruments both had handle bar mustaches!!
The family moved back to Texas when Joe was hired by Texas Instruments for his first job as a civilian. He was the Chief of Engineering Training for the Defense Systems and Electronics Group and began private consulting on the side. Joe's first real contract as a private consultant was with the Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins University July 27-August 7, 1987. Joe continued doing many public seminars with The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. While presenting an Advanced Seminar in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance (GD&T), two employees of Valisys (CIGMA at that time) told the founder of the company that he should hire Joe. On June 19, 1988 Joe interviewed and on July 11-14 they flew the whole family to San Jose to convince them to come back to California.
The seven and a half years in Morgan Hill, CA were wonderful in many ways. The family took numerous trips all over the state and went camping and backpacking. Rick and Joe were heavily involved in Boy Scouts. The family went skiing; rock climbing, parasailing, jet skiing, fishing, and a wide variety of other activities.
After two years with Valisys, Joe decided to try full time consulting in March 1990 and formally started his own company, JLH Engineering Support. It was quite successful for the first two years, but then died during the recession. 1992 was a tough year, and by 1993, he was essentially unemployed after he had three major contracts canceled.
In 1994, he decided to look for a regular job again which eventually led to them moving to North Carolina. Dianne got a job quickly in Treyburn, NC, transferring to a branch of IHS, the nursing home care firm she had worked for in California. At the suggestion of one Joe’s younger brothers, the family settled in Cary, NC, living in three houses over the next 14 years. Over the same time, Joe cycled through several companies like MCI World Com, Lockheed Martin, IBM among others because of downsizing, reorganization, contract buyouts and other things beyond his control.
About this time Joe decided to take advantage of the SCUBA training he received at West Point. Most of his diving was off the NC coast, mostly shipwrecks including the U352, a German submarine as well as Sand Tiger Sharks. Out of about 70 dives, the best was with niece Tally, his godchild.
Employment was difficult at this time and Joe became discouraged. Because of his strong background in teaching, Dianne and the girls suggested that he consider accepting a position with the Guilford County Schools in Greensboro. In 2007, it was decided that a re-location was in order to Greensboro where Amy had been instrumental in creating a program for people who had baccalaureates in areas other than education to become teachers. It all ended fall semester 2008 when after a few weeks in, Joe was attacked by one of his students reinjuring his back aggravating his sciatica, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis to the point where he could not walk unaided and needed a wheelchair.
For the next several years, his physical and cognitive condition deteriorated after seeing orthopedists, psychiatrists (who prescribed far too many meds), and neurologists for testing, pain control, physical therapy and counselling. One neurologist in Greensboro, Dr. Love, diagnosed Joe with Multiple Sclerosis which was eventually disproven. He was able to SCUBA dive in Hawaii when Rob, Jeonga, and Jianne hosted us for our 40th wedding anniversary.
Joe stopped performing as a Eucharistic Minister at our church on September 15, 2013 because he had trouble walking. He continued with pistol competition and insisted on going to a class in Parumph, NV, near Las Vegas, on September 18 despite his deterioration. Dianne permitted it when she learned that a RN cousin would be attending the same class. He was taken to the ER two days later after collapsing to the point where he could not walk or even crawl to the door of his room when his cousin knocked. Dr.’s there in Parumph and Las Vegas again diagnosed with MS pending results of a lumbar puncture.
In 2014 Joe was seen by a highly rated MS specialist at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital, Dr. Abou Zaid, and her colleague in Movement Disorders, Dr. Siddiqui. Upon examination of the lumbar puncture done in NV, Joe was diagnosed with Parkinson’s-ism which presents as symptoms but not a true diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Meanwhile, Dianne continued working at the hospital in Greensboro until she had finally lifted too many patients and too much equipment for her back. After surgery in 2015, the hospital gavae her medical leave until 2016 when she had to retire. Fortunately, she had taken up quilting as a hobby several years before to stay busy.
In January of 2017, he suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) which Dianne recognized quickly and got him to the hospital. He suffered no permanent damage. After a family meeting, it was decided that Dianne needed more help with Joe and should move back to Apex where Melissa and Ricky in nearby Fuquay-Varina could offer that help. Amy and Cile were more than willing to help, but their schedules made it difficult. So, in March, 2017, Joe and Dianne sold the Greensboro house and down-sized into a three-bedroom apartment in Apex, NC, near Melissa with their dog, Roscoe. This also allowed Joe and Dianne to become a babysitting tag-team. Since they were within walking distance, the grandkids were able to come over to the apartment frequently to visit. Dianne has what they call her “quilt cave” loaded with fabric, quilting tools, and sewing machines. It is where she creates charity quilts, quilts for family and friends, Christmas, and decorating projects. It keeps her sane along with spending time with the grandchildren.
Eventually, with adjustments to his medications by a Psychiatric RN Practitioner, Joe regained much of his cognition and mobility over a period of time. In July and August 2019 Joe continued his lifelong commitment to the Boy Scouts by attending the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia where he served in the Medical Clinic. He relied on his electric scooter to get around the thousands of acres of mountains, lakes, and adventures. At home, he began swimming at the YMCA winning medals in the Senior Games and walking (or hobbles as he terms it) in the neighborhood.
In 2020, the year of Covid19, activities were much curtailed after the lockdown, but Joe worked on his mobility to the point where he could give up his wheelchair and begin using a walker. He drove us to Gainesville, FL, to see our grandson compete in the Florida Regional Gymnastics Tournament. Joe won a medal in the Senior Games again with his swimming.
After the vaccines were available in 2021, Joe worked up to walking longer distances almost every day without any ambulation aide and swimming in the pool three times a week. He won Senior Games medals again. Family activities increased including a zoo trip with the scooter, a trip to Knoxville to see our grandson compete in the South East Region Gymnastics Finals, celebrating family birthdays including Dianne’s 75th, traveling to Ft Rucker, AL, for Rob’s Change of Command, celebrating Joe and Dianne’s 50th anniversary once with almost the whole family, and once by ourselves at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, recreating our 30th anniversary.
Randal Hill Holcombe1
b. 29 January 1952
Randal Hill Holcombe was born on 29 January 1952 at Fort Bragg, Cumberland Co., NC.2 He was the son of Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe and Ann Josephine Skinner.1,2 Randal Hill Holcombe was christened on 17 February 1952 at Fayetteville, NC.
Randy was born at Fort Bragg while his father was assigned as an advisor to the French Army in Hanoi, French IndoChina. He was educated at various army post military elementary schools, Bishop Ireton HS in Alexandria, VA, and graduated from Newberry HS in Newberry SC. He received his BA in English/Business Administration from Furman University.
After College he worked as a banker until joining Southern Bell in 1978. Later at AT&T he managed the "Beta Test" of AT&T's new digital premise switch code-named "Antelope" (later, System 85) in Charleston, SC. After 10 years in the data communications business, he started the first telephone company to compete with Southern Bell in SC, Piedmont Teleport, Inc. He became a vice-president of American Communications Services, Inc. when it merged with Piedmont in 1994 and developed its business plan for a nation-wide ATM network.
He retired in 1996 to live in Hilton Head Island, SC and pursue genealogy, sailing and raising children. He also pursued a graduate degree in Library Science to augment his work at the Heritage Library. Founded the Heritage Library. Became Director of Information Technology at Sea Pines Resort-managed telecommunications for 20+ locations. Data processing for guest services, point of sale, real estate operations, finance and accounting.
The family moved back to Greenville and he worked as IT director for two multi location medical practices.
Randy was born at Fort Bragg while his father was assigned as an advisor to the French Army in Hanoi, French IndoChina. He was educated at various army post military elementary schools, Bishop Ireton HS in Alexandria, VA, and graduated from Newberry HS in Newberry SC. He received his BA in English/Business Administration from Furman University.
After College he worked as a banker until joining Southern Bell in 1978. Later at AT&T he managed the "Beta Test" of AT&T's new digital premise switch code-named "Antelope" (later, System 85) in Charleston, SC. After 10 years in the data communications business, he started the first telephone company to compete with Southern Bell in SC, Piedmont Teleport, Inc. He became a vice-president of American Communications Services, Inc. when it merged with Piedmont in 1994 and developed its business plan for a nation-wide ATM network.
He retired in 1996 to live in Hilton Head Island, SC and pursue genealogy, sailing and raising children. He also pursued a graduate degree in Library Science to augment his work at the Heritage Library. Founded the Heritage Library. Became Director of Information Technology at Sea Pines Resort-managed telecommunications for 20+ locations. Data processing for guest services, point of sale, real estate operations, finance and accounting.
The family moved back to Greenville and he worked as IT director for two multi location medical practices.
Child of Randal Hill Holcombe and Karen Marion Grob
- Katherine Ann Holcombe b. 16 May 1991, d. 16 May 1991
Molly Chappelle Moore1,2,3
b. 15 May 1946
Molly Chappelle Moore was born on 15 May 1946 at Florence Nightingale Hospital, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX.2,4 She was the daughter of Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Nan Alsup Norton. Molly Chappelle Moore married James Hallowell Holcombe Jr., son of Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe and Ann Josephine Skinner, on 1 November 1975 at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Raleigh, Wake Co., NC.5,6 Her married name was Molly Moore Holcombe. Molly Chappelle Moore was christened on 5 January 1997 at Baptist; Atkinson Road Baptist Church, Lawrenceville, Gwinette Co., GA.
Molly was born in Dallas and raised in the Highland Park neighborhood. She was names after her great aunt, Mollie Chappel. The school required alternating semesters of domestic science classes: cooking and sewing. Although I managed to have fun in the cooking class, I absolutely loathed sewing and the old Singer and I had many battles which I usually lost in a nest of knotted thread and fabric. I was delighted when my grandmother came to visit— she was an expert seamstress. So I smuggled my unfinished skirt home in my notebook. She made the most beautiful skirt that night! I was so happy! Free at last!! I proudly showed it to the sewing teacher the next morning. Let’s just say the rest of the morning was spent in the principal’s office with my mother bargaining to have me transferred to Southwest History.
Claude transferred to Albuquerque when she was 13. She attended Sandia High School there where she met Mel Grotberg and graduated in 1964. She first attended North Texas, then transferred to the University of New Mexico where she graduated in 1969. When Mel was assigned to Ft. Gordon, Molly moved to Charlotte where her cousin was living at the time.
When Molly and Mel broke up she was introduced to Jim by her supervisor, Jeanne Cleary, and they attended the All Campus Weekend at NC State together. Many trips back and forth between Charlotte and Raleigh and many basketball games later, they were finally engaged, and married in Raleigh.
Molly was born in Dallas and raised in the Highland Park neighborhood. She was names after her great aunt, Mollie Chappel. The school required alternating semesters of domestic science classes: cooking and sewing. Although I managed to have fun in the cooking class, I absolutely loathed sewing and the old Singer and I had many battles which I usually lost in a nest of knotted thread and fabric. I was delighted when my grandmother came to visit— she was an expert seamstress. So I smuggled my unfinished skirt home in my notebook. She made the most beautiful skirt that night! I was so happy! Free at last!! I proudly showed it to the sewing teacher the next morning. Let’s just say the rest of the morning was spent in the principal’s office with my mother bargaining to have me transferred to Southwest History.
Claude transferred to Albuquerque when she was 13. She attended Sandia High School there where she met Mel Grotberg and graduated in 1964. She first attended North Texas, then transferred to the University of New Mexico where she graduated in 1969. When Mel was assigned to Ft. Gordon, Molly moved to Charlotte where her cousin was living at the time.
When Molly and Mel broke up she was introduced to Jim by her supervisor, Jeanne Cleary, and they attended the All Campus Weekend at NC State together. Many trips back and forth between Charlotte and Raleigh and many basketball games later, they were finally engaged, and married in Raleigh.
- [S1] William Bradley Holcombe, Birth Certificate 110-81-003931 (2 Feb 1981).
- [S4] Molly Chappelle Moore, State Birth Certificate 3521 (20 May 1946).
- [S6] Natalie Ann Holcombe, Birth Certificate 110-87-094337 (10 Dec 1987).
- [S855] Molly Chappelle Moore entry, Hospital Birth Certificate.
- [S556] Certificate, James Hallowell Holcombe and Molly Chappelle Moore marriage of 1 November 1975.
- [S856] Certificate, James H. Holcombe and Molly C. Moore marriage of 1 Novembe 1975.
Amy Inez Hallowell
b. 20 January 1886, d. 27 November 1977
- Charts
- Four Generations of Descendants of Amherst Holcombe
President Washington and James Holcombe
President John Quincy Adams and James Holcombe
President Filmore and James Holcombe
President Grant and James Holcombe
President Hayes and Jim Holcombe
President Cleveland and James Holcombe
President Taft and James Holcombe
President Hoover and James Holcombe
President Franklin Roosevelt and James Holcombe
President Ford and James Holcombe
President Carter and James Holcombe
President Bush and James Holcombe
Sarah Palin and James Holcombe
Gov. Romney and James Holcombe
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and James Holcombe
Sigourney Weaver and James Holcombe
Molly Moore and James Holcombe
Taylor Swift and James Holcombe
Emily Dickinson and James Holcombe
Brad and Tally to Taylor Swift
Amy Inez Hallowell was born on 20 January 1886 at Dow City, Crawford Co., IA.1 She was the daughter of Peter Joseph Hallowell and Matilda Garland Scott. Amy Inez Hallowell married Frank Lanman Holcombe, son of Amherst Lanman Holcombe and Clara Frances Babbitt, on 6 February 1914 at Brides Home, Dow City, Crawford Co., IA.2,3 Amy Inez Hallowell died on 27 November 1977 at Sanford, Lee Co., NC, at age 911,4, and was buried on 29 November 1977 at Cross Creek Cemetery, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; Lot 4 of Block 2 of Cemetery 3.5
"Miss Inez was born and raised in this community, and is thus a good example of Crawford county product. Her character is as spotless as new fallen snow, her grace of manners and sweet disposition winning her numberless friends. She graduated from our local high school, afterward entering the ranks as teacher in the rural schools. Later she decided on entering the Iowa State college at Ames, where she took the whole four years course and graduated with honors. She accepted a position as secretary of the Y.W.C.A. at Des Moines and after a few months resigned it to accept a similar position at St. Louis, which she held until about six weeks ago. The wedding is a culmination of a college romance." From the Dow City paper.
"On the day of the wedding the mercury was down to 40 below zero and the young lady should appreciate a home where the thermometer does not forget itself and treat brides in that shabby fashion." From a local North Carolina paper.
"Miss Inez was born and raised in this community, and is thus a good example of Crawford county product. Her character is as spotless as new fallen snow, her grace of manners and sweet disposition winning her numberless friends. She graduated from our local high school, afterward entering the ranks as teacher in the rural schools. Later she decided on entering the Iowa State college at Ames, where she took the whole four years course and graduated with honors. She accepted a position as secretary of the Y.W.C.A. at Des Moines and after a few months resigned it to accept a similar position at St. Louis, which she held until about six weeks ago. The wedding is a culmination of a college romance." From the Dow City paper.
"On the day of the wedding the mercury was down to 40 below zero and the young lady should appreciate a home where the thermometer does not forget itself and treat brides in that shabby fashion." From a local North Carolina paper.
Children of Amy Inez Hallowell and Frank Lanman Holcombe
- Amherst Lanman Holcombe b. 2 Jul 1915, d. 8 Dec 1915
- Lt. Col. James Hallowell Holcombe+ b. 29 Sep 1916, d. 31 Oct 1976
- Harold Milton Holcombe+ b. 14 Dec 1918, d. 24 Aug 1991
- Jane Garland Holcombe+ b. 8 Aug 1921, d. 28 Jan 1992
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 239-25-1259.
- [S812] Certificate, Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell marriage of 6 February 1914.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Iowa Department of Public Health; Des Moines, Iowa; Series Title: Iowa Marriage Records, 1880–1922; Record Type: Textual Records
Ancestry.com. Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1940 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. - [S495] Amy Inez (Hallowell) Holcombe, DC: Inez Holcombe.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Amy Inez Hallowell Holcombe (20 Jan 1886-27 Nov 1977). Memorial no. 68120531, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68120531, accessed 16 Aug 2019, citing Cross Creek Cemetery #3, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; Maintained by: Vonna (contributor 46495112).
Amherst Lanman Holcombe
b. 2 July 1915, d. 8 December 1915
Amherst Lanman Holcombe was born on 2 July 1915 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. He was the son of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell. Amherst Lanman Holcombe died on 8 December 1915 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC.1 He was buried at Cross Creek Cemetery, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC.2
- [S807] Find A Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 46438124.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Amherst Lanman Holcombe (2 Jul 1915-8 Dec 1915). Memorial no. 68120524, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68120524, accessed 7 Mar 2019, citing Cross Creek Cemetery #3, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; Maintained by: Vonna (contributor 46495112).
Harold Milton Holcombe
b. 14 December 1918, d. 24 August 1991
Harold Milton Holcombe was born on 14 December 1918 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. He was the son of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell. Harold Milton Holcombe married Elizabeth Hawks Pott, daughter of Walter Hawks Pott and Elizabeth Washington Fisher, on 20 October 1954 at Greenville, NC. Harold Milton Holcombe died on 24 August 1991 at Charleston, Charleston Co., SC, at age 72. He was cremated on 27 August 1991 at First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, Horry Co., SC, and a marker placed there; In addition a memorial marker was placed in the family plot in the Cross Creek Cemetery in Fayetteville.1,2
World War II Army veteran, serving in the South Pacific; graduate of NC State University, School of Engineering; Union Carbide District Manager. Services were at the First Presbyterian Chruch of Myrtle Beach, the body was cremated. Betty was a graduate of St. Mary's College in Raleigh, NC, and attended the Art Students League in New York. They moved to the Myrtle Beach area in 1981 from Sanford, NC, and were members of the First Presbyterian Church of Myrtle Beach.
World War II Army veteran, serving in the South Pacific; graduate of NC State University, School of Engineering; Union Carbide District Manager. Services were at the First Presbyterian Chruch of Myrtle Beach, the body was cremated. Betty was a graduate of St. Mary's College in Raleigh, NC, and attended the Art Students League in New York. They moved to the Myrtle Beach area in 1981 from Sanford, NC, and were members of the First Presbyterian Church of Myrtle Beach.
- [S17] The Sun News, August 26, 1991, Page C1.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Harold Milton Holcombe (14 Dec 1918–24 Aug 1991). Memorial no. 68120465, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68120465, accessed 21 Aug 2019, citing Cremated; Maintained by: Vonna (contributor 46495112).
Jane Garland Holcombe
b. 8 August 1921, d. 28 January 1992
Jane Garland Holcombe was born on 8 August 1921 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. She was the daughter of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell. Jane Garland Holcombe married Thomas Carl Struthers, son of Jay Thomas Struthers and Caroline Jane Williamson, on 10 October 1948 at Philadelphia, PA.1 Jane Garland Holcombe died on 28 January 1992 at Lemon Springs, Lee Co., NC, at age 70.2 She was buried at Iberia Cemetery, Iberia, Morrow Co., OH.3
Jane died at home in Lemon Springs, where she had lived for most of her married life. There was a memorial service on Friday, January 31 at the Lemon Springs United Methodist Church. (They were members of the Sanford Presbyterian Church at the time of her death, but it was temporily closed for repairs). The flag at the post office across the street where she had worked many years was at half staff. She was cremated. Jane had worked as a dietitian at Yale and as a home economist for Carolina Power and Light. Tom had been a Lieutienant JG in the navy during WWII.
This photo is of (top row) Ann Skinner Holcombe, Lawrence Johnson, Jane, James Holcombe Sr., Thomas Struthers; (seated) Jane Hallowell Loomis, Inez Hallowell Holcombe, Harold Holcombe, and Betty Holcombe.
Jane died at home in Lemon Springs, where she had lived for most of her married life. There was a memorial service on Friday, January 31 at the Lemon Springs United Methodist Church. (They were members of the Sanford Presbyterian Church at the time of her death, but it was temporily closed for repairs). The flag at the post office across the street where she had worked many years was at half staff. She was cremated. Jane had worked as a dietitian at Yale and as a home economist for Carolina Power and Light. Tom had been a Lieutienant JG in the navy during WWII.
This photo is of (top row) Ann Skinner Holcombe, Lawrence Johnson, Jane, James Holcombe Sr., Thomas Struthers; (seated) Jane Hallowell Loomis, Inez Hallowell Holcombe, Harold Holcombe, and Betty Holcombe.
Children of Jane Garland Holcombe and Thomas Carl Struthers
- Thomas Lanman Struthers+ b. 17 Aug 1950, d. 15 Feb 2015
- Scott Garland Struthers b. 12 Jul 1954, d. 12 Jul 1954
- [S16] The Fayetteville Observer.
- [S723] Unknown compiler, "Ohio, Crawford County Obituaries, 1860-2004," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z6-8SM5 : 26 April 2017), Jane Holcombe Struthers, 1992; citing Crawford, Ohio, United States, Crawford County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, Bucyrus.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Jane Garland Holcombe Struthers (8 Aug 1921-28 Jan 1992). Memorial no. 175893026, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175893026, accessed 26 Aug 2019, citing Iberia Cemetery, Iberia, Morrow County, Ohio, USA; Maintained by: Names in Stone (contributor 47318282).
Elizabeth Hawks Pott
b. 22 March 1924, d. 17 December 1992
Elizabeth Hawks Pott was born on 22 March 1924 at Shanghai, China. She was the daughter of Walter Hawks Pott and Elizabeth Washington Fisher. Elizabeth Hawks Pott married Harold Milton Holcombe, son of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell, on 20 October 1954 at Greenville, NC. Elizabeth Hawks Pott died on 17 December 1992 at Surfside Beach, SC, at age 68. She was cremated at Surfside Beach, SC.1
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Elizabeth Hawks Pott Holcombe (22 Mar 1924-17 Dec 1992). Memorial no. 102906211, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/102906211, accessed 21 Aug 2019, citing Cremated; Maintained by: Ann (contributor 46833496).
Amherst Lanman Holcombe1,2,3
b. 29 March 1822, d. 14 October 1894
- Charts
- Four Generations of Descendants of Judah Holcombe
Four Generations of Descendants of Amherst Holcombe
DNA Descendants of Thomas Holcombe
President Washington and James Holcombe
President John Quincy Adams and James Holcombe
President Filmore and James Holcombe
President Grant and James Holcombe
President Hayes and Jim Holcombe
President Cleveland and James Holcombe
President Taft and James Holcombe
President Hoover and James Holcombe
President Franklin Roosevelt and James Holcombe
President Ford and James Holcombe
President Carter and James Holcombe
President Bush and James Holcombe
Sarah Palin and James Holcombe
Gov. Romney and James Holcombe
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and James Holcombe
Sigourney Weaver and James Holcombe
Molly Moore and James Holcombe
Taylor Swift and James Holcombe
Emily Dickinson and James Holcombe
Brad and Tally to Taylor Swift
Amherst Lanman Holcombe was born on 29 March 1822 at Village of North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.4,5,6,7,8,9 He was the son of James Holcombe and Miriam Colt.10,11 Amherst Lanman Holcombe was baptized on 23 June 1822 at First Congregationalist Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.12 He married Julia A. Jones, daughter of Meriam H. (?), on 31 October 1850 at Heartland, Hartford Co., CT. Amherst Lanman Holcombe married Clara Frances Babbitt, daughter of Harrison Willard Babbitt and Marilla Theresa Converse, on 30 November 1882 at Barre, Worcester Co., MA.5,6,13 Amherst Lanman Holcombe left a will on 22 May 1893 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 14 October 1894 at Blue Hills, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72.4,5,6,8 He was buried on 16 October 1894 at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT; Lot IV-67.14,8,15 His estate was probated on 17 October 1894 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT.
Amherst was enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census as a 28 year old farmer.
Amherst and Julia were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census (West Granby Post Office). James L. was age 5. Miriam Jones, age 71, Amherst's mother-in-law, was in the household.
Amherst would have been too old to have been considered for a position in the Union Army during the Civil War, but it would have significantly affected his life. The 16th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Infantry was organized in Hartford on August 24, 1862 and he and Julia may have joined many other Granby residents that saw their men off to DC on August 29th.
Amherst and Julia were enumerated in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, page 33. There were no children listed. A farm laborer, Edney C. Babbitt, age 19, born in Massachusetts, was in the household, probably the brother of Clara Frances Babbit.
Amherst and Julia were enumerated in the 1880 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census. He was a farmer. Julia is listed as having a disability. His half-sister Emily Cowdry is living with them as is a foster-child Thomas (--?--), age 12, and a boarder.
Amherst was listed in the 1888 Greer's City Directory.
Amherst spelled his name "Holcomb". After his death, Frank Lanman and Aunt Kate decided to add the "e". (From Jane Holcombe Struthers)
The Obituary of Amherst L. Holcomb as it appeared in The Hartford Daily Courant, October 15, 1894:
From The Converse Family and Allied Families:
Amherst was enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census as a 28 year old farmer.
Amherst and Julia were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census (West Granby Post Office). James L. was age 5. Miriam Jones, age 71, Amherst's mother-in-law, was in the household.
Amherst would have been too old to have been considered for a position in the Union Army during the Civil War, but it would have significantly affected his life. The 16th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Infantry was organized in Hartford on August 24, 1862 and he and Julia may have joined many other Granby residents that saw their men off to DC on August 29th.
Amherst and Julia were enumerated in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, page 33. There were no children listed. A farm laborer, Edney C. Babbitt, age 19, born in Massachusetts, was in the household, probably the brother of Clara Frances Babbit.
Amherst and Julia were enumerated in the 1880 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census. He was a farmer. Julia is listed as having a disability. His half-sister Emily Cowdry is living with them as is a foster-child Thomas (--?--), age 12, and a boarder.
Amherst was listed in the 1888 Greer's City Directory.
Amherst spelled his name "Holcomb". After his death, Frank Lanman and Aunt Kate decided to add the "e". (From Jane Holcombe Struthers)
The Obituary of Amherst L. Holcomb as it appeared in The Hartford Daily Courant, October 15, 1894:
Amherst L. Holcomb died at his home on the Brinley place, Blue Hills, yesterday, aged 72 years. Mr. Holcomb was formerly a resident of Granby, but purchased the Brinley place and moved from Granby in September 1887. In Granby, Mr. Holcomb carried on the business of farming and was an esteemed citizen of the town. He was a member of the Congregational Church in that town, but since coming to this city joined the Asylum Hill Church. He filled many important town offices while living in Granby. He was interested in the old-time militia of the state and served as quartermaster and paymaster in the Seventeenth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, in 1845 and 1846, respectively.
Mr. Holcombe leaves a wife and two children, a son, aged 9, and a daughter aged 5 years. The funeral will take place from his late home, No. 2 Holcomb Street, Blue Hills, to-morrow morning at 8:30 o'clock. The Rev. Joseph H. Twichell will officiate. The burial will be at Granby.
Mr. Holcombe leaves a wife and two children, a son, aged 9, and a daughter aged 5 years. The funeral will take place from his late home, No. 2 Holcomb Street, Blue Hills, to-morrow morning at 8:30 o'clock. The Rev. Joseph H. Twichell will officiate. The burial will be at Granby.
From The Converse Family and Allied Families:
Clara Frances Babbitt, born in Worcester, Mass., 5 June 1849; united with the Congregational Church in Barre in Sept. 1871; resided for some years in Franklin and Fitchburg, Mass., and taught school one year in Hartland, Conn., where she met Amherst Lanman Holcombe, and was married to him at the family home, in Barre, 30 Nov. 1882, by Rev. Joseph F. Gaylord. Mr. Holcombe was born in Granby, Conn., 29 March 1822, and was the son of James and Miriam (Colt) Holcombe. Amherst Lanman Holcombe was a successful farmer, and, on his hillside farm in Granby, Conn., they lived until Sept., 1887, when they moved to Hartford, Conn., where, in exchange for the Granby farm, he had taken a smaller farm on "Brindly Hill" just within the city limits of Hartford. Mr. Holcombe died there 14 Oct. 1894. He was an industrious and thrifty farmer, a good financier, interested in local and national affairs, and a member of the Congregational Church.
Mrs. Holcombe continued to live in the Hartford home until her second marriage, in Hartford, 8 Dec 1897, by Rev. Joseph H. Twitchell of Hartford, to Lusias Sanborn Johnson, who was born in Newport, ME., 15 June 1845, the son of John and Mary (Rowley) Johnson, lived in Manchester, N.H., after he was three years old. He removed to Southern Pines, N.C., in February 1893, where Mr. and Mrs. Johnson reside on his farm, and where she is a member of the Congregational Church.
Mrs. Holcombe continued to live in the Hartford home until her second marriage, in Hartford, 8 Dec 1897, by Rev. Joseph H. Twitchell of Hartford, to Lusias Sanborn Johnson, who was born in Newport, ME., 15 June 1845, the son of John and Mary (Rowley) Johnson, lived in Manchester, N.H., after he was three years old. He removed to Southern Pines, N.C., in February 1893, where Mr. and Mrs. Johnson reside on his farm, and where she is a member of the Congregational Church.
Children of Amherst Lanman Holcombe and Julia A. Jones
- James Lanman Holcombe b. 16 Mar 1855, d. 7 Mar 1861
- Chelsea Jones Holcombe b. c Mar 1862, d. 28 Nov 1862
Children of Amherst Lanman Holcombe and Clara Frances Babbitt
- Frank Lanman Holcombe+ b. 29 Sep 1885, d. 13 Jun 1952
- Kate Miriam Holcombe+6 b. 22 Nov 1888, d. 5 Feb 1973
- [S23] Jesse Seaver, The Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 56, Item 218.2.VI.
- [S24] Charles Allen Converse, Some of the Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr., of Thompson Parish, Kiliingly, Conn., Page332.
- [S25] Hannah Elizabeth Weir McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 163.1.
- [S161] Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery.
- [S831] Kate Miriam Johnson, "NSDAR: 198607, Kate Johnson."
- [S847] Miriam Converse Johnson Burlingame, "NSDAR: 690394, Miriam Johnson Burlingame."
- [S25] Hannah Elizabeth Weir McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 162.2, item A-8-1-6-3-5-6.
- [S862] Carol A. Laun, Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery, page 103, Item IV-67.
- [S311] Unknown compiler, "Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F77Z-D61 : 7 January 2020), A. Lanman Holcomb, 1822.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, New England Historic Genealogical Society; Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911–1915
Ancestry.com. Massachusetts, Marriage Records, 1840-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2013. Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911–1915. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts. - [S336] Ancestry.com, Book Title: The Giddings family: or, the descendants of George Giddings, : who came from St Albans, England, to
Ancestry.com. North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016. - [S236] Unknown subject, photographic copies held by the Salmon Brook Historical Society, Carol Laun, curator. unknown repository, Book 2, page 70.
- [S864] MC: Amherst Holcombe and Clara Babbitt: from Ancestry.com; New England Historic Genealogical Society; Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911–1915.
- [S161] Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 103.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Amherst Lanman Holcombe (29 Mar 1822-14 Oct 1894). Memorial no. 65162663, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65162663, accessed 6 Feb 2019, citing Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA; Maintained by: M Cooley (Contributor 47154454).
Thomas Carl Struthers
b. 2 September 1913, d. 18 October 2002
Thomas Carl Struthers was born on 2 September 1913 at Marion, OH.1 He was the son of Jay Thomas Struthers and Caroline Jane Williamson. Thomas Carl Struthers married Charlotte Irene Mourer on 2 July 1937 at First Methodist Episcopal Church, South Bend, St. Joseph Co., IN. Thomas Carl Struthers and Charlotte Irene Mourer were divorced. Thomas Carl Struthers married Jane Garland Holcombe, daughter of Frank Lanman Holcombe and Amy Inez Hallowell, on 10 October 1948 at Philadelphia, PA.2 Thomas Carl Struthers lived on 1 April 2000 at Exton, PA. He died on 18 October 2002 at PA at age 89.3 He was buried at Iberia Cemetery, Iberia, Morrow Co., OH.4
Children of Thomas Carl Struthers and Jane Garland Holcombe
- Thomas Lanman Struthers+ b. 17 Aug 1950, d. 15 Feb 2015
- Scott Garland Struthers b. 12 Jul 1954, d. 12 Jul 1954
- [S807] Find A Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 175893069.
- [S16] The Fayetteville Observer.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Thomas Carl Struthers (2 Sep 1913-18 Oct 2002). Memorial no. 175893069, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175893069, accessed 26 Aug 2019, citing Iberia Cemetery, Iberia, Morrow County, Ohio, USA; Maintained by: Names in Stone (contributor 47318282).
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Thomas Carl Struthers (2 Sep 1913-18 Oct 2002). Memorial no. 175893069, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175893069, accessed 16 Aug 2019, citing Iberia Cemetery, Iberia, Morrow County, OH, USA; Maintained by: Names in Stone (contributor 47318282).
Thomas Lanman Struthers
b. 17 August 1950, d. 15 February 2015
Thomas Lanman Struthers was born on 17 August 1950 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. He was the son of Thomas Carl Struthers and Jane Garland Holcombe. Thomas Lanman Struthers lived on 1 April 2000 at 1287 Belmont Ave., West Chester, Chester Co., PA. He died on 15 February 2015 at West Chester, Chester Co., PA, at age 64. He was buried.1
Published in The Daily Local on Feb. 18, 2015:
Tom of West Chester, PA, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015, after several years of illness. Tom was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and raised in Lemon Springs, North Carolina, the son of the late Thomas Carl Struthers and Jane Holcombe Struthers. He recently retired as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of John Milner Associates, Inc., a nationally known preservation and cultural resources firm in West Chester. He graduated from Drew University with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology, and from Idaho State University with a master’s degree in archeology. Tom is survived by his wife, Jacqueline Clark Struthers of West Chester; his two daughters, Sarah Anne Struthers of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and Emily Alison Struthers of Raleigh, North Carolina; and his sister, Caroline Jane Struthers of Wilmington, North Carolina. An informal remembrance gathering will be held Wednesday, Feb. 18 from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at The Barclay, 535 North Church Street, West Chester, 19380.
Published in The Daily Local on Feb. 18, 2015:
Tom of West Chester, PA, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015, after several years of illness. Tom was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and raised in Lemon Springs, North Carolina, the son of the late Thomas Carl Struthers and Jane Holcombe Struthers. He recently retired as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of John Milner Associates, Inc., a nationally known preservation and cultural resources firm in West Chester. He graduated from Drew University with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology, and from Idaho State University with a master’s degree in archeology. Tom is survived by his wife, Jacqueline Clark Struthers of West Chester; his two daughters, Sarah Anne Struthers of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and Emily Alison Struthers of Raleigh, North Carolina; and his sister, Caroline Jane Struthers of Wilmington, North Carolina. An informal remembrance gathering will be held Wednesday, Feb. 18 from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at The Barclay, 535 North Church Street, West Chester, 19380.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Thomas Lanmanl Struthers (17 Aug 1950-15 Feb 2015). Memorial no. 202459671, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/202459671, accessed 26 Aug 2019, citing Creamated; Maintained by: Hokey (contributor 47374954).
Scott Garland Struthers
b. 12 July 1954, d. 12 July 1954
Scott Garland Struthers died on 12 July 1954 at Highsmith-Rainey Hospital, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. He was born on 12 July 1954 at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. He was the son of Thomas Carl Struthers and Jane Garland Holcombe. Scott Garland Struthers was buried at Cross Creek Cemetery, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC.1
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Scott Garland Struthers (12 Jul 1954-12 Jul 1954). Memorial no. 68120491, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68120491, accessed 6 August 2018, citing Cross Creek Cemetery #3, Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, USA; Maintained by: Vonna (contributor 46495112).
Harry Claude Moore Jr.1
b. 12 March 1909, d. 7 March 1985
Harry Claude Moore Jr. was born on 12 March 1909 at Webb City, Jasper Co., MO.2,3,4 He was the son of Harry Claude Moore and Valera Mae Chappell. Harry Claude Moore Jr. married Jewel Wolfe on 18 October 1930 at Bryan Co., OK.5 Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Jewel Wolfe were divorced in August 1931. Harry Claude Moore Jr. married Maurine Garrett, daughter of Boyd Roberts Garrett and Euleta Maffett, on 23 December 1933 at Highland Park Methodist, Dallas, TX. Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Maurine Garrett were divorced on 21 February 1944 at Dallas Co., TX. Harry Claude Moore Jr. married Nan Alsup Norton, daughter of George Harvey Norton and Zinn Tallie Alsup, at Kaufman, Kaufman Co., Texas.6 Harry Claude Moore Jr. lived in 1952 at 3923 Hanover St., Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. He lived in September 1960 at 2945 Bel Air, Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM. He lived in 1970 at 4618 Monette Drive, Corpus Christi, TX. He died on 7 March 1985 at 316 Walnut St., Whitewright, Grayson Co., TX, at age 75; of cardiac arrest2,7, and was buried on 9 March 1985 at Blue Ridge Cemetery, Blue Ridge, Collin Co., TX.8
When he applied for a Social Security Number on January 14, 1936, Claude was living at 1008 N. Preston, Ennis, TX, and working at H. Hentz & Co., Republic National Bank Bldg, Dallas, TX.
H. C. and Maurine were eunmerated in the 1940 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, federal census. He was an insurance company inspector, age 31; she was 27. The only child in the household was Betty V. 5. They lived in an apartment at 1201 7th street.
Claude and Nan retired and moved to Corpus Christi two weeks before Hurricane Celia hit on August 3, 1970 and destroyed their home. They bought a new home on Monette Drive. On 21 Nov 1983 Claude signed a will in Corpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, leaving everything to Nan and she was the executrix.
They sold the house on Monette in December 1984 and moved to the Dallas area. They were building a house in the Sudderth Addition, Leonard, Fannin County, TX, and living in a rental house that belonged to the developer at 316 Walnut St., Whitewright, Grayson Co., TX. Before the house was completed, Claude had a heart attack and died. The death was certified at the Wilson N. Jones Hospital in Sherman. Nan moved into an apartment in McKinney and sold the property in Leonard on 13 January 1986.
When he applied for a Social Security Number on January 14, 1936, Claude was living at 1008 N. Preston, Ennis, TX, and working at H. Hentz & Co., Republic National Bank Bldg, Dallas, TX.
H. C. and Maurine were eunmerated in the 1940 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, federal census. He was an insurance company inspector, age 31; she was 27. The only child in the household was Betty V. 5. They lived in an apartment at 1201 7th street.
Claude and Nan retired and moved to Corpus Christi two weeks before Hurricane Celia hit on August 3, 1970 and destroyed their home. They bought a new home on Monette Drive. On 21 Nov 1983 Claude signed a will in Corpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, leaving everything to Nan and she was the executrix.
They sold the house on Monette in December 1984 and moved to the Dallas area. They were building a house in the Sudderth Addition, Leonard, Fannin County, TX, and living in a rental house that belonged to the developer at 316 Walnut St., Whitewright, Grayson Co., TX. Before the house was completed, Claude had a heart attack and died. The death was certified at the Wilson N. Jones Hospital in Sherman. Nan moved into an apartment in McKinney and sold the property in Leonard on 13 January 1986.
Child of Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Maurine Garrett
- Benton Garrett Moore+ b. 12 Sep 1943, d. 4 Sep 2005
Children of Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Nan Alsup Norton
- Molly Chappelle Moore+ b. 15 May 1946
- Terrence Andrew Moore+ b. 30 Oct 1959
- [S12] Harry Claude Moore, Birth Certificate 571657 (Dec 6, 1965).
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 457-05-0505.
- [S454] Harry Claude Moore Jr., 571657 (6 Dec 1965).
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SS-5 for 457-05-0505.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com. Oklahoma, County Marriage Records, 1890-1995 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.
- [S478] MR: Moore-Norton: Kaufman County Clerk's Office; Kaufman, Texas; Kaufman County Marriage Records
Ancestry.com. Texas, Select County Marriage Records, 1837-2015 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. - [S455] DC: Harry Claude Moore Jr.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Harry Claude Moore Jr. (12 Mar 1909-7 Mar 1985). Memorial no. 8531969, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/8531969, accessed 21 Aug 2019, citing Blue Ridge Cemetery, Blue Ridge, Collin County, Texas, USA; Maintained by: Richard Hollis (contributor 46868975).
Nan Alsup Norton1,2
b. 28 November 1919, d. 16 October 1988
Nan Alsup Norton was born on 28 November 1919 at Hospital of the Good Samaritan, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.3,4 She was the daughter of George Harvey Norton and Zinn Tallie Alsup. Nan Alsup Norton married James Vick. Nan Alsup Norton and James Vick were divorced at Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. Nan Alsup Norton married Harry Claude Moore Jr., son of Harry Claude Moore and Valera Mae Chappell, at Kaufman, Kaufman Co., Texas.5 Nan Alsup Norton died on 16 October 1988 at 123 Wilson Creek Blvd, Apt 82, McKinney, Collin Co., TX, at age 68.6,7 She was buried on 19 October 1988 at Blue Ridge Cemetery, Blue Ridge, Collin Co., TX.8
Nan was enumerated in the 1920 Los Angeles, LA Co., CA, Federal census in the household of her parents. In the 1930 Federal census, the family was in Washington, DC. In 1940 Nan and her first husband, James Vick, were enumerated in the Brenham, Washington Co., TX, federal census. He was 26, a drug salesman, she was 20. When Nan filled out her application for a Social Security number on 5 Dec 1938 she and her first husband were living at 2115 Wentworth, Houston, TX, and she was working at the Pillot Book Store. In 1950 Nan and her second husband, H, Claude Moore, were enumerated in the Dallas, Dallas Co., TX federal census. He was an insurance adjuster age 41, she was 30. Molly C. was 3.
Nan was enumerated in the 1920 Los Angeles, LA Co., CA, Federal census in the household of her parents. In the 1930 Federal census, the family was in Washington, DC. In 1940 Nan and her first husband, James Vick, were enumerated in the Brenham, Washington Co., TX, federal census. He was 26, a drug salesman, she was 20. When Nan filled out her application for a Social Security number on 5 Dec 1938 she and her first husband were living at 2115 Wentworth, Houston, TX, and she was working at the Pillot Book Store. In 1950 Nan and her second husband, H, Claude Moore, were enumerated in the Dallas, Dallas Co., TX federal census. He was an insurance adjuster age 41, she was 30. Molly C. was 3.
Children of Nan Alsup Norton and Harry Claude Moore Jr.
- Molly Chappelle Moore+ b. 15 May 1946
- Terrence Andrew Moore+ b. 30 Oct 1959
- [S11] Nan Norton Moore, DC: Nan Moore.
- [S13] McKinney Courier, Oct 23, 1988, page 4.
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SS-5 465-12-8820.
- [S456] Nan Alsup Norton, Birth Certificate (1 Dec 1919).
- [S478] MR: Moore-Norton: Kaufman County Clerk's Office; Kaufman, Texas; Kaufman County Marriage Records
Ancestry.com. Texas, Select County Marriage Records, 1837-2015 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. - [S360] Unknown name of person, Death Certificate, Collin Co. TX, File Number 88-498.
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 465-12-8820.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Nan Alsup Norton Moore (28 Nov 1919-19 Oct 1988). Memorial no. 8531968, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/8531968, accessed 21 Aug 2019, citing Blue Ridge Cemetery, Blue Ridge, Collin County, Texas, USA; Maintained by: Richard Hollis (contributor 46868975).
Terrence Andrew Moore
b. 30 October 1959
Terrence Andrew Moore was born on 30 October 1959 at Baylor Hospital, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. He was the son of Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Nan Alsup Norton. Terrence Andrew Moore married Sheila Ann Monday, daughter of Dalton Eugene Monday and Janice Lee Jones, on 18 June 1983 at Winnsboro, TX. Terrence Andrew Moore was buried at Seabrook Cemetery, Seabrook, Harris Co., TX.
Joseph Edward Skinner1,2,3
b. 26 August 1881, d. 5 February 1941
Joseph Edward Skinner was born on 26 August 1881 at Mcintosh, Washington Co., AL.4,5,6 He was the son of Judge George Gaines Skinner and Mary Eugenia Hill. Joseph Edward Skinner married Ethel Lane Sheldon on 6 June 1906 at Mobile Co., AL. Joseph Edward Skinner married Margaret Rose McCafferty, daughter of John Thomas McCafferty and Sarah Ann McDonald, on 12 November 1913 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.7,8 Joseph Edward Skinner died on 5 February 1941 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, at age 59 and was buried on 7 February 1941 at Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.9
Jospeh's WWI draft registration card listed his address as 521 Spring Hill Ave., Mobile; he was a clerk at the Van Antwerp Drug Corp; his nearest relative was Margaret Rose Skinner; he was tall and slender with grey eyes.10
Mr. Skinner was self employed in the wholesale candy business and later worked for "Baunhouer" distributors. He was a member of St. Mary's church and the Knights of Columbus. He was married At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama on 12 November 1913 by the Rev. E. J. Hackett. John and Sallie McCafferty were witnesses.
In the 1920 census he was listed as the head of the family, his wife was Margaret Rose, with daughters Margaret Rose, Annie Josephine, Willie May, and son Joseph Edward (Reel 34, Enumeration District 120, Page 5B), they were living on Springhill Ave.10
Joseph was enumerated in the 1930 Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, federal census, district 76, page 11B, in the household of mother-in-law Sarah, 22 South Monteray St. Joseph's children listed were Margaret 15, Annie 14, Willie May 12, John 10, Donald 8, and Sarah 4.10
Joseph was enumerated in the 1940 Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, federal census, enumeration district 49-98b. He was a tobacco clerk in a retail drug store, age 59. Also in the household were Annie J., 22 a stenographer at a steamship company, Willie M., 19 a stenographer at a WPA district office, John L. 20, a cadet seaman, Donald J. 16, Sara 14, and sister-in-law Sallie McCafferty, 55, a secretary stenographer at an insurance company.
The family home was called "Cannon Gate" because there was a very large, real cannon in the center of the front lawn where large oak trees outlined the property. He smoked a pipe his entire adult life. He had a humidor where he put apple peels to keep the tobacco fresh. His main interest in life was target shooting. He also enjoyed taking the boys hiking, most likely out near Springhill College. He had a uniform, possibly from the Spanish American War.
Because of the death of Margaret Rose during the flu epidemic in Mobile in 1926, Joe and his six children went to live with the children's aunt, Sarah Gertrude McCafferty and her mother. Margaret, Ann and Billie were sent to the Visitation Academy, a private boarding and day school in Mobile. The other children, John, Donald and Sara remained with their father in the McCafferty home.
He died of Stomach Cancer. The Alabama Death and Burials index shows his birthplace in Mcintosh.
Jospeh's WWI draft registration card listed his address as 521 Spring Hill Ave., Mobile; he was a clerk at the Van Antwerp Drug Corp; his nearest relative was Margaret Rose Skinner; he was tall and slender with grey eyes.10
Mr. Skinner was self employed in the wholesale candy business and later worked for "Baunhouer" distributors. He was a member of St. Mary's church and the Knights of Columbus. He was married At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama on 12 November 1913 by the Rev. E. J. Hackett. John and Sallie McCafferty were witnesses.
In the 1920 census he was listed as the head of the family, his wife was Margaret Rose, with daughters Margaret Rose, Annie Josephine, Willie May, and son Joseph Edward (Reel 34, Enumeration District 120, Page 5B), they were living on Springhill Ave.10
Joseph was enumerated in the 1930 Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, federal census, district 76, page 11B, in the household of mother-in-law Sarah, 22 South Monteray St. Joseph's children listed were Margaret 15, Annie 14, Willie May 12, John 10, Donald 8, and Sarah 4.10
Joseph was enumerated in the 1940 Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, federal census, enumeration district 49-98b. He was a tobacco clerk in a retail drug store, age 59. Also in the household were Annie J., 22 a stenographer at a steamship company, Willie M., 19 a stenographer at a WPA district office, John L. 20, a cadet seaman, Donald J. 16, Sara 14, and sister-in-law Sallie McCafferty, 55, a secretary stenographer at an insurance company.
The family home was called "Cannon Gate" because there was a very large, real cannon in the center of the front lawn where large oak trees outlined the property. He smoked a pipe his entire adult life. He had a humidor where he put apple peels to keep the tobacco fresh. His main interest in life was target shooting. He also enjoyed taking the boys hiking, most likely out near Springhill College. He had a uniform, possibly from the Spanish American War.
Because of the death of Margaret Rose during the flu epidemic in Mobile in 1926, Joe and his six children went to live with the children's aunt, Sarah Gertrude McCafferty and her mother. Margaret, Ann and Billie were sent to the Visitation Academy, a private boarding and day school in Mobile. The other children, John, Donald and Sara remained with their father in the McCafferty home.
He died of Stomach Cancer. The Alabama Death and Burials index shows his birthplace in Mcintosh.
Children of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty
- Margaret Rose Skinner+ b. 11 Sep 1914, d. 26 Dec 1994
- Ann Josephine Skinner+ b. 30 Oct 1915, d. 12 May 1989
- Willie May Skinner+ b. 22 May 1917, d. 30 Jun 1998
- Joseph Edward Skinner Jr. b. 2 Apr 1919, d. 2 Dec 1921
- Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner+ b. 8 Mar 1920, d. 18 Jun 1968
- Donald Joseph Skinner+ b. 28 Sep 1922, d. 16 Jul 2003
- Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner+7 b. 1 Jun 1925, d. 19 Feb 2016
- [S19] Unknown volume, Baptismal Record,, 14 Nov 1915, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
- [S20] Certificate, unknown spouses' names marriage of 12 Nov 1913.
- [S36] Joseph Edward Skinner, unknown file number.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com. Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S207] World War I Draft Registrations, Draft Cards unknown repository.
- [S846] Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner, Birth Certificate 101-1925-27189 (2 June 1925).
- [S866] MC: Joseph Skinner and Margaret McCafferty: "Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRV7-CKQ : 3 November 2017), Joseph E Skinner and Margaret Rose Mccafferty, 12 Nov 1913; citing Mobile, Alabama, United States, County Probate Courts, Alabama; FHL microfilm 1,550,494.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Joseph Edward Skinner (26 Aug 1881-5 Feb 1941). Memorial no. 141554616, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/141554616, accessed 16 August 2019, citing Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama; Maintained by: Monika Cantrell (contributor 47114703).
- [S336] Ancestry.com.
Margaret Rose McCafferty
b. 29 October 1888, d. 8 February 1926
Margaret Rose McCafferty was born on 29 October 1888 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1 She was the daughter of John Thomas McCafferty and Sarah Ann McDonald. Margaret Rose McCafferty married Joseph Edward Skinner, son of Judge George Gaines Skinner and Mary Eugenia Hill, on 12 November 1913 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.2,3 Margaret Rose McCafferty died on 8 February 1926 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, at age 37. She was buried at Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.4
Died of pneumonia.
Died of pneumonia.
Children of Margaret Rose McCafferty and Joseph Edward Skinner
- Margaret Rose Skinner+ b. 11 Sep 1914, d. 26 Dec 1994
- Ann Josephine Skinner+ b. 30 Oct 1915, d. 12 May 1989
- Willie May Skinner+ b. 22 May 1917, d. 30 Jun 1998
- Joseph Edward Skinner Jr. b. 2 Apr 1919, d. 2 Dec 1921
- Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner+ b. 8 Mar 1920, d. 18 Jun 1968
- Donald Joseph Skinner+ b. 28 Sep 1922, d. 16 Jul 2003
- Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner+2 b. 1 Jun 1925, d. 19 Feb 2016
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004. Year: 1900; Census Place: Mobile Ward 2, Mobile, Alabama; Page: 3; Enumeration District: 0097.
- [S846] Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner, Birth Certificate 101-1925-27189 (2 June 1925).
- [S866] MC: Joseph Skinner and Margaret McCafferty: "Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRV7-CKQ : 3 November 2017), Joseph E Skinner and Margaret Rose Mccafferty, 12 Nov 1913; citing Mobile, Alabama, United States, County Probate Courts, Alabama; FHL microfilm 1,550,494.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Margaret Rose McCafferty Skinner (29 Oct 1888-8 Feb 1926). Memorial no. 141554715, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/141554715, accessed 11 Dec 2018, citing Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama; Maintained by: Monika Cantrell (contributor 47114703).
Margaret Rose Skinner
b. 11 September 1914, d. 26 December 1994
Margaret Rose Skinner was born on 11 September 1914 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1,2 She was the daughter of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty. Margaret Rose Skinner married Frederick Lyon Ingate, son of Frederick John Ingate and Eliza Douglas Lyon, on 28 January 1950 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL. Margaret Rose Skinner died on 26 December 1994 at Silver Springs, MD, at age 801, and was buried on 29 December 1994 at Magnolia Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.3
from the Mobile Press Register, Wednesday, December 28, 1994 "Highland Park, N.J.--Margaret Rose Skinner Ingate, a retired antique appraiser who founded the Mobile Tree Commission, died Monday in Silver Spring, Md., at the age of 80.
"A native and former longtime resident of Mobile, Mrs. Skinner had resided in Highland Park for the past two years.
"Mrs. Ingate was active in many Mobile civic organizations. She founded the Mobile Tree Commission and retired from the organization in 1966 after five years, during which time she served as president and secretary.
"She also served in various capacities in other organizations, including the Historic Mobile Preservation Society, the Mobile Symphony Guild, Mobile Symphony Orchestra, Providence Hospital Auxiliary, the Joe Jefferson Players, the Children's Theater of Joe Jefferson Players.
"In March 1964, her article `Mobile, History in Towns' appeared in Antiques Magazine. "She received the M.O. Beale Scroll of Merit in August 1958 and March 1966.
"She was a graduate of the Visitation High School and attended Xavier College in Cincinnati.
"She is survived by four children, Margaret Ingate-Simen of Highland Park, Lila Ingate-McHenry of Maitland, Fla., Mary Randall Ingate of Silver Spring (MD) and Frederick John Ingate of Taylors, SC; two sisters, Sarah Ferchaud of St. Louis, Mo., and Billie Corey of Greenwood, S.C; one brother, Donald Skinner of Plymouth, Mich; and seven grandchildren.
"The family suggests that memorials be made to St. Mary's Catholic Church or to the Alzheimer's Association. "Visitation will be held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Today at Radney Funeral Home in Mobile with the rosary recited at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic Church with interment in Magnolia Cemetery."
from the Mobile Press Register, Friday December 30, 1994
"Mrs. Margaret Rose Ingate--Mass of the Christian Burial was celebrated from St. Mary's Catholic Church on Thursday, December 29, 1994 at 10:00 am with Rev. Msgr. Kenneth Klepac as celebrant. Presiding was the most Rev. Oscar H. Lipscomb, Archbishop of Mobile. Con-Celebrants were; Very Rev. G. Warren Wall, Very Rev. John Aherne V.G., Rev. Paul tipton S.J. and Rev. Austin Conry. Honorary pallbearers were; Jack Bender and Donald Skinner; active pallbearers weres; Scott McHenry, William c. Hathaway, Joe Holcombe, Fred Ingate Jr., Slade Hooks and Davids Simen. Interment was in Magnolia Cemetery."
After the burial family and friends met at the home of Missy and Roy Benton.
from the Mobile Press Register, Wednesday, December 28, 1994 "Highland Park, N.J.--Margaret Rose Skinner Ingate, a retired antique appraiser who founded the Mobile Tree Commission, died Monday in Silver Spring, Md., at the age of 80.
"A native and former longtime resident of Mobile, Mrs. Skinner had resided in Highland Park for the past two years.
"Mrs. Ingate was active in many Mobile civic organizations. She founded the Mobile Tree Commission and retired from the organization in 1966 after five years, during which time she served as president and secretary.
"She also served in various capacities in other organizations, including the Historic Mobile Preservation Society, the Mobile Symphony Guild, Mobile Symphony Orchestra, Providence Hospital Auxiliary, the Joe Jefferson Players, the Children's Theater of Joe Jefferson Players.
"In March 1964, her article `Mobile, History in Towns' appeared in Antiques Magazine. "She received the M.O. Beale Scroll of Merit in August 1958 and March 1966.
"She was a graduate of the Visitation High School and attended Xavier College in Cincinnati.
"She is survived by four children, Margaret Ingate-Simen of Highland Park, Lila Ingate-McHenry of Maitland, Fla., Mary Randall Ingate of Silver Spring (MD) and Frederick John Ingate of Taylors, SC; two sisters, Sarah Ferchaud of St. Louis, Mo., and Billie Corey of Greenwood, S.C; one brother, Donald Skinner of Plymouth, Mich; and seven grandchildren.
"The family suggests that memorials be made to St. Mary's Catholic Church or to the Alzheimer's Association. "Visitation will be held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Today at Radney Funeral Home in Mobile with the rosary recited at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic Church with interment in Magnolia Cemetery."
from the Mobile Press Register, Friday December 30, 1994
"Mrs. Margaret Rose Ingate--Mass of the Christian Burial was celebrated from St. Mary's Catholic Church on Thursday, December 29, 1994 at 10:00 am with Rev. Msgr. Kenneth Klepac as celebrant. Presiding was the most Rev. Oscar H. Lipscomb, Archbishop of Mobile. Con-Celebrants were; Very Rev. G. Warren Wall, Very Rev. John Aherne V.G., Rev. Paul tipton S.J. and Rev. Austin Conry. Honorary pallbearers were; Jack Bender and Donald Skinner; active pallbearers weres; Scott McHenry, William c. Hathaway, Joe Holcombe, Fred Ingate Jr., Slade Hooks and Davids Simen. Interment was in Magnolia Cemetery."
After the burial family and friends met at the home of Missy and Roy Benton.
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 416-22-7242.
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Margaret Rose Skinner McCafferty(11 Sep 1914-29 Dec 1994). Memorial no. 111735462, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/111735462, accessed 26 August 2018, citing Magnolia Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama; Maintained by: Tim Childree (contributor 47125268).
Willie May Skinner
b. 22 May 1917, d. 30 June 1998
Willie May Skinner was born on 22 May 1917 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1,2 She was the daughter of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty. Willie May Skinner was also known as Billie Skinner. She married Stanley Benson Corey, son of George Herbert Corey and Alice Elizabeth Benson, on 24 July 1943 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.3 Willie May Skinner died on 30 June 1998 at Greenwood, SC, at age 811 , and was buried on 3 July 1998 at Oakbrook Memorial Park, Greenwood, Greenwood Co., SC.4
When Billie was too young to be in Kindergarten she went to the Visitation Academy because Margaret Rose promised to keep track of her. Billie was hiding under a bed and got a fanny full of splinters from the bed slats. The girls liked to go to the grotto at the Visitation academy and smoke and climb over the wall to go to the ice cream parlor. They put on plays at the Visitation academy using costumes donated from the Marti Gras.
As the girls grew older, they were allowed to see the boys from Spring Hill (which at the time had high school). Ann dated a boy named Frank Sneringer (later involved in an air plane tragedy) and also Paul Brunson (now Judge, blind from a hunting accident). Billie dated a boy named Earl Cunney (joined priesthood) and Paul Wood (still lives in Mobile). They used to have 'snipe hunts' at the 'Hill' at the gully and winnie roasts. They had treasure hunts and scavenger hunts. At the visitation academy Billie played the part of a Roman Soldier in a play written by one of the Morston girls. When Billie was in Visitation, Sister Mary Theresa Cohn (holy terror-Latin teacher) told her to color her hair, Billie didn't say anything, but next day came to class wearing a red 'fright wig', went to her seat and didn't say anything. Sister Mary Theresa ignored her, Billie said nothing, and the next thing you know one of the other sisters came in and said "the bishop is coming down the hall and will be here in a minute.
When they graduated they wore white caps and gowns, one of Billie's good friends was Dorethia Owens, she had a roadster named 'Pat' and everyone wanted to ride in the rumble seat. One occasion Billie had a date and Sarah was hiding behind the sofa and Billie's date offered Sarah a dime to get lost but Sarah held out for a quarter. Ann was dating a boy who lived on Spring Hill Avenue, he bought Sarah a stuffed rabbit for Easter but didn't get anything for Ann. Billie and Ann belonged to a Mystic Organization called Neredies (Marte Gras Organization). Ann also belonged to the Zenias (old Maids-if you got married you got kicked out). All the Skinners (maybe not John who may have been off in the Army) were in Mobile for Billie's wedding. Billie was dating a boy named Brown Mercer, who at that time of his life was "going over fool's hill", Cedia thoroughly disapproved of him and there was no way in this world that she was going to let any of her girls go out with him (he liked his beer too much). Billie thought he was the cats meow. She told Brown to call on her over at the Benders house and what time. He called her at the Benders but the phone lines were crossed and Cedia overheard them making plans go out and interrupted them and forbid them.
There were 4 girls at visitation convent, one of them Loraine Walsh, who stayed out too late and were afraid they would get caught and so stayed out all night then went home and told their parents they had been kidnapped. Ann was running for May queen, by selling tickets, and wanted to win in the worst way. Anita Herndon was leading the contest who had a wealthy grandma. Cedia raised more money. You had to take the money to Mr. Sidney Simon at the shoe store on Dalton Street. Cedia went in with all the tickets, and Ann was ahead, at 2 minutes to 6pm when Anita's grandma came in with $60 and it would have made here the winner but Mr. Simon took too long to count it and he declared the $60 too late. Ann got to select the King - Carl McEvoy. She wore a white dress and carried a bouquet of talisman roses with Queen Ann's lace. Cutest little boy as crown bearer named Myer who lived on Spring Hill Ave. Myar Bennett did all kinds of acrobatics Anita was the first lady in waiting. Her classmates were the other members of the court. When Ann graduated she was the number 1 student and received a scholarship.
Following graduation from the Visitation Academy, Billie worked fro the Department of Public Welfare. After being there for a year she became secretary to the Manager of the Mobile Water Works. Later, she accepted a job as secretary to the Ground Training Officer at Squadron 8B, Perdido Beach, Florida. This squadron was part of the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. Here she met Cadet Stanley Benson Corey. Four months later, after he was commissioned, they were married in Mobile. Alabama.
Stan was a pilot at the Pensacola Naval Air Station and Billie was Stan's Commanding Officers' secretary. They were married in the rectory and the reception was held at 8 Simms Ave. and Billie wore Ann's wedding dress. Bridesmaids were Naomi Whitton and sister Sarah. Naomi's father was a close friend of Frank Lanman Holcombe, Billie's brother-in-law's father. Stan was assigned as a flight instructor for most of the war and flew patrols over the Caribbian. In 1945 he was transferred to San Diego in preparation for the invasion of Japan. Immediately after the war Stan got a job with TWA and in 1946 they moved first to Bayside, then to Flushing NY; in 1953 the family moved to Setauket, New York.
Billie was an avid supporter of the Greenwood Museum, she was also an active member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, The Woman's Club, The Keowee Study Club, The Tulip Garden Club, and the MNM Book Club.
A funeral Mass was held at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church with Father Hayden J. Vaverick and Father Charles J. Day officiating. Pallbearers were nephews Jim, Joe, Randy and Rick Holcombe. Arrangements were by the Blyth Funeral Home.
When Billie was too young to be in Kindergarten she went to the Visitation Academy because Margaret Rose promised to keep track of her. Billie was hiding under a bed and got a fanny full of splinters from the bed slats. The girls liked to go to the grotto at the Visitation academy and smoke and climb over the wall to go to the ice cream parlor. They put on plays at the Visitation academy using costumes donated from the Marti Gras.
As the girls grew older, they were allowed to see the boys from Spring Hill (which at the time had high school). Ann dated a boy named Frank Sneringer (later involved in an air plane tragedy) and also Paul Brunson (now Judge, blind from a hunting accident). Billie dated a boy named Earl Cunney (joined priesthood) and Paul Wood (still lives in Mobile). They used to have 'snipe hunts' at the 'Hill' at the gully and winnie roasts. They had treasure hunts and scavenger hunts. At the visitation academy Billie played the part of a Roman Soldier in a play written by one of the Morston girls. When Billie was in Visitation, Sister Mary Theresa Cohn (holy terror-Latin teacher) told her to color her hair, Billie didn't say anything, but next day came to class wearing a red 'fright wig', went to her seat and didn't say anything. Sister Mary Theresa ignored her, Billie said nothing, and the next thing you know one of the other sisters came in and said "the bishop is coming down the hall and will be here in a minute.
When they graduated they wore white caps and gowns, one of Billie's good friends was Dorethia Owens, she had a roadster named 'Pat' and everyone wanted to ride in the rumble seat. One occasion Billie had a date and Sarah was hiding behind the sofa and Billie's date offered Sarah a dime to get lost but Sarah held out for a quarter. Ann was dating a boy who lived on Spring Hill Avenue, he bought Sarah a stuffed rabbit for Easter but didn't get anything for Ann. Billie and Ann belonged to a Mystic Organization called Neredies (Marte Gras Organization). Ann also belonged to the Zenias (old Maids-if you got married you got kicked out). All the Skinners (maybe not John who may have been off in the Army) were in Mobile for Billie's wedding. Billie was dating a boy named Brown Mercer, who at that time of his life was "going over fool's hill", Cedia thoroughly disapproved of him and there was no way in this world that she was going to let any of her girls go out with him (he liked his beer too much). Billie thought he was the cats meow. She told Brown to call on her over at the Benders house and what time. He called her at the Benders but the phone lines were crossed and Cedia overheard them making plans go out and interrupted them and forbid them.
There were 4 girls at visitation convent, one of them Loraine Walsh, who stayed out too late and were afraid they would get caught and so stayed out all night then went home and told their parents they had been kidnapped. Ann was running for May queen, by selling tickets, and wanted to win in the worst way. Anita Herndon was leading the contest who had a wealthy grandma. Cedia raised more money. You had to take the money to Mr. Sidney Simon at the shoe store on Dalton Street. Cedia went in with all the tickets, and Ann was ahead, at 2 minutes to 6pm when Anita's grandma came in with $60 and it would have made here the winner but Mr. Simon took too long to count it and he declared the $60 too late. Ann got to select the King - Carl McEvoy. She wore a white dress and carried a bouquet of talisman roses with Queen Ann's lace. Cutest little boy as crown bearer named Myer who lived on Spring Hill Ave. Myar Bennett did all kinds of acrobatics Anita was the first lady in waiting. Her classmates were the other members of the court. When Ann graduated she was the number 1 student and received a scholarship.
Following graduation from the Visitation Academy, Billie worked fro the Department of Public Welfare. After being there for a year she became secretary to the Manager of the Mobile Water Works. Later, she accepted a job as secretary to the Ground Training Officer at Squadron 8B, Perdido Beach, Florida. This squadron was part of the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. Here she met Cadet Stanley Benson Corey. Four months later, after he was commissioned, they were married in Mobile. Alabama.
Stan was a pilot at the Pensacola Naval Air Station and Billie was Stan's Commanding Officers' secretary. They were married in the rectory and the reception was held at 8 Simms Ave. and Billie wore Ann's wedding dress. Bridesmaids were Naomi Whitton and sister Sarah. Naomi's father was a close friend of Frank Lanman Holcombe, Billie's brother-in-law's father. Stan was assigned as a flight instructor for most of the war and flew patrols over the Caribbian. In 1945 he was transferred to San Diego in preparation for the invasion of Japan. Immediately after the war Stan got a job with TWA and in 1946 they moved first to Bayside, then to Flushing NY; in 1953 the family moved to Setauket, New York.
Billie was an avid supporter of the Greenwood Museum, she was also an active member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, The Woman's Club, The Keowee Study Club, The Tulip Garden Club, and the MNM Book Club.
A funeral Mass was held at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church with Father Hayden J. Vaverick and Father Charles J. Day officiating. Pallbearers were nephews Jim, Joe, Randy and Rick Holcombe. Arrangements were by the Blyth Funeral Home.
Children of Willie May Skinner and Stanley Benson Corey
- Elizabeth Holton Corey b. 18 May 1945, d. 23 Jan 2016
- Stanley Benson Corey Junior+ b. 30 Oct 1949, d. 30 Sep 2023
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 422-07-5707.
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S877] James Edson Corey, Corey, page 62.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Willie Mae Skinner Corey (22 May 1917-30 Jun 1998). Memorial no. 195593273, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/195593273, accessed 9 September 2019, citing Oakbrook Memorial Park, Greenwood, Greenwood County, South Carolina, USA; Maintained by: Labonte18 (contributor 48987022).
Joseph Edward Skinner Jr.
b. 2 April 1919, d. 2 December 1921
Joseph Edward Skinner Jr. was born on 2 April 1919 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1 He was the son of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty. Joseph Edward Skinner Jr. died on 2 December 1921 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL, at age 2; of diphtheria.1 He was buried at Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.2
- [S807] Find A Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com, Find A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 26 August 2018), memorial page for Joe Skinner (2 Apr 1919–2 Dec 1921), Find A Grave Memorial no. 141554790, citing Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, USA ; Maintained by Monika Cantrell (contributor 47114703) .
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Joseph Edward Skinner Jr. (2 Apr 1919–2 Dec 1921). Memorial no. 141554790, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/141554790, accessed 26 August 2018, citing Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, USA; Maintained by: Monika Cantrell (contributor 47114703).
Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner
b. 8 March 1920, d. 18 June 1968
Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner was born on 8 March 1920 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1,2 He was the son of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty. Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner married Alice Van Brunt, daughter of Ralph Van Brunt and Theresa Boyle, on 20 February 1953 at Fort Totten, Queens Co., NY. Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner died on 18 June 1968 at Petersburg City, VA, at age 481 , and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington Co., VA; section 52, grave 514.3
John was born on March 8th, 1920, in Mobile, Alabama. He grew up in Mobile with his family of four sisters, Margaret Rose, Ann, Willie Mae (Billie), Sarah, and his younger brother, Donald. His mother died when he was a young child, and his Mother's sister, Sarah G. McCafferty (Aunt Sallie) became an integral part of his family. As years went by, John often said he considered Aunt Sallie to be his Mother, based on the love and devotion she gave him over the years. Early in John's youth he exhibited an interest in the military, and later, he devoted his life to a military career. He joined the National Guard of the State of Alabama when he was 18 years old, in July 1938. Because of a change in residence in 1940 out of state, he was honorably discharged from the National Guard, and was commended for "Honest and Faithful Service". There are family pictures of John as a Private in the National Guard, 31st Inf. Div., looking happy and proud in his uniform. From June 1939 to December 1940, John was a cadet seaman with the Waterman Steamship Corp, Mobile, and he traveled to England, Hawaii, China, Japan, and the Philippine Islands. This period of his life reflected his love of the sea, boats, and travel to far off places.
From October 1941 to September 1945, John was in the US Army Air Force. During World War II, John worked as a supply specialist in the Army Air Corps. He was first sent to North Africa in the early phase of the war, and from there went to Italy and was stationed in Italy, near Foggia, with the 774th Bomb Squadron, 463rd Bomb Group, which was flying B-17 bomb missions in Europe. He was discharged in September 1945 as a Staff Sgt.
He then attended Alabama Poly Technic Institute from January 1946 to January 1947, and attended Iowa State University from January 947 to January 1948. At this point in his life he decided that he wanted to return to a military career, and he entered the US Army Quartermaster Corps in February 1948. In November 1950, he received a commission as a second LT. He retired as a Major in 1965. He was a Petroleum Operations Officer in the Quartermaster Corps. He was qualified to conduct all resident petroleum officers' instructional courses at Fort Lee, Va. In several assignments he was the senior officer for the management and operation of petroleum tank farms between American Army and German/Korean/Japanese agencies. The military career became his life's work until he retired from the Army in July 1965, at the age of 45 years. John's military career was distinguished by his devotion to duty at all times. He was a true soldier, both as an enlisted man and as an officer. At the time that John retired, he was married, and had three young children. John and his wife, Alice, were living in Petersburg, VA.
He went on to pursue a second career with the Department of Defense, as a Quality Assurance Specialist, at the Defense General Supply Center, in Richmond, VA, and succeeded in his second career outstandingly. John was a highly decorated soldier, and participated in several campaigns during W.W. II. He contributed significantly to our nation's security and to the maintenance of freedom throughout the world. He died unexpectedly of a heart attack on June 18, 1968, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
John was born on March 8th, 1920, in Mobile, Alabama. He grew up in Mobile with his family of four sisters, Margaret Rose, Ann, Willie Mae (Billie), Sarah, and his younger brother, Donald. His mother died when he was a young child, and his Mother's sister, Sarah G. McCafferty (Aunt Sallie) became an integral part of his family. As years went by, John often said he considered Aunt Sallie to be his Mother, based on the love and devotion she gave him over the years. Early in John's youth he exhibited an interest in the military, and later, he devoted his life to a military career. He joined the National Guard of the State of Alabama when he was 18 years old, in July 1938. Because of a change in residence in 1940 out of state, he was honorably discharged from the National Guard, and was commended for "Honest and Faithful Service". There are family pictures of John as a Private in the National Guard, 31st Inf. Div., looking happy and proud in his uniform. From June 1939 to December 1940, John was a cadet seaman with the Waterman Steamship Corp, Mobile, and he traveled to England, Hawaii, China, Japan, and the Philippine Islands. This period of his life reflected his love of the sea, boats, and travel to far off places.
From October 1941 to September 1945, John was in the US Army Air Force. During World War II, John worked as a supply specialist in the Army Air Corps. He was first sent to North Africa in the early phase of the war, and from there went to Italy and was stationed in Italy, near Foggia, with the 774th Bomb Squadron, 463rd Bomb Group, which was flying B-17 bomb missions in Europe. He was discharged in September 1945 as a Staff Sgt.
He then attended Alabama Poly Technic Institute from January 1946 to January 1947, and attended Iowa State University from January 947 to January 1948. At this point in his life he decided that he wanted to return to a military career, and he entered the US Army Quartermaster Corps in February 1948. In November 1950, he received a commission as a second LT. He retired as a Major in 1965. He was a Petroleum Operations Officer in the Quartermaster Corps. He was qualified to conduct all resident petroleum officers' instructional courses at Fort Lee, Va. In several assignments he was the senior officer for the management and operation of petroleum tank farms between American Army and German/Korean/Japanese agencies. The military career became his life's work until he retired from the Army in July 1965, at the age of 45 years. John's military career was distinguished by his devotion to duty at all times. He was a true soldier, both as an enlisted man and as an officer. At the time that John retired, he was married, and had three young children. John and his wife, Alice, were living in Petersburg, VA.
He went on to pursue a second career with the Department of Defense, as a Quality Assurance Specialist, at the Defense General Supply Center, in Richmond, VA, and succeeded in his second career outstandingly. John was a highly decorated soldier, and participated in several campaigns during W.W. II. He contributed significantly to our nation's security and to the maintenance of freedom throughout the world. He died unexpectedly of a heart attack on June 18, 1968, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Child of Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner and Alice Van Brunt
- John Thomas McCafferty Skinner Jr.+ b. 5 Dec 1958, d. 16 Jan 2014
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 422-09-0553.
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Maj. John Thomas McCafferty Skinner(8 Mar 1920-18 Jun 1968). Memorial no. 49315982, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49315982, accessed 26 August 2018, citing Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia; Maintained by: John C. Anderson (contributor 47208015).
Donald Joseph Skinner
b. 28 September 1922, d. 16 July 2003
Donald Joseph Skinner was born on 28 September 1922 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1,2 He was the son of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty. Donald Joseph Skinner married Mary Katherine Kessler on 21 May 1946 at Jacksonville, FL. Donald Joseph Skinner died on 16 July 2003 at Plymouth, Wayne Co., MI, at age 80.1,3
"My Grandpa grew up in Alabama. He was in the Marines and he fought in World War II. When he came back he married Mary Kessler in Jacksonville, Florida. Three of his eight children ended up in either the Navy or the Army. I can remember when we were at my Uncle Bill's Navy Graduation and it started to rain so all of us got under garbage bags so we would not get wet. My grandpa was quite a sight with his head sticking out a garbage bag.
"My grandpa travels to Alabama quite often. One time when we went down we went fishing and had fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We always have fun when we go to Alabama.
"My grandpa is one of the greatest and nicest people in the whole world. If anybody ever needs anything all they have to do is call him and my grandpa will do what ever he can to help. Like if I am at school and I don't feel good he will come and get me so my mom does not have to leave work. I love my grandpa very much and I love all the time I get to spend with him." Jessica Wilkin July 20, 1995
If Mark Twain were to have written the proper sequel to "Tom Sawyer" it would be the life story of Donald Skinner.
Raised by a spinster Aunt Sally, it seems that Donald only stopped pulling pranks long enough to go fishing. Taught to spit and play marbles by his older sister Margaret Rose, Donald joined the Marines at 17 rather than be drafted but Aunt Salli would not sign his enlistment papers, so uncle John did.
Donald served in the Pacific during World War II with the 5th Communications Brigade of the 4th Marine Division including service on Tinian, Saipan, Guam, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Japan. It was in Iwo Jima where a mortar round landed nearby and collapsed his foxhole on top of him; he was buried alive and injured his back. He declined many of the medals he earned, including the Purple Heart, because he did not approve of the way other Marines sought them out. He mustered out in 1946.
While he was stationed in Florida after the war, he went on a blind date and met Seaman 1st Class Mary Katherine Kessler. She was a member of the WAVES, a lab technician. Kay was impressed because he was so much more polite than the other Marines. Donald and Kay knew each other for only a short time before she went home on the train for a couple of weeks. Donald wrote to her while she was gone and when she stepped off the train on her return, he proposed. He loved her so much he gave up his childhood home in Mobile to live in hers in Michigan. They purchased a small piece of land in farm country, Canton, MI, next to Kay's mother. It was across the street from the Cherry HIlls School where Kay's mothers family had gone for years; it was built in 1836. They did not have a car so Donald would ride the bus to Detroit to work at Michigan Bell. On the way home, he walked approximately one mile with a wheelbarrow full of cement blocks. In the morning he'c bring back the wheelbarrow. He did this for a month until a neighboring farmer helped with the remaining blocks.
They didn't have much money so Donald installed his own septic field. Patricia had pet ducklings. She dropped them into the septic tank. Donald did not know and he sealed the tank. Patricia was heartbroken. They didn't have funds for the inside of the home, so weekly he made updates. The walls were made from boxes thrown away at the supermarket. They often had to be replaced because of John's childhood demolition endeavors. They were ecited to purchase a new refrigerator. Sears installed it for them. While at work, Donald received a frantic call from Kay; the flooring could not support the weight of the fridge and it fell through the floor.
They were living at 50337 Cherry Hills when they were enumerated for the 1950 federal census. Donald was 27, an assitant field engineer for the telephone company and Kay was 26. Patricia was 3 and John was 1. They moved to Plymouth when Kay was expecting Donald. About 1971 Donald bought the family farmhouse of Mr. Daisy, of Daisy B.B.Guns for $200 and moved it to its current location on Ann Arbor Trail.
"He retired as an engineer for Michigan Bell Telephone after 40 years. He came to the Plymouth community in 1950 from Canton. He was a member of the Plymouth Rotary Club, where he served on the foundation Board; a member of the Knights of Columbus in Plymouth; member of the Plymouth Township Planning Commission. He worked with Junior Achievement in Plymouth in the early 1970s. He served on the Little League Baseball Board in Plymouth. He interviewed candidates for the Military Academy for Carl Pursell. He received an award from the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce for Community Service. From 1984 to 1985 he was the board chairman for the Plymouth United Way. He received an award from the Community Federal Credit Union for community service." 4
He helped lay the foundation of the original church where his family grew up, were married, and where his funeral service was held.
When he died, his family respected his wishes, and his ashes were returned to Mobile Bay.
"My Grandpa grew up in Alabama. He was in the Marines and he fought in World War II. When he came back he married Mary Kessler in Jacksonville, Florida. Three of his eight children ended up in either the Navy or the Army. I can remember when we were at my Uncle Bill's Navy Graduation and it started to rain so all of us got under garbage bags so we would not get wet. My grandpa was quite a sight with his head sticking out a garbage bag.
"My grandpa travels to Alabama quite often. One time when we went down we went fishing and had fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We always have fun when we go to Alabama.
"My grandpa is one of the greatest and nicest people in the whole world. If anybody ever needs anything all they have to do is call him and my grandpa will do what ever he can to help. Like if I am at school and I don't feel good he will come and get me so my mom does not have to leave work. I love my grandpa very much and I love all the time I get to spend with him." Jessica Wilkin July 20, 1995
If Mark Twain were to have written the proper sequel to "Tom Sawyer" it would be the life story of Donald Skinner.
Raised by a spinster Aunt Sally, it seems that Donald only stopped pulling pranks long enough to go fishing. Taught to spit and play marbles by his older sister Margaret Rose, Donald joined the Marines at 17 rather than be drafted but Aunt Salli would not sign his enlistment papers, so uncle John did.
Donald served in the Pacific during World War II with the 5th Communications Brigade of the 4th Marine Division including service on Tinian, Saipan, Guam, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Japan. It was in Iwo Jima where a mortar round landed nearby and collapsed his foxhole on top of him; he was buried alive and injured his back. He declined many of the medals he earned, including the Purple Heart, because he did not approve of the way other Marines sought them out. He mustered out in 1946.
While he was stationed in Florida after the war, he went on a blind date and met Seaman 1st Class Mary Katherine Kessler. She was a member of the WAVES, a lab technician. Kay was impressed because he was so much more polite than the other Marines. Donald and Kay knew each other for only a short time before she went home on the train for a couple of weeks. Donald wrote to her while she was gone and when she stepped off the train on her return, he proposed. He loved her so much he gave up his childhood home in Mobile to live in hers in Michigan. They purchased a small piece of land in farm country, Canton, MI, next to Kay's mother. It was across the street from the Cherry HIlls School where Kay's mothers family had gone for years; it was built in 1836. They did not have a car so Donald would ride the bus to Detroit to work at Michigan Bell. On the way home, he walked approximately one mile with a wheelbarrow full of cement blocks. In the morning he'c bring back the wheelbarrow. He did this for a month until a neighboring farmer helped with the remaining blocks.
They didn't have much money so Donald installed his own septic field. Patricia had pet ducklings. She dropped them into the septic tank. Donald did not know and he sealed the tank. Patricia was heartbroken. They didn't have funds for the inside of the home, so weekly he made updates. The walls were made from boxes thrown away at the supermarket. They often had to be replaced because of John's childhood demolition endeavors. They were ecited to purchase a new refrigerator. Sears installed it for them. While at work, Donald received a frantic call from Kay; the flooring could not support the weight of the fridge and it fell through the floor.
They were living at 50337 Cherry Hills when they were enumerated for the 1950 federal census. Donald was 27, an assitant field engineer for the telephone company and Kay was 26. Patricia was 3 and John was 1. They moved to Plymouth when Kay was expecting Donald. About 1971 Donald bought the family farmhouse of Mr. Daisy, of Daisy B.B.Guns for $200 and moved it to its current location on Ann Arbor Trail.
"He retired as an engineer for Michigan Bell Telephone after 40 years. He came to the Plymouth community in 1950 from Canton. He was a member of the Plymouth Rotary Club, where he served on the foundation Board; a member of the Knights of Columbus in Plymouth; member of the Plymouth Township Planning Commission. He worked with Junior Achievement in Plymouth in the early 1970s. He served on the Little League Baseball Board in Plymouth. He interviewed candidates for the Military Academy for Carl Pursell. He received an award from the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce for Community Service. From 1984 to 1985 he was the board chairman for the Plymouth United Way. He received an award from the Community Federal Credit Union for community service." 4
He helped lay the foundation of the original church where his family grew up, were married, and where his funeral service was held.
When he died, his family respected his wishes, and his ashes were returned to Mobile Bay.
Children of Donald Joseph Skinner and Mary Katherine Kessler
- Patricia Jean Skinner+ b. 31 Jan 1947, d. 24 Aug 2008
- John William Skinner+ b. 16 Nov 1948, d. 4 Oct 2019
- Donald Frederick Skinner+ b. 23 Dec 1953, d. 23 Aug 2014
- [S182] Social Security Death Index (on-line), Ancestry.com, SSDI, Ancestry.com, SSAN 422-14-5194.
- [S388] 1930 Federal Census.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Donald Joseph Skinner (28 Sep 1922–16 Jul 2003). Memorial no. 141554290, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/141554290, accessed 11 September 2019, citing Catholic Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, USA; Maintained by: Monika Cantrell (contributor 47114703).
- [S438] Plymouth Observer, 20 July 2003, A5.
Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner
b. 1 June 1925, d. 19 February 2016
Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner was born on 1 June 1925 at Mobile, Mobile Co., AL.1,2 She was the daughter of Joseph Edward Skinner and Margaret Rose McCafferty.2 Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner married John Bartholomew Ferchaud III on 8 November 1947 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Mobile, Mobile Co., AL. Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner died on 19 February 2016 at Delmar Gardens West, Town & Country, St. Louis Co., MO, at age 90.3 At the time of her death, she lived at 182 Meadowlark Dr., Creve Coeur, St. Louis Co., MO.
"Mobile Press Register" Sunday, November 16, 1947
The marriage of Miss Sarah McCafferty Skinner, daughter of the late Margaret McCafferty Skinner and Joseph Edward Skinner of Mobile, and John Bartholemew Ferchaud, Jr., of Baton Rouge, La., son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Ferchaud, Sr., of that city, was an event of Nov. 8. The marriage was solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was artistically decorated with white chrysanthemums, palms, and cathedral candles. The single ring ceremony was performed by Msgr. J. R. O'Donoghue, assisted by Msgr. T. M. Cullen and Rev. Joseph P. Toomey. Rev. Francis P. Noland was also in the sanctuary. Prior to the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was rendered by Miss Amelia O'Rorke, organist, and Miss Loretta Schwaemmle, violinist, Soloists were Joseph Kling and Alfred Dees. Selections rendered by Miss O'Rorke were Gounod's "Ave Maria," "Benedictus" and "Reverie." Mr. Dees rendered "Thanks Be To God" (Dickinson) and Schuberts' "Ave Maria." Mr. Kling rendered "O Sanctissima," "Our Father" (Hackett) and "Panis Angelicus" (Caesar-Franck). A duet, 'O Salutaris" (Faure) was rendered by Mr. Kling and Mr. Dees. Miss Schwaemmle rendered "Serenade" (Posselli) and "Andante" (Gluck). The traditional wedding marches were used to announce the approach and departure of the bridal party. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, T. J. Bender, was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Rose Skinner as maid of honor; Mrs. T.A. Hoffman of Washington, D.C., sister of the groom, as matron of honor; and Miss Caroline Blacklidge, as bridesmaid. The attendants' gowns were of ivory satin, made on long fitted torso lines, with triple overskirts of white silk net. They wore ivory satin poke bonnets, with shirred brims and foliage green veiling which draped under the chin, falling over the left shoulder to finger-tip length. They carried bouquets of white chrysanthemums and philodendron leaves. The bride's dress was of heavy ivory satin, fashioned on long princess lines, with a high neckline, very full sleeves, gradually tapering to the wrists and tapering to a point over the hands. She wore a Renaissance cap of heirloom rose-point lace, from which cascaded a three-tiered veil of French illusion, fastened to the cap with fresh orange blossoms. The veil cascaded the full length of her long train. The bouquet was crescent shaped of white orchids, gardenias, and stephanotis interspersed with English ivy leaves. Her only jewelry was an antique gold cross and chain which was worn by her maternal grandmother, the late Mrs. John T. McCafferty on her Wedding day. Richard L'Hote Ferchaud of Baton Rouge, brother of the groom, served as best man. Dan Grady of New Orleans, La., and Don Shaw of Dallas, Texas, served as groomsmen. Fred Cogan of New Orleans, and Thomas B. Bender of Mobile, served as groomsmen.
from the Mobile Register 27 October 2002
John 'Jack' Bartholomew Ferchaud -- Age 90, passed away on Saturday, October 19, 2002. Jack was a long time resident of St. Louis, Missouri. Jack was born in New Orleans, La. He attended Byrd High School in Shreveport, La., where he graduated magna cum laude in 1930. Jack was an Eagle Scout and attended the International Jamboree in London, England in 1929. He attended college at MIT in Cambridge, Mass. from 1930 to 1932. He transferred to LSU in Baton Rouge, La. where he graduated in 1935 with honors and was valedictorian of the School of Pure and Applied Science. Jack had a long and distinguished career as a chemical engineer. He retired from Monsanto in July 1977 after 16 years of service. A memorial service and Mass to honor his life will be held at St. Richard's Catholic Church in St. Louis on Monday, October 28 at 7 p.m. Funeral services will be held at Sisters of the Visitation Chapel in Mobile, Alabama on Thursday, October 31 at 10 a.m. Jack will be interred at Catholic Cemetery of Mobile. Jack is survived by his wife, Sarah McCafferty Skinner Ferchaud; son, John 'Bart' Ferchaud; daughter-in-law, Laurel Schroeter Ferchaud of St. Louis; daughters, Lee Ferchaud of St. Louis, Sallye Ferchaud Rankin of Arlington, TX; and grandsons, Jesse and Jacky Rankin of Arlington, Texas.
Sarah's ashes are buried in the family plot in Mobile.
"Mobile Press Register" Sunday, November 16, 1947
The marriage of Miss Sarah McCafferty Skinner, daughter of the late Margaret McCafferty Skinner and Joseph Edward Skinner of Mobile, and John Bartholemew Ferchaud, Jr., of Baton Rouge, La., son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Ferchaud, Sr., of that city, was an event of Nov. 8. The marriage was solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic Church, which was artistically decorated with white chrysanthemums, palms, and cathedral candles. The single ring ceremony was performed by Msgr. J. R. O'Donoghue, assisted by Msgr. T. M. Cullen and Rev. Joseph P. Toomey. Rev. Francis P. Noland was also in the sanctuary. Prior to the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was rendered by Miss Amelia O'Rorke, organist, and Miss Loretta Schwaemmle, violinist, Soloists were Joseph Kling and Alfred Dees. Selections rendered by Miss O'Rorke were Gounod's "Ave Maria," "Benedictus" and "Reverie." Mr. Dees rendered "Thanks Be To God" (Dickinson) and Schuberts' "Ave Maria." Mr. Kling rendered "O Sanctissima," "Our Father" (Hackett) and "Panis Angelicus" (Caesar-Franck). A duet, 'O Salutaris" (Faure) was rendered by Mr. Kling and Mr. Dees. Miss Schwaemmle rendered "Serenade" (Posselli) and "Andante" (Gluck). The traditional wedding marches were used to announce the approach and departure of the bridal party. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, T. J. Bender, was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Rose Skinner as maid of honor; Mrs. T.A. Hoffman of Washington, D.C., sister of the groom, as matron of honor; and Miss Caroline Blacklidge, as bridesmaid. The attendants' gowns were of ivory satin, made on long fitted torso lines, with triple overskirts of white silk net. They wore ivory satin poke bonnets, with shirred brims and foliage green veiling which draped under the chin, falling over the left shoulder to finger-tip length. They carried bouquets of white chrysanthemums and philodendron leaves. The bride's dress was of heavy ivory satin, fashioned on long princess lines, with a high neckline, very full sleeves, gradually tapering to the wrists and tapering to a point over the hands. She wore a Renaissance cap of heirloom rose-point lace, from which cascaded a three-tiered veil of French illusion, fastened to the cap with fresh orange blossoms. The veil cascaded the full length of her long train. The bouquet was crescent shaped of white orchids, gardenias, and stephanotis interspersed with English ivy leaves. Her only jewelry was an antique gold cross and chain which was worn by her maternal grandmother, the late Mrs. John T. McCafferty on her Wedding day. Richard L'Hote Ferchaud of Baton Rouge, brother of the groom, served as best man. Dan Grady of New Orleans, La., and Don Shaw of Dallas, Texas, served as groomsmen. Fred Cogan of New Orleans, and Thomas B. Bender of Mobile, served as groomsmen.
from the Mobile Register 27 October 2002
John 'Jack' Bartholomew Ferchaud -- Age 90, passed away on Saturday, October 19, 2002. Jack was a long time resident of St. Louis, Missouri. Jack was born in New Orleans, La. He attended Byrd High School in Shreveport, La., where he graduated magna cum laude in 1930. Jack was an Eagle Scout and attended the International Jamboree in London, England in 1929. He attended college at MIT in Cambridge, Mass. from 1930 to 1932. He transferred to LSU in Baton Rouge, La. where he graduated in 1935 with honors and was valedictorian of the School of Pure and Applied Science. Jack had a long and distinguished career as a chemical engineer. He retired from Monsanto in July 1977 after 16 years of service. A memorial service and Mass to honor his life will be held at St. Richard's Catholic Church in St. Louis on Monday, October 28 at 7 p.m. Funeral services will be held at Sisters of the Visitation Chapel in Mobile, Alabama on Thursday, October 31 at 10 a.m. Jack will be interred at Catholic Cemetery of Mobile. Jack is survived by his wife, Sarah McCafferty Skinner Ferchaud; son, John 'Bart' Ferchaud; daughter-in-law, Laurel Schroeter Ferchaud of St. Louis; daughters, Lee Ferchaud of St. Louis, Sallye Ferchaud Rankin of Arlington, TX; and grandsons, Jesse and Jacky Rankin of Arlington, Texas.
Sarah's ashes are buried in the family plot in Mobile.
Children of Sarah Gertrude McCafferty Skinner and John Bartholomew Ferchaud III
- Leola Marie Ferchaud b. 19 Mar 1951, d. 10 Jun 2016
- John Bartholomew Ferchaud IV b. 29 Jul 1954, d. 30 Jul 1954
- John Bartholomew Ferchaud V b. 25 Feb 1956, d. 12 Jan 2009
Harry Claude Moore
b. 9 October 1877, d. 14 May 1937
Harry Claude Moore was born on 9 October 1877 at Butler, KY.1 He was the son of Nathan Thomas Moore and Sarah Louisa Manker. Harry Claude Moore married Madeline Larimer on 14 April 1903 at St. Louis Co., MO.2 Harry Claude Moore married Valera Mae Chappell, daughter of Rev. Robert Thomas Chappell and Martha Louisa Thomason, on 8 June 1906. Harry Claude Moore died on 14 May 1937 at Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, at age 59. He was buried on 15 May 1937 at Restland Memorial Park Cemetery, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX; Section E, Space 3&4, Lot 17, Block L.3
Harry and May were enumerated in the 1910 Joplin Township, Webb City, Jasper Co., MO, federal census, ED 60, page 7A. He was a grocer, age 31 married twice, she was 21. They had been married four years. Children in the household were Wilton age 3, and Claude 1 year and 1 month.
Harry registered for the draft on 12 Sept 1918 in Jasper Co., MO. He lived in Webb City and was a grocery merchant; Mae was his closest relative and his birthdate was 9 Oct 1877.
Harry and May were enumerated in the 1920 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, federal census (ED 35, Page 20A). He was a grocer, age 42, born in KY (as were both parents), she was 30. Children in the household were Wilton 12, H. Claude 10, and Dorothy L. 9. Harry C. and Mae were again enumerated in Dallas in the 1930 federal census. He was 52, she was 40. Children in the household were Wilton 22, Frances 20, and Harry C. 21.
The family indicated that Harry died on 27 May 1935, but the sexton records indicate he was buried 15 May 1937.
HARRY C. MOORE. Does Webb City go a-hunting, it asks Harry C. Moore to be its Master ; do the Republicans seek a staunch., influential backer, they call on Harry C. Moore; do the Presbyterians need money or other support for their church work, Harry C. Moore will not fail then; do the Elks need some one for either social or benevolent work, Harry C. Moore is their man.
N. T. Moore, father of Harry C., was born near Winchester, Adams county, Ohio, October 5, 1835, and as soon as he was through school he followed his natural bent and began to teach. He continued in this work until the Civil war was inaugurated, when he enlisted in the Fifty-ninth Ohio Infantry. He was in the army from 1861 to 1865, participating in many hard fought battles. At the close of the war he went back to the teaching which he loved and for which he was so admirably fitted.
He married Sarah Louise Masker, who was born in Fincastle, Brown county, Ohio, August. 5, 1844. and was a mere child at the beginning of the war. Mr. Moore taught in various places, and in 1878, on the 9th day of October, while they were living at Butler, Kentucky, Harry C. Moore was born. Mr. Moore's whole life, with the exception of his four years' military experience, has been spent in the noble work of teaching. Now, in 1911, he has retired from Ms profession and is living a quiet life with his wife in Webb City, still having an opportunity to instill into his grandchildren's minds the stores of knowledge he accumulated during his years of teaching.
Soon after the birth of Harry C. Moore his parents, in one of their many changes, moved from Kentucky to Indiana, thence to Arkansas, and later to Mountain Grove, Missouri, where they spent two years. They then moved to a farm near that city, spending nine years there, and they then returned to Mountain Grove, where their son attended School. After the completion of his education he became a clerk for the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railroad Company, remaining in their employ for four years, one year as an apprentice and three years as assistant agent at Mountain Grove. Thinking he could probably make more money in a mercantile business, Mr. Moore gave up railroading and came to Webb City, where he secured a position with the wholesale grocery firm of W. P. Spurgin. He remained with the firm nine years, filling the positions of salesman and bookkeeper. When W. F. Spurgin united with the firm of the Interstate Grocery Company, of Joplin, Missouri, Mr, Moore was still employed by the merged firm and remained with them until 1901. He then resigned and secured a position with the Pacific Coast Borax Company, of Chicago, and traveled for them through the middle west and southern states for four years, when he decided to go into business for himself. He sent in his resignation to the Chicago firm and returned to Webb City, buying out the business of Walter F. Spurgin.
On the 8th of June, 1906, Mr. Moore was married to Miss Mae Chapell, of Dallas, Texan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapel. Mr. Chapell is a well known contractor and builder in Dallas and Mr. Moore had made his acquaintance and that of his family during his travels for the Pacific Coast Borax Company. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have three children: Wilton Chapell, born April 29, 1907; Harry Claude, Jr..bhorn March 12, 1909; and Dorothy Louise, born May 21, 1910.
Mr. Moore is a member of the Elk Lodge, No. 861, and his presence at any of the Elks gatherings is an assurance of a good time. In polities he is a Republican, and he may almost always be counted on to vote with the party. He attends the Presbyterian church and is a prominent man there, being always ready to give of his time and his money to any worthy cause. As a pastime Mr. Moore indulges in hunting, and is an excellent sportsman. He is a man of wide and varied interests, and such a man could not fail to be a powerful influence in his community. His circle of friends is a very large one. [The History of Jasper County, Missouri and its People, Joel Thomas Livingston; PUBLIC DOMAIN] 111651926 Wilton Moore
74084345 Harry C Sr. 10/9/1878 butler county, KY
Father: 55067749 Nathan L. Moore October 17, 1920 Jasper Webb City 31924 and mother Sarah Louise (Manker) Moore April 16, 1923 Jasper Webb City 13113 and also 2nd wife Nancy Moore of Harry C Moore
Parents Joseph Moore and ? Hathaway Ohio.
Harry and May were enumerated in the 1910 Joplin Township, Webb City, Jasper Co., MO, federal census, ED 60, page 7A. He was a grocer, age 31 married twice, she was 21. They had been married four years. Children in the household were Wilton age 3, and Claude 1 year and 1 month.
Harry registered for the draft on 12 Sept 1918 in Jasper Co., MO. He lived in Webb City and was a grocery merchant; Mae was his closest relative and his birthdate was 9 Oct 1877.
Harry and May were enumerated in the 1920 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX, federal census (ED 35, Page 20A). He was a grocer, age 42, born in KY (as were both parents), she was 30. Children in the household were Wilton 12, H. Claude 10, and Dorothy L. 9. Harry C. and Mae were again enumerated in Dallas in the 1930 federal census. He was 52, she was 40. Children in the household were Wilton 22, Frances 20, and Harry C. 21.
The family indicated that Harry died on 27 May 1935, but the sexton records indicate he was buried 15 May 1937.
HARRY C. MOORE. Does Webb City go a-hunting, it asks Harry C. Moore to be its Master ; do the Republicans seek a staunch., influential backer, they call on Harry C. Moore; do the Presbyterians need money or other support for their church work, Harry C. Moore will not fail then; do the Elks need some one for either social or benevolent work, Harry C. Moore is their man.
N. T. Moore, father of Harry C., was born near Winchester, Adams county, Ohio, October 5, 1835, and as soon as he was through school he followed his natural bent and began to teach. He continued in this work until the Civil war was inaugurated, when he enlisted in the Fifty-ninth Ohio Infantry. He was in the army from 1861 to 1865, participating in many hard fought battles. At the close of the war he went back to the teaching which he loved and for which he was so admirably fitted.
He married Sarah Louise Masker, who was born in Fincastle, Brown county, Ohio, August. 5, 1844. and was a mere child at the beginning of the war. Mr. Moore taught in various places, and in 1878, on the 9th day of October, while they were living at Butler, Kentucky, Harry C. Moore was born. Mr. Moore's whole life, with the exception of his four years' military experience, has been spent in the noble work of teaching. Now, in 1911, he has retired from Ms profession and is living a quiet life with his wife in Webb City, still having an opportunity to instill into his grandchildren's minds the stores of knowledge he accumulated during his years of teaching.
Soon after the birth of Harry C. Moore his parents, in one of their many changes, moved from Kentucky to Indiana, thence to Arkansas, and later to Mountain Grove, Missouri, where they spent two years. They then moved to a farm near that city, spending nine years there, and they then returned to Mountain Grove, where their son attended School. After the completion of his education he became a clerk for the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railroad Company, remaining in their employ for four years, one year as an apprentice and three years as assistant agent at Mountain Grove. Thinking he could probably make more money in a mercantile business, Mr. Moore gave up railroading and came to Webb City, where he secured a position with the wholesale grocery firm of W. P. Spurgin. He remained with the firm nine years, filling the positions of salesman and bookkeeper. When W. F. Spurgin united with the firm of the Interstate Grocery Company, of Joplin, Missouri, Mr, Moore was still employed by the merged firm and remained with them until 1901. He then resigned and secured a position with the Pacific Coast Borax Company, of Chicago, and traveled for them through the middle west and southern states for four years, when he decided to go into business for himself. He sent in his resignation to the Chicago firm and returned to Webb City, buying out the business of Walter F. Spurgin.
On the 8th of June, 1906, Mr. Moore was married to Miss Mae Chapell, of Dallas, Texan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapel. Mr. Chapell is a well known contractor and builder in Dallas and Mr. Moore had made his acquaintance and that of his family during his travels for the Pacific Coast Borax Company. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have three children: Wilton Chapell, born April 29, 1907; Harry Claude, Jr..bhorn March 12, 1909; and Dorothy Louise, born May 21, 1910.
Mr. Moore is a member of the Elk Lodge, No. 861, and his presence at any of the Elks gatherings is an assurance of a good time. In polities he is a Republican, and he may almost always be counted on to vote with the party. He attends the Presbyterian church and is a prominent man there, being always ready to give of his time and his money to any worthy cause. As a pastime Mr. Moore indulges in hunting, and is an excellent sportsman. He is a man of wide and varied interests, and such a man could not fail to be a powerful influence in his community. His circle of friends is a very large one. [The History of Jasper County, Missouri and its People, Joel Thomas Livingston; PUBLIC DOMAIN] 111651926 Wilton Moore
74084345 Harry C Sr. 10/9/1878 butler county, KY
Father: 55067749 Nathan L. Moore October 17, 1920 Jasper Webb City 31924 and mother Sarah Louise (Manker) Moore April 16, 1923 Jasper Webb City 13113 and also 2nd wife Nancy Moore of Harry C Moore
Parents Joseph Moore and ? Hathaway Ohio.
Children of Harry Claude Moore and Valera Mae Chappell
- Wilton Chappelle Moore+ b. 29 Apr 1907, d. 28 Jan 1952
- Harry Claude Moore Jr.+ b. 12 Mar 1909, d. 7 Mar 1985
- Dorothy Louise Moore+ b. 21 May 1910, d. 8 Aug 2001
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Registration State: Missouri; Registration County: Jasper; Roll: 1683223; Draft Board: 2.
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Harry Claude Moore (8 Oct 1878–1937). Memorial no. 74084345, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/74084345, accessed 24 January 2018, citing Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, USA; Maintained by: Diddy & Doodle (contributor 47078218).
Valera Mae Chappell
b. 24 November 1888, d. 22 January 1974
Valera Mae Chappell was born on 24 November 1888 at Flat Woods, Wayne Co., TN.1 She was the daughter of Rev. Robert Thomas Chappell and Martha Louisa Thomason. Valera Mae Chappell was also known as Leria Mae Chappell. She married Harry Claude Moore, son of Nathan Thomas Moore and Sarah Louisa Manker, on 8 June 1906. Valera Mae Chappell married Frank Henderson Danglade on 8 May 1945 at Oklahoma Co., OK. Valera Mae Chappell died on 22 January 1974 at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK, at age 85. She was buried on 24 January 1974 at Restland Memorial Park Cemetery, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX.2
"Chappell Family" Lockwook Barr in Library of Congress "Chappell Family" American Historical Company in Library of Congress.
Dolly is buried next to Harry and her stone reads: "Dolly, Beloved Wife of Harry C. Moore." The sexton records record her as Mae M. Danglade. Valera Mae Chappell also went by the name of Dolly or Mamee Chappell.
"Chappell Family" Lockwook Barr in Library of Congress "Chappell Family" American Historical Company in Library of Congress.
Dolly is buried next to Harry and her stone reads: "Dolly, Beloved Wife of Harry C. Moore." The sexton records record her as Mae M. Danglade. Valera Mae Chappell also went by the name of Dolly or Mamee Chappell.
Children of Valera Mae Chappell and Harry Claude Moore
- Wilton Chappelle Moore+ b. 29 Apr 1907, d. 28 Jan 1952
- Harry Claude Moore Jr.+ b. 12 Mar 1909, d. 7 Mar 1985
- Dorothy Louise Moore+ b. 21 May 1910, d. 8 Aug 2001
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Tennessee, Delayed Birth Records, 1869-1909.
- [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Valera Mae Chappell Moore Danglade (24 Nov 1888–22 Jan 1974. Memorial no. 74084461, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/74084461, accessed 25 January 2018, citing Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, USA; Maintained by: Diddy & Doodle (contributor 47078218).
Dorothy Louise Moore
b. 21 May 1910, d. 8 August 2001
Dorothy Louise Moore was born on 21 May 1910 at Webb City, Jasper Co., MO.1 She was the daughter of Harry Claude Moore and Valera Mae Chappell. Dorothy Louise Moore married James Frank Wolfe Jr., son of James Frank Wolfe and Mary Henry Sawyer, on 5 January 1929 at Rockwall Co., TX.2 Dorothy Louise Moore married George Woodward Jr. on 29 December 1963 at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK. Dorothy Louise Moore died on 8 August 2001 at Kingwood, TX, at age 91.1 She was buried at Fairlawn Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK.1,3
From the Oklahoman, 12 August 2001:
Louise Moore Woodward, passed away August 8, 2001 in Houston, Texas at the age of 91. Louise was born in Webb City, Missouri on May 21, 1910. She moved with her family to Dallas, Texas in 1919. She attended Southern Methodist University and subsequently moved to Oklahoma City in 1935. She lived in Oklahoma City for the next 55 years. Louise was a gracious hostess and loved being with friends. She was a member of the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club and Crown Heights United Methodist Church. She was also an accomplished musician and enjoyed playing the piano and organ. Louise was in many ways an artist, her needlepoints are legendary. Her skills at Bridge, Rummycube, etc. were a testament to her sharp mind, but mainly she enjoyed life and friends. Louise was preceded in death by her second husband George E. Woodward, Jr. in 1985. She is survived by her two children, J. Frank Wolfe of Houston, Texas and Mary Louise Ruck of Las Vegas, Nevada. She was a wonderful mother. We will miss her so much. Louise has five grandchildren: Karen Doyle of Kingwood, TX, David Wolfe of Dallas, TX, Carol Mitchell of Humble, TX, James Germany of Denver, CO, and Steve Germany of San Francisco, CA. She also has 6 great grandchildren. Services will be held at Hahn/Cook Street & Draper Funeral Home, 10:00 AM, Tuesday, August 14, 2001 with interment at Fairlawn Cemetery.
From the Oklahoman, 12 August 2001:
Louise Moore Woodward, passed away August 8, 2001 in Houston, Texas at the age of 91. Louise was born in Webb City, Missouri on May 21, 1910. She moved with her family to Dallas, Texas in 1919. She attended Southern Methodist University and subsequently moved to Oklahoma City in 1935. She lived in Oklahoma City for the next 55 years. Louise was a gracious hostess and loved being with friends. She was a member of the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club and Crown Heights United Methodist Church. She was also an accomplished musician and enjoyed playing the piano and organ. Louise was in many ways an artist, her needlepoints are legendary. Her skills at Bridge, Rummycube, etc. were a testament to her sharp mind, but mainly she enjoyed life and friends. Louise was preceded in death by her second husband George E. Woodward, Jr. in 1985. She is survived by her two children, J. Frank Wolfe of Houston, Texas and Mary Louise Ruck of Las Vegas, Nevada. She was a wonderful mother. We will miss her so much. Louise has five grandchildren: Karen Doyle of Kingwood, TX, David Wolfe of Dallas, TX, Carol Mitchell of Humble, TX, James Germany of Denver, CO, and Steve Germany of San Francisco, CA. She also has 6 great grandchildren. Services will be held at Hahn/Cook Street & Draper Funeral Home, 10:00 AM, Tuesday, August 14, 2001 with interment at Fairlawn Cemetery.
- [S807] Find A Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com, Find A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 20 August 2018), memorial page for Louise Moore Woodward (21 May 1910–8 Aug 2001), Find A Grave Memorial no. 36882753, citing Fairlawn Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA ; Maintained by Lou & Jackie (contributor 46905847) .
- [S336] Ancestry.com, Texas, Select County Marriage Records, 1837-2015
Rockwall County Clerk's Office; Rockwall, Texas; Rockwall County Marriage Records; Volumes: 12; Pages: 108. - [S888] Find A Grave Memorial; memorial page for Dorothy Louise Moore Wolfe (21 May 1910–8 Aug 2001). Memorial no. 36882753, database and images: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/36882753, accessed 20 August 2018, citing Fairlawn Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA; Maintained by: Lou & Jackie (contributor 46905847).